Helping hand part 3

Dreaming with an angel

Tiffanys pov

"Jessica" I said in a low voice

"how did..." I was talking to myself when

"Fany?... You okay?" Taeyeon asked me

".... ( as I look at her) I don't know tae...its just the way she spoke to them got to me..." We stood silent for a moment just sitting on the bed next to each other.....

"did you........" I started talking but couldn't finish

"did I what fany?...that she reminded me of him?" while saying this she laid back on the bed

I just laid on the bed following her and waiting for her answer

"kinda...well yes. The way she spoke and the way she convinced them was similar to what he did for us" Taeyeon said while staring at the ceiling


"I'm not going to hurt you" said a man around his late fifties

"tae-tae im scared" I told her while hiding behind her back

"I know fany, but I'm here. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise" Taeyeon said while pushing me completely behind her

The man took a step closer

"YOU ( Taeyeon said while pointing at him) don't come closer!!!"

"okay..okay. See I'm not coming closer" he said stopping a couple of meters away from us

No one spoke but the tension was there...

Out of the blue he sat down on the floor making me and Taeyeon look at him with suspicious eyes

"I'm just sitting nothing more" we just took a step back while he spoke

"can I tell you guys something? may sound crazy but what the heck"


"a few nights ago I had the moooosssstttt weird dream" he emphasis the 'most'

"you want to know what it was?" he looked right at us but we just stood silent

"I dreamt of an angel, and this certain angel told me something"

"This angel was beautiful beyond comparison, to tell you the truth I don't remember much of the dream..but what I do remember issssss" he dragged on the last word making us give him a look of what's-next

"ohhh good you guys are paying attention....ok now where was I?"

"what the angel told me right?" without noticing we nodded

"she told me that soon I was going to meet people in serious need of my help. I didn't think much of it then but now that I see the both of you I know why that angel came to me in my dreams"


"I'm not asking you both to come with me that makes me sound like a creeper, I'm just asking to let me help you" at this point he stood up and started walking towards us but stopped a few feet away

"here" he handed Tae-tae a card

"what's it for?" she asked

"whenever you are hungry or need a place to stay come to that address, don't worry its not a dangerous place its a cake shop" as he said that he turned around and started walking away

Me and Tae-tae looked at each other and then back at the man walking away


"Tae-tae?" she looked at me when I spoke


"I think that she can help them much more than us.....we can try, but just like us we needed someone from the outside to get us out of that hell hole"

"yea, I think so too"

We stood silent for a while just laying on the bed.


'Jessica.... I want you close' I thought to myself


No ones pov.

(in the living room with Jessica and Nana)

"good, it wasn't that deep. I dont think we need to take you to the hospital" Jessica said while caring for Nanas hand

'Nana bites her lower lip trying not to cry'

"there... Done. You're very tuff, I probably would have cried like a little baby" As Jessica said this Nana lowered her head.

Jessica noticed that tears were falling from the girl.

"why are you crying?" Jessica asked while raising Nanas head

'snif' 'snif'

"its just 'snif' that 'snif' no one has ever done this for me 'snif'...... I mean helping me" Nana said while wiping her tears

"......." Jessica couldn't say anything but instead she hugged the girl

"dont cry okay... I can't possibly say that I know what you feel but what I can say is that i'll be here for you.... You dont trust me I know and that's more than okay with me. We just met I don't expect you to."

Nana looked away

"look at me"Jessica said while turning Nanas head towards her carefully

"........" Nana stood quite waiting for Jessica to continue

"we just met and your trust in me is not there, one day it will be but for now all I can do is promise you" Jessica took Nanas pinky

"I promise you that I'll be here for you no matter what, I'll care for you, give you advice, lend you my shoulder to lean on, hug you when you need it the most, scare away all the bad guys and the most important one ill be the one to help you when ever you may need it"

"....'snif'....."tears were rolling down Nanas face

"we will be your new family. Just give us a chance to show you that not everyone in this world is bad"



"look over there" Jessica told Nana

As they looked they can see Yoona, Yuri and Lizzy sitting around the island in the kitchen. They also saw how Yoona was making an attempt in communicating with Lizzy.

"see, everyone here even though we just met are trying very hard to help the both of you. Give us a chance... please"

"okay 'snif' I'll try"

"good girl. Now lets go clean your face and get you something to eat, im guessing you haven't had a thing to eat yet" Nana just nodded

Jessica took Nana by the hand that was not hurt and headed towards Yuri.

"hey, Yuri lets get the girls something to eat"

"yeah your right lets go...Yoong are you coming? " Yuri asked

Yoonas pov

"Nana go with Yuri and Lizzy to get something to eat ill be right behind you okay" Jessica told the girl while putting both of her tumbs up

As the girl left Jessica turned to look at me

"Yoong?" she asked in a high voice

" I know right she calls me Yoong now" I had a smile on my face

"since when?....You just met her a couple of hours ago, how?" she asked

"sica you do know that curiosity killed the cat..." I told her but she just glared at me

"okay fine ill tell stop glaring its giving me the chills"


A few moments ago...

