Your fault

Angel in Despair

The girl shuddered as a cold breeze touched her skin, she sat in the empty, white room hugging her knees to her chest staring at them. She hadn't moved in days, there was no point anymore ever since that day. A few weeks ago Han Mina was happily engaged to another angel but things quickly changed when he disappered, without a trace and not to be seen since, leaving her all alone. It had been two weeks since then and nothing had changed, no news of where he might have disappered to, no one had come to visit Mina because of the dark aura surronding the house, everyone was told to leave her alone it was best for her. A knock at the door snapped Mina out of her thoughts but she still didn't move "Mina?" the sound of footsteps walked towards her room and the door opened revealing the visitor, Woohyun. Woohyun was her best friend, he was extremely kind and caring and the one who was most worried for her. "How are you holding up?" he asked, she looked up at him, dark circles under her puffy dark, hazel eyes, a sadness surrounding her, "Do you want to go for a walk?" she nodded slightly, Woohyun grinned as he watched her get up. The two walked around the place known to humans as Heaven, the fluffy white clouds crunching under their feet. Mina remembered walking the same path with her fiance, she remembered him stopping and telling her something "It's God that brought us together" this made her tilt her head when he had said this so he had explained futher, "It's God doing, everything, all the bad things, the good things, everything". Mina stopped in her tracks those words rung around her head, Woohyun soon stopped and turned his head to see her standing there, eyes wide and mouth too "Are you okay?" but Mina ran off before giving him an answer. 

God stared down at the female angel puffing and panting in front of him "What can I do for you, Han Mina?" Mina looked up into his eyes giving him a hard glare "This is your fault" God was utterly confused "What is my fault?" "Don't act like you don't know!" she yelled at him, "He told me that you cause everything, bad things, good things, everything so it's your fault he has disappered! Why did you do this? Do you not want me to be happy? Did you kill him?" "Mina..." he was speechless, this was definately not like her at all, she was usually very kind, nice, funny like an angel should be not like this, not like a demon. Before anyone of them could say any more a hand grabbed Mina's arms "Your under arrest" it was the Angel Guard, the police of Heaven in other words and Mina had just broken the law, she had shown signs of turning into one of them, a fallen so she was dragged off. 

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Chapter 6: update again...
this too short..