Helping hand part 1

Dreaming with an angel


no ones pov

"hurry up" you could hear someone across the street yelling


"WAIT UP!!!. It's not my fault that you came and woke me up this early in the morning" said the other person as she made her way across the street


"I only woke you up because I need you. And I already promised you breakfast so stop complaining" replied the blond women

"fine, but stop rushing me. Its to early in the morning for this, especially on a Sunday" complained the taller of the two

"Anyway where are we going? You haven't told me nothing yet..." she spoke again

"you'll seeeee.. Now stop asking questions and walk faster" the blond one rushed ahead

"arghhh" complained the other



Infront of PRIMO PASSO:

"so this is where we were going?"

"yes Yoona, happy now?" Jessica said while looking at Yoona

As Jessica was making her way inside...

"waaaiiitttt!!! Why am I hear again? " Yoona asked as she made Jessica stop before entering the shop

"okay. I'll tell you" Jessica said in a defeated way

Yoona looked at Jessica with her full attention

"you know sign language right?" Jessica asked


" That's why... Now come on" Jessica finished the conversation while pushing Yoona inside

As they walked inside the shop Jessica went straight for the counter and greeted someone with a name tag that said Sulli.

"Hi, what can I get for you today?" asked Sulli

"i'm here to see Tiffany. Is she around?" asked Jessica

"Yes, but right now she is attending to something. I don't know if she will be able to see you at the moment" Sulli responded

"actually that's the reason of why I'm here. Can you just please let her know that I'm here" Jessica almost pleaded

"O-okay, give me a moment" as Sulli walked towards the stairs Yoona had a confused look on her face

"okay Jessica why am I here? And don't come with a bull of an excuse that it's only because I know sign language" Yoona told Jessica

" okay, I'll tell you part of it"


"Tiffany? ummm..." Jessica looked a bit skeptical about asking the next

"yes what is it?" Tiffany looked at Jessica

"you seem to know these girls and care for them. I just want to ask why were they in that condition?" Jessica asked while looking straight at Tiffany

"I know that it's none of my business but its jus" this time Jessica was cut of by Tiffany

"I actually dont even know who they are all that well, I just met them yesterday..." Tiffany answered While Jessica looked dumbfounded

" and you have all the right to know... You helped them and thanks to you I'm also able to... (after a long pause) To be more specific I dont really know what they've been through, but I can pretty much guess" she continued

Tiffany looked hurt while speaking

"you know the conditions in which you met them? It wasn't even bad compared to the state that I found them in" This time Jessica looked at Tiffany with wide eyes

"im just here trying to help them. That's all"

Jessica could feel the sincerity in Tiffanys voice but at the same time she felt as if Tiffany was hiding something from her



Since it was late at night Jessica decided to go home but before that she turned around and looked at Tiffany one last time for the night and asked..

"Can I help?"


"so that's why we're her" Jessica said to Yoona

"okay I like the story but that still doesn't explain why i'm here"

"you're here to help us in communicating with one of the girls" said a tan girl while coming down the stairs



"hi" said Jessica

"hi stalker" said Yuri while looking at Jessica with a playful grin

As Jessica looked at Yuri with a killer look for calling her that. Yoona just stared at her.

"hi, and you are?" Yuri asked Yoona

"I-I'm (as she fixed herself)I'm your future girlfriend" Yoona said confidently

Yuri just gave her a did-you-just-really-say- that look

"and I'm Yoona by the way. Who might you be? my beautiful tanned angel" Yoona asked but this time looking straight at Yuri 

Yuri couldn't even speak. She wasn't expecting that type of answer but at the same time she felt the most cliche thing ever ' the millions of butterflies in her stomach'. As her face turned a bright shade of pink Yoona spoke again

"well??? are you going to give me your name, if not I'll just call you baby. That's more then fine with me" Yoona said with a huge smile on her face

"I-I-it's Yuri" she stuttered and looked away


"okaaayyyy then, now that the introductions are over lets go upstairs" Jessica said while interrupting the two

"ye-yes, let's go" Yuri said while snapping out of it

"I'll follow you anywhere baby, just lead the way" Yoona said while extending her arms indicating for Yuri to go first. As Yuri went upstairs Yoona and Jessica followed.


hi again, i know that the last chapter was bad but here is this chapter to make it up to you. 

Many of you are wondering what Tiffany and Taeyeons past is. To give you a heads up that is coming either next chapter or the one after that so hold on just a little bit more. Now in this chapter yoonyul finally met. And can you believe yoona. Well I do I wrote it hahaha. Thats it for today and dont forget to comment and subscribe.




p.s. thank you snsdforeverandmore for the upvote


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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 10: This is a good story.... Are u still up for this ???
jeansuntang #2
Update, it's awesome!
i like it ^^
update soon
Chapter 10: wwwoooaaahh!!!
Tiffany ask Jessica to stay???
hope JeTi can get closer...
I still wonder who is that man that help TaeNy in the past??
Thanks a lot for update
Chapter 10: Haha YoonYul, Yoong's too good that PLAYA gurl has her ways...i mean only with Yul! ;D
I mean it's a lil DIFFERENT going with a MAN or a WOMAN right? So TaeNy were really SMART!
Jessi's just too AMAZING, TIFF GO FOR IT! >~<
2 kidz....why not let JeTi adopt Nana and YoonYul Lizzy or something like that! ^~^

Chapter 10: Yay JeTi what are you doing to me ? XD
I hope the man who help TaeNy is Sica's dad :D
Chapter 9: i like your story. Now more than ever

come back soon!
g_cialover #8
Chapter 9: Thank you. I fixed the error.
Chapter 9: Kekeke NaLiz is always a cute idea xD
Aaww Jessi knows how to deal with those traumatic children and I will wait for more JeTi and YoonYul action! 3>3>3>

Oh and also one main grammar: 'women' are used for many 'women' and one 'woman' when there is only one. Like one 'man' many 'men' too. ;D