Helping hand part 2

Dreaming with an angel

No ones pov

'CLASH' The noise was loud...

"Did you guys hear that?"Asked Jessica

This made Yuri and Yoona stop midway up the stairs

While they were looking at each other with clueless faces.


As they heard the noise once again all types of thoughts came into their minds.

Once they came into realization......

"THE GIRLS!!!" Yuri screamed while running up the stairs almost tripping in the process.

Jessica and Yoona followed. As they grew closer to the room...

"Lizzy come over hear now!!!" Was all that Yuri, Jessica and Yoona heard...

Now infront of the room they heard another voice. A familiar one.

"we're not here to hurt you, please believe me when I say that we are only here to help" Said someone in a very angelic tone

Jessicas pov.

Once I heard Tiffanys voice, all prior thoughts left my mind.

As I entered the room I could see the two girls I helped in a corner one of which was holding a long piece of glass.

I took one step forward. I was about to take another step when

"STAY AWAY!!!" I heard her scream

"okay, calm down....Look (as i was walking toward Tiffany) see i'm walking towards her. Don't hurt yourself or the little one" I said in a calm voice

"stay away"she said once again, but this time less agitated

I decided to take this opportunity and just have a conversation with her.

"okay......... (I pointed to the bed)I'm just going to sit down" She still looked at me with fear in her eyes

"why dont I tell you a little story, that way you can calm down a little." As I looked around everyone was giving me a where-are-you-going-with-this look and I just gave them a trust-me look.

As I started my story everyones eyes were on me especially the two little girls


"once upon a time there was this beautiful blonde women walking down the streets of Seoul, with no idea of where she was headed she continued to walk.

She walked and walked and walked some more.

She walked sooooo much that her legs gave up on her...

Now upon realizing where she was which was a magic park she sat down.

'this was such a bad idea' the blonde said while she rubbed her legs.

While she was in the park many things came to her mind. There were so many thoughts that she lost track of time. Since it was already late she decided to go home but on her way she was met with a decision. A decision to either help or just watch...."

At this point in the story I had everyone paying attention, especially the girl. The girl was so into the story that she put the piece of glass down. Now to continue..

"the blonde women was having an internal fight with herself but at the end she decided to help. As the blonde grew closer she noticed that the ones who needed her help were two little girls. One of them being unconscious....

'let me help you'( I said that while looking at the girl) said the blonde

But the younger of the two said nothing....

She continued to talk to the younger one but the other spoke not a word.

As the blonde noticed that she was getting nowhere and that one of the two girls looked hurt she offered the next.

'how about this...I'll carry her to wherever you want me to. As long as it's safe I'll leave you there. But if it's not safe you will stay with me, Deal?' Once the blonde finished what she had to say the little one looked a bit un decisive. She looked at her unconscious friend and back at the blonde..

Then the little girl extended her pinky ( I looked at the younger girl that was currently behind the older one. I could see her looking at her pinky)

'you want me to pinky promise?' the blonde asked

The little girl nodded ( at this time I looked straight to the little girl and extended my pinky)

'a pinky promise it is' (I said that directly to the little girl)

Once they pinky promised the blonde took the unconscious girl on her back and headed their way.

The blonde continued to follow the little one until they reached an amazing place called 'PRIMO PASSO' The blonde looked at the familiar place, and she knew at that exact moment that the two girls were going to be alright."

As I finished the story I had their attention so I decided to continue

"do you want to know why the blonde left them there?" I asked them


"it's because the place where the girls went was safe"

"do you know why the park was magical?"


"Its because the blonde got to meet two wonderful little girls that helped her take the first step to a new way of life"

"and finally, do you know who those two little girls and the blonde woman are?"


"you, you and me" as I said that I pointed to both of them and lastly at myself

"I wouldn't have left you here if I didn't think that it was a safe place, so please trust me"

once I said that I stood up from the bed. I took a step closer....

"I-I'll hurt you" she said a bit shaky

"no you won't, now please put that piece of glass down. give us a chance to show you...we mean no harm" she looked troubled as i said this

"please" I said once again but at the same time getting closer to her. As I got closer tears were rolling down her cheeks. I took another step but as I did she pointed the piece of glass at me once again

"please.." this time giving her my most sincere plead

I took another step this time I'm right infront of her. The glass is directly on my stomach. With one move from her she could possibly cut me pretty deep. I could see that her hand was shaking and blood was running down from it.

"let it go." I said in a very low voice that only she could hear

"let it go" I repeat, and as I do she drops the glass.

As soon as she dropped the glass I took her in my arms and embrace her until there were no tears falling.

"lets take care of that" I told her while pointing at her hand I started to walk with the girl still in my arms. Soon I felt someone grab on to my pinky. As I looked to who did it a smile grew on my face

"pinky promise....remember that always" she just nodded and smiled at me

"so I guess your name is Lizzy, that's a pretty name. And you (as I looked at the other girl) what's your name?"


"okay Nana, my name is Jessica" I gave her the best smile I could. She just buried her face in my neck

"lets get that cleaned up and taken care of"

No ones pov.

Tiffany stood there motionless

"Jessica"she said in low voice

"How did...."


Hiiii. I made the chapter longer but I decided to make it into two separate chapters. That way I can update faster and make the other chapter better.

seee i listen to you guys. I do want to say thank you for all of those who told me to put nana and lizzy as the little girls.

Also this chapter ended with Jessica and  the next will start with Tiffanys reaction to what Jessica did and how she was able to get through to the little girls. I wont say anymore....

one last thing, thank you YoonYul-SNSD for the upvote

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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 10: This is a good story.... Are u still up for this ???
jeansuntang #2
Update, it's awesome!
i like it ^^
update soon
Chapter 10: wwwoooaaahh!!!
Tiffany ask Jessica to stay???
hope JeTi can get closer...
I still wonder who is that man that help TaeNy in the past??
Thanks a lot for update
Chapter 10: Haha YoonYul, Yoong's too good that PLAYA gurl has her ways...i mean only with Yul! ;D
I mean it's a lil DIFFERENT going with a MAN or a WOMAN right? So TaeNy were really SMART!
Jessi's just too AMAZING, TIFF GO FOR IT! >~<
2 kidz....why not let JeTi adopt Nana and YoonYul Lizzy or something like that! ^~^

Chapter 10: Yay JeTi what are you doing to me ? XD
I hope the man who help TaeNy is Sica's dad :D
Chapter 9: i like your story. Now more than ever

come back soon!
g_cialover #8
Chapter 9: Thank you. I fixed the error.
Chapter 9: Kekeke NaLiz is always a cute idea xD
Aaww Jessi knows how to deal with those traumatic children and I will wait for more JeTi and YoonYul action! 3>3>3>

Oh and also one main grammar: 'women' are used for many 'women' and one 'woman' when there is only one. Like one 'man' many 'men' too. ;D