Punished for nothing

Angel in Despair

*Warning: Some cursing*

The bell rung and everyone left the gym "Mina?" the teacher called her back, she gave Sungjong a small wave and went to the teacher"Yes?" "Would you mind putting everything back in the sports locker?" she nodded at his request and he ran off. Mina began picking up the dodge balls and markers, she then made her way to the small storage locker "The shelf is too high" she wined to herself as she reached up to try put the ball up on the shelf it took awhile but finally everything was in it's original place. She headed into the girls changing room but there was a group of girls waiting there for her "Oh excuse me" the girls moved aside but as soon as Mina went in they did too, locking the door after them "Why did you lock the door?" Mina asked as she turned around to look at them but, instead, was met with a fist to her face. The punch made her fall backwards onto the floor "Why did you do that!?" "Shut up, !" one of the girls kicked her then they all started to kick and punch the clueless girl "What did I do?" she yelled as a kick was landed onto her stomach "Getting all close to Infinite oppas and then hurting the new member just now! You are such a !". "Infinite?" one of the girls let out a sigh and kicked her in the stomach "How can you be so clueless!? Infinite! As in Sunggyu, Hoya, Dongwoo, L, Sungyeol, Sungjong and the new one, Woohyun!" she landed another kick on Mina's shin. This lasted about fifteen minutes before the girls stopped and left her there, bleeding badly but Mina just got up and began to search for her bag, eventually she found it, drenched in the shower "I hate this place" she whispered as she limply walked out of the change rooms, bag in hand. 

"Look at her" "What happened?" "Probably punishment from hanging out with Infinite" students whispered as Mina passed them in the courtyard, "Mina!? Where were you?" Sungjong grabbed her shoulder, she turned around to meet eyes with him as well as Sungyeol, L.Joe, Chunji and Ricky, she was truely a mess "What happened!?" "Nothing. Where's Woohyun?" "Probably in the nurses office..what do you meam nothing!? Of course something happened!". But Mina didn't answer him, she just walked off towards the nurses office some asking if she was okay, they were answered with a simple yes before Mina continued walking to her destination. "Are you sure your eye is okay?" Sunggyu asked Woohyun once again "Yeah, go have your lunch now!" Woohyun shooed his three friends away, they headed toward the door but the door opened before they could open it themselves. Mina walked in, head down but bumped into Hoya's chest "Excuse me" she mumbled quietly "Hey Mina, why so glum?" she pulled away and looked up, everyone was shocked. "What the hell happened to you!?" Woohyun yelled, getting up from his seat and crouched down to look at Mina but was met with silence, she looked into his eyes and started to tear up  "I'm sorry!" she began to sob "Hey hey..it's okay! Just don't cry, you will look worse then you do now" "I cant look as ugly as you do" she smiled through her tears "Hey! This is your fault!" he pointed to his eye but Mina stuck out her toungue, "Hey!". 

The others watched as the two made up "Are you forgetting us!?" Dongwoo called, they looked up "How could I miss the giant dinosaur!" Woohyun . L approached Mina "Hey your other uniform must be ruined too from the water?" she nodded, "Come on, Hyeri will have a spare you can borrow, leave your bag here" she did as she was told and the two left to find L's girlfriend. "Hyeri-ah!" L called as he spotted her familar figure "Oh hi!" Hyeri waved as the two approached her "What happened to Mina!?" she asked L "She wont tell but her bag got soaked so her uniform did too, can you led her one?" "Sure" Hyeri rifled through her bag then handed the other girl her spare uniform "I'll go with you" Hyeri offered so they headed off the bathrooms. After changing they went to find L again "Where could he be?" Hyeri asked aloud as they searched the courtyard then she spotted him with another group of boys "Who are they?" Mina spoke up "His brother and his friends, come on". Hyeri pulled Mina towards the group of boys "Well what about Hyeri? She's a too" "Shut it, Taehyung" Hyeri pushed through the group and to her boyfriend unintentionally leaving Mina alone. 'Who are these people? There are seven in total, which is L's brother?' as she thought, L shoved the boy in the middle as he walked away with Hyreri but he went crashing into Mina, making her fall to the ground. Mina opened her eyes to meet six pairs of eyes, staring at her, the boy who had made her fall helped her up "Sorry" Mina snapped back into reality "Oh it's okay" "Guys! Stop staring at her likes she's a piece of meat" and everyone stopped, "I'm Taehyun, Myungsoo's brother" she nodded but the bell rung before he could say anymore "Sorry I really have to go" so with that she ran off. 


An update, yay! 

So I have gone through the story, edited it and changed the first two chapters, hope no one minds! 

BTS's V is L's brother because I just love him alot right now! He wont play an important role though..

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Chapter 6: update again...
this too short..