
Angel in Despair

"I'll be going now..." Mina said quietly as she left the apartment and a sleeping Woohyun, it was sunny and bright Sunday morning, as she walked down the street admiring the scenary 'Wow, Earth is beautiful' she smiled to herself. Mina spotted a familiar figure walking a bit ahead of her "Dongwoo-sii!" she called while waving, he turned and flashed her a smile as she approached him. "Hey Mina-sii what are you doing? And don't put sii at the end of my name! It's too formal!" he smiled "Oh ok, don't be formal with me ethier! Not much really" "Do you want to have coffee together?" "Ok!". The two of them headed towards a nearby cafe, after sitting down Dongwoo orded to cups of coffee and they waited "I've never had coffee.." Mina admitted quietly "WHAT!? It's the best!!" he told her and she smiled at his cuteness. A waitress handed each of them a cup of coffee, Mina sniffed it "It smells wierd!"  she exclaimed before taking a small sip, at first it was bitter but then it had a nice taste "Yum!" "I know!" Dongwoo grinned "You have a nice smile, Dongwoo" he laughed "Everyone says that! Thank you!". They started to talk more and more as time passed, soon it was 3:00pm "I gotta run Mina! Nice to see you" he ran out of the cafe. Mina also got up and left the cafe. 

Mina wandered the city for a few hours, she had nothing else to do also she was keeping an eye out, looking, hoping for just a glimpse of the someone she was looking for. It was getting dark so Mina decieded to head home, on the way she passed a group of shady looking men one grabbed her hand "Hey there" he cooed, she tried to pull away but his grip was surprisingly strong "Where do you think your going?" they pulled her into an alley, all smirking getting closer and closer, Mina was scared, she didn't understand what was going on exactly but she knew something bad was going to happen, she opened to call for help but one covered "If you scream this will happen" he cut her arm from the sleeve down the wrist "Got it?" she nodded, trying not to react from the pain. One of the men reached out and her neck Mina shut her eyes from the fear letting out a wimper "DON'T TOUCH HER!" a voice yelled, someone kicked the man who has touched Mina's neck and then beat up the others. The whole time Mina keep her eyes closed 'It's going to be okay, Mina' she kept thinking that to herself, someone reached out and pulled her into their warm chest "Your okay now" they said soothingly, Mina opened her eyes and looked up to see a familar face "Can't even walk somewhere without seeing me huh?" "L.Joe..." she hugged him, "Thank you for saving me, I was scared" she admitted "Of course you were" he smiled, ruffling her hair. As he pulled away, he looked into her eyes "You need to be more careful," he said in a serious tone, "You could have been " Mina finally understood why those men were being like that and when she did, she fainted "Aish! This girl".


"Wow! She's even prettier then I expected!"

"I like her better up close!"

Mina awoke to the sound of voices 'Where am I? Was I kidnapped!?' she opened her eyes, there were five boys gathered around her "You're awake!" one said, "Hyung! She's awake!" "He went out, remember?" another told him "Oh yeah!" "Excuse me but where am I?" they turned back to Mina "Oh this is Teen Top's home! Welcome!" he said, Mina stood up and he led her to sit on a couch, they all sat down after her "My name's Chunji" said the boy who had led her to the couch "I'm Ricky!" a baby faced boy said, "That's CAP hyung, Niel and Changjo" "Hey, don't you all go to my school? Woohyun introuduced us" they nodded. The door opened and L.Joe entered the room "Mina! You're awake!" he put down the bag of shopping and sat on the couch "L.Joe.." Mina said "Yes?" he smiled at her "I don't want to go home, Woohyun will ask what happened and he will see" "See what?" she showed him the cut, 'How did I not notice that?' L.Joe thought, they all grimaced at how deep and painful the cut looked "Ok, you can stay here, Woohyun wont mind" he grinned 'Wait, you live with Woohyun!?!" Niel asked, shocked "Um yes" she blushed, "But we aren't dating or anything, we're just childhood friends" she added quickly, the five boys let out a sigh of relief. Chunji began to bandage her arm, he even offered his room to her but she insisted on sleeping on the couch. 


Mina laughed with Ricky as Niel got angry at them for a small prank from earlier in the morning as they entered the gate Niel began to chase them, Mina ran away swiftly but someone grabbed her wrist and dragged her off. "Where were you!? You ran off in the morning not even leaving a note and you had me worried sick all night!" Woohyun lectured her in the hallway "W-Woohyu-"Something bad could have happened and I would had even known where to look for you!" he yelled, Mina had never seen him so angry Woohyun was always so calm and ever raised his voice "Woohyun, I don't need your help all the time! You don't need to always look after me! I'm not a baby and your not responsible for me!" she yelled back "Actually I am! And your unstable, I need to keep an eye on you!" "UNSTABLE!? WHO ARE YOU CALLING UNSTABLE!?" Mina shouted back, she hated it when people called her unstable just because of all the things that had happened to her lately did not make her unstable. "YOU ARE UNSTABLE!" "SHUT UP!!!" Mina pushed him into the lockers, Woohyun raised his hand up and before he could even think about what he was doing, he slapped her cheek.  Mina froze, slowly lifting her hand to her cheek in disbelief of what just happened, Woohyun was shocked at his own action and Sungyeol and Sungjong had seen the whole part with Mina pushing him then the slap. "Come on Mina" Sungyeol took her hand and guided her into an empty classroom with Sungjong trailing behind, "Are you okay?" Sungjong finally spoke up, "Why were you both fighting?" "I..I didn't go home last night" "Why?" Sungyeol asked "Because...don't tell Woohyun but.." Mina explained about the whole alley thing then staying at L.Joes after "That's horrible!" Sungjong exclaimed "Woohyun has never been that angry and he is never violent" tears started to form in her eyes as she thought about it. Woohyun approached the door to the classroom, he knew apologizing was the right thing to do, he opened the door and entered the classroom and to his dismay, Mina was crying 'She rarely cries..' she looked up and more tears formed in her eyes when she saw Woohyun, she got up "Why can't you just leave me alone?" she said quietly then ran out of the room.  "What have I done?" Woohyun said to himself "That's what I was going to say" Sungyeol said as he stood next to Woohyun, Sungjong went out of the room to find Mina.


I hope this chapter is good because I tried to make it long (for once)

So much drama this chapter though.. 

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Chapter 6: update again...
this too short..