"baby 'poke' baby 'poke' baby 'poke'" I kept on bothering Yuri

"just to let you know I can do this all day 'poke' 'poke' 'poke'" I spoke once again

" I don't know why you're ignoring me, a few minutes ago I made you blush but know you give me your back to talk to" she still doesn't turn around

"okay that's fine I can talk to your back, actually you have a very y back" as I said this I got close to her ear and then


She stood up faster then the speed of sound. As soon as she was about to leave I grabbed her and made her sit on my lap

"hi" I told her with a huge grin on my face

She tried to stand up but my grip on her was to strong.

"why are you trying to run away?...hmpf"

"let go"she said but hiding her face

"no and look at me" with this I let go of one of her hands and turn her face to meet mine.

Her face was completely red

"wow your really red" I said while laughing a little.

She took this opportunity to stand and make a run for it. Since I still had my grip on her other hand she dragged me with her making me fall on the floor.

'arrrgh' I said while rubbing my hand

"hey are you okay?" she asked coming closer to me

Once she was close enough I grabbed her making her fall to the floor. I took this opportunity and placed myself on top of her.

"now, where were we?" I said while looking down at her. Her eyes got wide.

"first since we are in a very comfortable position... Well at least for me ( I winked at her) call me Yoong from now on" I told her

"get off of me" she said while wiggling under me and struggling to get loose from my grip

"no, first call me Yoong and then I might consider"

"get off of me" she said once again

"Well if you wont call me Yoong I might just..." I started to lean in closer to her 'closer' 'closer' our lips almost touching


"Yo-Yoong" she said in a voice that was almost inaudible

"I'm sorry I didn't catch that, what did you say?" I asked her in a teasing way but still very close to her lips

"Yoong" she repeated but this time louder. When she said that a huge satisfactory smile grew on my face.

"good" I retracted earning a sigh of relief from her

"Now for the second....."I was thinking

"there's a second? " she asked

"Go on a date with me" i said but it wasn't a question it was more of a statement

" and if I say no" she said in a defying way

"well if you say no (getting closer) I might just continue (closer) what (closer) I started (lips almost touching) earlier" we were so close that she closed her eyes

"fine" she said in one breath

"good, but to tell you the truth I kinda want to continue what I started" I was teasing her a bit

You could sense that she was a bit desperate....

" but I wont (retracting myself once again) I'll leave that for later" I stood up from on top of her and gave her a hand to stand

"lets go see if they need our help" I told her and she grabbed my hand to stand

"And one last thing... tomorrow I'll be picking you up at seven baby" with this said she turned a bright shade of red


"and that's how it happened" I said while looking at a dumbfounded Jessica

"wow, you never cease to amaze me" Jessica told me

"but I'm getting my girl. What are you doing? " I told her

"I'm not you Yoong. Right now I cant think like that. I want to know her more"

"okay, just don't take to long.They might steel her from you" I told her as an advice

Soon we both started walking towards the girls that were currently eating.


No ones pov

Jessica and Yoona were getting ready to leave since it was already night. As they were walking towards the door

"Jessica" Tiffany called

"yes Tiffany, what is it?" Jessica said


To be continued



hi everyone. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I really want to take the time and thank all of you for reading this fic up to this point. It is my first fic so im going to see how people react to this one and then maybe in a near future right a second fic, thank you all.

now some of you may ask why didnt Taeyeon and Tiffany leave with the old man, well they dont trust him. For all they know he could be a molester 'smart kids'. Also he is going to be coming into play in future chapters so keep an eye out for him. Lastly I had so much fun writing Yoongs flashback hahaha. thats it for today. Muchas gracias por leer ( thank you very much for reading). Please subscribe and comment.

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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 10: This is a good story.... Are u still up for this ???
jeansuntang #2
Update, it's awesome!
i like it ^^
update soon
Chapter 10: wwwoooaaahh!!!
Tiffany ask Jessica to stay???
hope JeTi can get closer...
I still wonder who is that man that help TaeNy in the past??
Thanks a lot for update
Chapter 10: Haha YoonYul, Yoong's too good that PLAYA gurl has her ways...i mean only with Yul! ;D
I mean it's a lil DIFFERENT going with a MAN or a WOMAN right? So TaeNy were really SMART!
Jessi's just too AMAZING, TIFF GO FOR IT! >~<
2 kidz....why not let JeTi adopt Nana and YoonYul Lizzy or something like that! ^~^

Chapter 10: Yay JeTi what are you doing to me ? XD
I hope the man who help TaeNy is Sica's dad :D
Chapter 9: i like your story. Now more than ever

come back soon!
g_cialover #8
Chapter 9: Thank you. I fixed the error.
Chapter 9: Kekeke NaLiz is always a cute idea xD
Aaww Jessi knows how to deal with those traumatic children and I will wait for more JeTi and YoonYul action! 3>3>3>

Oh and also one main grammar: 'women' are used for many 'women' and one 'woman' when there is only one. Like one 'man' many 'men' too. ;D