smiling stranger

Dreaming with an angel

      Living day by day. For the past, how many years? I can't even seem to remember. Having no purpose and no reason to believe that I was placed in this earth, in this god forsaken town for a greater good makes me think. Should i continue living the way i am or should i change...

       For the past days, months and years of my life I have lived this way.Asking my self the same question over and over again, should i change or stay the same.At times i feel a bit selfish, not the greedy way. Don't get me wrong I live in a very confortable way with a good house and a stable job. Buuuuttt the problem is I should do something with myself something with purpose, something that when going to sleep I'm able to pat my back saying "good job jessica you have made a difference!!!"(smiling to her self). I want something like that. I want it but changing the way i am is not easy. I really want it, the thing is that wanting and actually doing it are two completely different things. Throughout all these years the same question comes into my mind but that first step is alot harder to take then expected. That is why I say that I'm selfish.

       Can you blame me? Nooo, of course you can't. It's called living and I'm doing a decent job at it. Every day waking up going to work then eating and finally sleeping, ahhh sleeping the best thing ever. That was my schedule for the past few years. Until one day the most unespected thing happends, you wouldn't believe me. It was such a simple thing but in the world we are living in people just don't go out of their way to help a complete stranger.


1 week ago:

Today since I was a bit early for work this new coffee shop named "PRIMO PASSO" sparked an interest in me. Usually I would go for a caramel coffee but since it's October the pumpkin spice latte sounded interesting. Getting back to the topic on my way out this girl that I assume works here grabbed a couple of croissant a plastic bag and a coffee and headed out. Don't know why but I just started following her. Please don't call me a stalker i was just plainly observing a complete stranger nothing more and nothing less. Now after 2 blocks of walking she stopped in front of this homeless guy and gave him the food and the plastic bag that had men clothing. Not just that she also gave him a card, what type of card? your guess is as good as mine. Once she did that I kept asking my self does she know the guy? and why would she help him? A second after giving the guy the things she stood up, what I didn't notice was that I was still spacing out asking my self all these useless questions. Next thing I know she was staring right at me. Not knowing what to do I started fidgeting. And all she had to was smile. An innocent , pure, caring and sympathetic smile that can probably change anyone with just a glimps of it.

End of flashback.

       After that day my alarm is set up 30 minutes before the usual time. Everyday I stroll neer the shop but I dont go inside, I stand for a brief second neer the window and look for her. And everyday that I find her I can't help but ask myself the simple question of why?

For all of you who have taken time to read this thank you. I believe all of you know who the smiling stranger is. This is just the beginning of the story. I do look for people to give me there opinion either negative or positive ill accept it. And thank you once again.

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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 10: This is a good story.... Are u still up for this ???
jeansuntang #2
Update, it's awesome!
i like it ^^
update soon
Chapter 10: wwwoooaaahh!!!
Tiffany ask Jessica to stay???
hope JeTi can get closer...
I still wonder who is that man that help TaeNy in the past??
Thanks a lot for update
Chapter 10: Haha YoonYul, Yoong's too good that PLAYA gurl has her ways...i mean only with Yul! ;D
I mean it's a lil DIFFERENT going with a MAN or a WOMAN right? So TaeNy were really SMART!
Jessi's just too AMAZING, TIFF GO FOR IT! >~<
2 kidz....why not let JeTi adopt Nana and YoonYul Lizzy or something like that! ^~^

Chapter 10: Yay JeTi what are you doing to me ? XD
I hope the man who help TaeNy is Sica's dad :D
Chapter 9: i like your story. Now more than ever

come back soon!
g_cialover #8
Chapter 9: Thank you. I fixed the error.
Chapter 9: Kekeke NaLiz is always a cute idea xD
Aaww Jessi knows how to deal with those traumatic children and I will wait for more JeTi and YoonYul action! 3>3>3>

Oh and also one main grammar: 'women' are used for many 'women' and one 'woman' when there is only one. Like one 'man' many 'men' too. ;D