
Dreaming with an angel

No ones pov:

As usual Jessica is now strolling neer the shop but never once has she stepped in there. Why? It's simple if she enters all she would do is stare at a certain someone with a blank expression asking her self multiple questions. A little creepy for her style, at least that's what she believes. But is staring from outside the window better? I don't know...

Inside of PRIMO PASSO:


"what Yul?"

"she's here again" Yuri said pointing at the window

"Yul don't point its not nice" Tiffany said in a scolding but nice way

"Okay tiff whatever you say, anyway I don't get it why doesn't she just come in" with a curious face

Tiffany just ignores her and continues cleaning a table

"How long has it been know? Two weeks right" Yuri continued talking

"I think" Tiffany answers while cleaning "Are you sure you don't know her? maybe she's a stalker!!!! tiff do you want my pepper spray or maybe my taser gun. You never know  the way people are now a days she can be dang..."half way through her rampage Yuri was cut of by Tiffany

"Yuri calm down!!! and stop talking so fast I could barely understand you. Now to answer your question I dont know her but she does look familiar" with that Tiffany ended the conversation and send Yuri for some errands

Tiffany pov:

After sending Yuri to pick up some cakes that my best friend tae-tae made I kept wondering

"who are you? have I met you before? or are you just a stalker like Yuri said." I started laughing to my self with the last question. I laughed a little louder then I wanted too gaining stares from the customers in the shop. After apologizing to the customers I asked my self one last time

"who are you?"

Jessicas pov:

Its become a routine going neer the shop, never inside just neer. Today was different one of the girls that works there pointed at me. All I could do was quicken my pace to a point that I almost ran.

" That was a close one" I said the moment I turned the corner After catching my breath someone came and..

"Booo!!!" someone from behind me said and at the same that she touched my back. Out of reflexes I punched the person right on the nose. What can I say she scared the living crap out of me. My heart wanted to jump out of place. Can you blame me?

Well once my senses came back I looked at the culprit kneeling on the floor while rubbing the tip of there nose. The moment I looked at the person kneeling I started laughing.

"Yoona... hahaha you should see you're self" I couldn't stop laughing especially when she glared at me to stop. Come on do you really think it would affect me, so I kept laughing until it was out of system.

"done?"She said a little aggravated

"yes I am, next time don't scare me. I dont want to hurt your pretty little face anymore" I said sarcastically and once again she glared at me making me laugh.

"anyway Sica what where you doing?" said Yoona while rubbing her nose

That reminds me... Was I caught. at least I hope not.

"SICA!!!!"Yoona screamed right next to my left ear almost leaving me deaf. That made me glare at her and snap out of my thoughts.

"Sica don't space out it makes me feel like I'm talking to a wall"she said in a baby voice that made me want to punch her again.

"don't talk like that Im Yoona" I used her whole name to show that I hate it when she uses that voice.

"fine but tell me what were you doing hiding in the corner?" she asked once again

"I think I got caught Yong..."

"what do you mean with the "think" sica?" emphasizing the think with air quotes.

"it wasn't the smiling stranger, it was another girl a tall and tan one. She pointed at me when I was looking for my stranger"

" she sounds like my type...was she hot? Yoona asked with a sly smile

"that's not the point yong, the point is I almost got caught" raising my voice a bit

"okay then! dont raise your voice I think my ears are a bit sensative"she said implying something

"what do you mean your ears are sensitive... MY ears are the ones that should be sensative" I said while giving her a are-you-kidding-me look

"Why are you giving me that look, im the one that should be complaining especially with that punch of yours to my beautiful nose" she said with her voice a bit high

This time i faked spacing out making her frustrated. Once again I laugh at her remembering what just happened a moment ago

"So what are you planning? all you've been doing these past two weeks is stare at that smiling stranger through the window, a little creepy in my opinion" that last comment made her received a slap from me on the shoulder.

"You have a point but what can I do, go up to her and ask her everything from her life. No that would be to creepy" I said in a defensive way

"and like what you are doing now isn't.  you don't have to ask her everything just the questions you want answers to. Keep it simple sica" she said

After our conversation ended we headed to work.


Once alone all I could do is think...think...and think some more.

"im not creepy right?"I asked my self

"should I talk to her? I should and I will!"I said

"but next week when I'm ready"


Thank You once again for taking the time to read this. Please do comment.Now you may be asking yourself why is Jessica being a creeper. Well they've never really met.Only once for a brief second when tiffany was giving the homeless guy the food and clothing. That also explains why Tiff doesnt remember Jessica . To Tiff Jessica is only a stranger that passed by her on the street. Now really be sincere do you remember all the people that pass by you on the street. Getting back to Jessica she never really saw someone going out of there way to help another for that reason she wants to ask tiff why? I have a lot more to say but I will leave it for other chapters. Thank you once again for reading this. 

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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 10: This is a good story.... Are u still up for this ???
jeansuntang #2
Update, it's awesome!
i like it ^^
update soon
Chapter 10: wwwoooaaahh!!!
Tiffany ask Jessica to stay???
hope JeTi can get closer...
I still wonder who is that man that help TaeNy in the past??
Thanks a lot for update
Chapter 10: Haha YoonYul, Yoong's too good that PLAYA gurl has her ways...i mean only with Yul! ;D
I mean it's a lil DIFFERENT going with a MAN or a WOMAN right? So TaeNy were really SMART!
Jessi's just too AMAZING, TIFF GO FOR IT! >~<
2 kidz....why not let JeTi adopt Nana and YoonYul Lizzy or something like that! ^~^

Chapter 10: Yay JeTi what are you doing to me ? XD
I hope the man who help TaeNy is Sica's dad :D
Chapter 9: i like your story. Now more than ever

come back soon!
g_cialover #8
Chapter 9: Thank you. I fixed the error.
Chapter 9: Kekeke NaLiz is always a cute idea xD
Aaww Jessi knows how to deal with those traumatic children and I will wait for more JeTi and YoonYul action! 3>3>3>

Oh and also one main grammar: 'women' are used for many 'women' and one 'woman' when there is only one. Like one 'man' many 'men' too. ;D