The sentence

Angel in Despair

"Han Mina, you have been sentenced to seven months on Earth" that was the Court of Angel's final decision on what to do with Mina, in the time set she was to make up for her actions and prove she was a pure angel not the opposite which she had shown signs of becoming. Mina didn't not protest when this decision was made, no one did except for one person. "That's not fair!" Woohyun cried out, he was sick of seeing his best friend suffering but then again he had no say in the matter so everyone ignored him so he made a decision then and there, "I'm going with her". All eyes in room turned to look Woohyun "Bu-"I agree, Woohyun should go" Mina was cut off by God himself before, Woohyun's eyes widened "Really?" "Yes we can't just let her go alone so I agree with your suggestion". The session was over and everyone began to leave, Mina limply walked out as well she could not believe what her best friend had just offered to do for her she knew he cared for her but this? This was just too much. "Mina" she turned to see Woohyun behind her with his trademark smile, "Are you okay?" she didn't answer, instead she hugged him "Your stupid...". Woohyun laughed "I am not stupid, I just care for you and your safety so I want to go with you but.." Mina pulled away to look him in the eyes, "You have to promise to go back to yourself, be happy again" "I'll try.." she answered with weary smile, that was the best she could do.

It was a restless night for Mina, all she could think about was what Earth is like, what Humans are like, she had never observed Humans before like some of the Angels. Soon her thoughts drifted to another question, what she was like in her life before death, usually Angels would have a small memory or collection of memories of there life before death but it was a mystery to her, like someone had erased them all together. "All these questions are making my head hurt" she whispered to herself, "I'll think about something else" but no matter how hard she tried those questions always came back. Mina the light and went over to her desk, she pulled out a white scroll with nothing on it as well as a white feather pen. She began to write a letter adressed to her fionce, she intended to give it to him upon his return but right now things were looking bad for that. Soon the sun began to peak through her curtains 'It's almost time..' quickly she finished and placed the scroll in her draw then left her house to go the edge of Heaven. 

"Are you ready?" Woohyun asked for the second time, both of them stood at the edge of the giant cloud staring down at the clouds below, it was heard to believe Earth was below them. "Yes" they spreaded their wings and plunged down through the many layers of clouds underneath them, closer and closer to the place known as Earth.

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Chapter 6: update again...
this too short..