Me and my Baby

Me and my Baby


A/N: Although this is a flashback, it's basically the entire story through little Tae's POV. It may not be very detailed, but I hope you guys understand it
"Would Umma be mad at me if I take a cookie without permission?" I stood on my toes, but I was too small. I pouted and tried again. 
"What are you doing?"
Uh oh. 
"Umma! Saranghae!" I smiled and made a heart with my arms. 
"You can have a cookie after dinner. Go wash up because Appa said she was coming home any minute now." Umma patted my as she pushed me to the bathroom. 
"Washing the germs away. Washing the germs away." I sang. "Washing the germs, so my hands are clean for touching food and buuuuutts~. Drying my hands dry. Drying my hands dry. Drying my hands, so it isn't wet and I'm going in dryyyyyy~."
I walked back to the kitchen and sat on the table and swung my legs back and forth. I looked at Umma who just smiled at me and kissed my cheek. 
"Muah!" I kissed her cheek in return for kissing mine. 
"I'm home."
"Appa!" I jumped out of my seat and ran to her open arms. "How was your day?"
"Good. Good. It was good. How was your day with Umma? Was she boring you with the alphabet again?"
I shook my head, "I learned my entire alphabet! Wanna hear?"
"B U T T-"
"Yah. That's not what I taught you." Umma flicked my forehead. 
Appa laughed, "Let's eat. I'm so hungry I could just eat Tae Tae over here."
My eyes widened, "Please don't eat me! I'll be a good little byun! I won't touch Auntie Krystal's without permission anymore. I'll just stare until she lets me! Please don't eat me. I have so much more to live for."
"Relax you little ert. Geez. I didn't know you knew so much words. For a two year old, you sure can talk." Appa laughed and put me on my place at the table. 
"Sica, I'm gonna be working late again all week." Appa said. 
"Yah. Are you cheating on me, Yul?" Umma glared. 
"How come whenever I tell you I'm coming home late, you always assume I'm cheating on you?"
"Because the other day when I was doing laundry, your coat smelt like a man's cologne."
When Appa slammed her hands on the table, it made me jump. She was so scary when she's mad. I took my plate and ran behind the couch to hide. Usually this is when they start throwing things at each other. I looked down at my foot and saw the same scar that happened when Appa and Umma got in a fight and I was stupid enough to walk in between them. 
"I'm just working late!"
"If you are, then how come your pay check has been the same for the past month? How do you explain that?!" 
"I was just hugging Minho!"
"Oh so he has a name now?! If you're cheating on me, just say it because I will take Taeyeon with me and never see you ever again."
"Don't you dare take my baby away from me."
"Then tell me! Are you cheating on me or not?!"
"I'm not!!" 
"Dammit Jessie!" There was a loud crash. I pulled my knees to my chest and listened to their fight. 
"Kwon Yuri. If you're cheating on me, just say it. I don't want to be in a loveless marriage with you."
"Is that it? Have you fallen out of love for me?"
"If I fell out of love with you, I would've just let you do whatever the hell you wanted and not have cared. Yet here we are, fighting again because of this 'love' you speak so highly about."
"I do love you, Sica. You and Taeyeon. I love you two with all my heart. But..."
"But I don't see this marriage going anywhere. I really don't. We married so young and had Taeyeon when we were barely 20." (A/N: that's right. they had and Jessica became pregnant with Taeyeon. leave me alone, it's my story lol)
"What are you trying to say?"
"I don't know what I'm trying to say."
"Yuri. If you're gonna leave, leave. I don't need you in my life if you don't see a future for the three of us as a family." Umma's voice sounds really scary. 
"Sica, I--"
"I don't want to hear anymore excuses come out of that mouth of yours."
Umma scooped me up in her arms, "I'm sorry you had to hear that, Taengoo." She cradled me in her arms and kissed my forehead. I looked at the living room and kitchen. The dining table was flipped over and Appa just sitting there with her and legs crossed. 
"Does Appa love me?"
"Yes, she does."
"But how come she doesn't love you anymore?"
"Because she found someone else."
"Does that mean I'm gonna have a different Umma?"
"Of course not. I will always be your Umma no matter what. Now go brush your teeth and get ready for bed. Pick the story you want me to read and I'll be there in a couple of minutes." She put me down and walked to her room.
"Do you still love me, Appa?" I asked her when she walked past me. She stopped and bent down to my level. 
"Of course I love you. I always will. Why would you think of something like that?"
"Because you don't love Umma anymore. Did you find a replacement Umma? Is she better than Umma?"
Appa shook her head, "You'll realize why when you're older, