Feeling guilty

Angel in Despair

Mina stayed up on the rooftop skipping her classes, she spent a while being sad even cried but she made herself stop, even when she stopped she still couldn't go to class, too many questions would be asked and plus the trouble she would be in. She sat against a wall, waiting for break so she could finally leave, she hated sitting there, her head buzzing with thoughts that she couldn't distract herself from. Woohyun too, had his head buzzing with thoughts that even school couldn't distract him from, he felt awful and wanted to apologize to Mina but he couldn't just get up and leave the classroom now could he? No, he had to wait for the bell to ring, so for what felt like hours he waited and finally the bell rung. Woohyun shot up out of his seat and ran to find Mina, he looked everywhere for her but just could not find her *Where is that girl?* he thought as he went to check the cafeteria one last time, being too distracted looking around for Mina he didn't noticed there was someone in front of him until they crashed into each other "Sorry!" Woohyun said as he looked down to who he had ran into and to his surprise, it was Mina. "Mina! Here you are!" Woohyun's face lit up but Mina didn't smile and greet him, no she meerly walked right past him without so much as a glance, "Mina! Wait!" he called but Mina just keep walking away from him and them it hit him, Mina was ignoring him. "Dude, come on" Hoya tapped his back snapping Woohyun out of his thoughts so the two went into the cafeteria but Woohyun turned around one last time to look at Mina turning the corner and his stomach did a flip-flop, he felt so very guilty.

"Why did I do that!?" Mina scoulded herself as she turned the corner, even she herself had no idea why she was ignoring him, she wasn't even that mad at him it was more her fault then his so he should be the one who was ignoring her not the other way around, she was just too shocked to respond or look at him. After a while of walking, she ended up in what was thought to be the school's garden, it had a calming feel to it so Mina decided to sit and rest on a bench, she stared up into the sky specifically at the clouds she missed it up there alot. Her thoughts soon drifted back to Woohyun "I'll apologize soon, I have to" she said quietly "Apologize to who?" a voice asked, Mina looked around to see Chunji sitting on a bench on the other side of the path "Don't worry about it" she gave him a small smile. Before Chuni could protest the bell rung signaling for another class to start "Are you coming to class this time?" he asked, getting up "I guess so" she grinned back, the two headed to there next class which was PE. "Mina!" L.Joe greeted her as she came into the gym after changing, "Why didn't you come to the last classes?" "I...was umm...skipping" she admitted, L.Joe faked a shocked look but then smirked "Why didn't you invite me? We could have spent more time together, just the two of us! Or did you not invite me because you were Woohyun?" L.Joe faked a cry then looked at Mina expecting an answer but Mina was silent, staring a her feet. L.Joe had unintentionally made a stupid mistake mentioning Woohyun but he quickly sensed something was wrong, he was about to apologize when the teacher blew the whistle and everyone gathered around him. "The other class will be joining us for a game of dodge ball" the teacher annonced, everyone shuffled to the other side of the gym, excitement buzzing around the gym as they all waited for the other class to come in "Mina!!" Sungjong and Sungyeol greeted her "Hey guys! Can I ask you something?" "Sure!" "How do you play dodge ball?" the two boys quickly explained the rules to the clueless girl just before the other class entered the gym, and amongst them Mina spotted a familiar face, Woohyun's to be exact.

The whistle blew and the game started, balls were thrown everywhere, it was a frenzy to hit the opposite team while trying not to get hit yourself. Mina tried her best to not get involved while her friends Sungyeol, Sungjong, Chunji and L.Joe were loving the action. To her disappointment Mina forced to throw a ball once, courtesy of L.Joe, she blindly threw it to the other side, it was quite a good throw and she would have been proud of it if the ball didn't end up hitting someone, out of all the people it could of hit in the face it had to be Woohyun. So by the end of the class Woohyun end up at the Nurses office with a sore eye while Mina ended up feeling a whole lot worse than she had previously that day.



So finally I decided to update after ages, I am too lazy...

Also I went through this story and fixed it up so as you probably noticed I made the whole story in 3rd person view 




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Chapter 6: update again...
this too short..