Wolf-like Tendencies

The Demon's Sister

     Kris opened the door before promptly slamming it shut again. He ran his hand through his tousled hair and reluctantly opened the door again.

    "10 seconds. Why the are you here with my sister?"

     There on the doorstep stood Sora and Tao, their clothes covered in dirt. Sora nervously twirled a lock of her long brown hair while Tao stared blankly at Kris. She couldn't stand seeing Kris like this.

    "Well? You're running out of time."

   "Please Duizhang, can we just talk about this."

   "About what? The fact that you're here at night, covered in dirt with my sister?", Kris said coldly. 

   Sora pouted and tried her best puppy dog eyes on Kris. Her eyes were glazing over with tears. "Please Kris, just let him explain. I didn't want to talk about what happened."

   Kris tried to stand his ground but to no avail. He sighed. "Fine. Get inside Sora."

  Sora walked into the house, Kris closing the door behind her. 'Well there goes my plan to eavesdrop', she thought to herself.

   Sora opened a nearby window but could only catch a few words. "...trusted you..." "...fault... best..." She gave up on trying to listen to their conversation and plopped down on the couch.

  After a couple minutes, which felt more like hours to Sora, Kris came in the house. With a bleeding nose.

  Sora gasped in shock and ran over to her brother. "What happened?" Kris just shook his head and moved to grab a tissue.

  "You should be worrying about him, he's not in any better shape."

  "Seriously Kris? Stop fighting other people because of me!", Sora scolded. Kris chuckled, "You sound like Dad."

  She sighed, feeling pent up frustration she had never known existed. "It's because of you I don't make friends! You went too far this time gege..."

  Kris furrowed his brow, "Too far? It's because of that guy you have that scar!" He gestured to the long gash that ran from Sora's right wrist to elbow.

  Sora looked at him confused. "What? I got this when I was a little kid. You told me it was from some thugs when I was playing at the park. Right?", Sora asked, wondering what other details her brother left out from all those years ago.

   He shook his head, "Never mind... please Sora, can we talk about this another day?" Sora couldn't disobey Kris, especially with that heart-breaking look of agony currently on his face.

  "Ok. Just one last thing. How is it you know Tao, when I don't remember seeing him before?" 

  "Another day-", Kris stopped himself as he saw the pleading look on his baby sister's face. "When I was a kid, we used to go to the same martial arts class. I was his senior there, that's why that idiot still calls me Duizhang. Happy now?"

  Sora made a face, "That's still pretty vague..." 

  Kris gave her a look before unexpectedly giving Sora a bone-crushing hug. "You went through a lot today. I'm really sorry Sora. Don't be mad at your idiot of a brother." 

   Sora laughed, "Contrary to what you think, you don't have to protect me." "Don't I though?" At that Sora could only hug Kris back. 

  "Make me dinner gege. I'm starving", Sora replied cutely, pushing back her anger. It saddened her to see Kris' guilt for something he couldn't control. It wasn't the first time these situations happened to Sora. It only made her resent men even more.

  'Except Tao of course.' Sora widened her eyes at the sudden thought. 'Yeah, because we're friends now. That's it', she rationalized to herself.

  Kris pulled away from the hug, "You never stop being a brat. You get macaroni and you will like it." 

  "I like whatever you make", she tried to say cutely.

  "Oh Sora? For the sake of my sanity try to avoid Tao, just for now at least." 

 The rest of the night passed without either of them acknowledging the conversation involving Tao. 


A/N: Ohoho so that's how Kris knows Tao. But how is it Tao caused Sora's scar without her knowing? Does Tao himself even know? Leave a comment you and tell me what you think! ♥





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Chapter 11: Update update update
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 11: The story is really good so far. I wonder what happened to Tao and Sora before with that scar!
allkpop4ever #3
Chapter 11: Yes!! You're back!!! So happy^•^ Please keep updating!!^•^
atiqahrafi #4
Chapter 4: it a really good story
syaveda #5
The Demon's Sister is back! Feel free to yell at me for taking so long. I felt bored with the story and updates might not be as frequent but I'll try to get this finished and get back on AFF. ^-^
allkpop4ever #7
Chapter 10: Yep it is def past Sept.!! Please update I miss this story!!
exoisawesome13 #8
Chapter 10: Please please PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!!
Chapter 10: Update please ;p
Chapter 10: Wow- love it!