
Angel in Despair

Mina and Woohyun landed in an empty alleyway in Earth rain was pouring down, Mina closed up her wings and Woohyun did the same. "Is this what they call rain?" she asked excitedly while looking around like an insane person "I think so" he answered as they started walking down the street. As the pair were walking Mina noticed boys stopping in their tracks to stare at her 'Why would they stare at me...? Do I look unusual to them? Can they tell I'm an angel!?' she thought worriedly while staring at the pavement as they kept on walking.  Because she wasn't looking where she was going she went crashing into someone and fell to the ground, she rubbed her head as she looked up to see a boy holding an umbrella above her with a concered look. "Are you ok?" he held out a hand and pulled Mina up "Yes, sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" she explained smiling at him weakly "That makes two of us!" he laughed, "So what's your name?" "Mina" "I'm L.Joe!" he grinned. Mina noticed boys around the street looking at L.Joe with jealousy "Don't mind them! So is this your boyfriend?" she looked back to L.Joe who gestured to a sheepish Woohyun "No, he's my best friend, Woohyun" she explained giving him a kind smile "So does that mean your not taken?" he wiggled his eyebrows, Mina laughed at his silly gesture "'s um..complicated..." Woohyun raised an eyebrow at her and she gave him a pleading look so that he wouldn't tell, 'I wonder, is that what the Humans call flirting? Was L.Joe doing that? He is quite that I think about it he looks different from the other people I have seen around....' she thought as she obseved him.


As Mina and L.Joe talked, Woohyun observed L.Joe, he could tell there was something off about him. "Well I gotta get going, catch ya later!" L.Joe waved as he walked off in the other direction but Woohyun saw something strange as he watched the other male walk away. As L.Joe was walking he bashed into a girl and it knocked her to the ground but he just kept walking, not caring. Woohyun was disgusted by this action and went to help the girl up who was confused by L.Joe's action as he was. "Isn't Earth beautiful?" Mina said happily as she walked through a park with Woohyun, the rain had cleared and it was sunny now showing Earths' good side "Of couse!" Woohyun beamed back but he had alot on his mind 'That L.Joe guy....I don't trust him...'. Where as Mina was happy and enjoying the scenery 'That L.Joe guy was really funny and nice I hope I can see him again....Oh no! I'm not falling for him, am I? No...No I'm engaged but why couldn't I tell him that?' 


L.Joe at this time was already home, he slumped down onto his bed and closed his eyes but an image of Mina popped into his head 'How can she be so beautiful....ugh snap out of it L.Joe! This is all about your mission, you can't have feelings for her besides she's engaged and I love another...I just don't remember her name or face...' he thought, 'I feel so could I forget the girl I love...even if she did die after...that' he let a tear fall. "Mina..whether you or I like it or not we're gonna see alot more of each other" L.Joe whispered before drifiting off to sleep.

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Chapter 6: update again...
this too short..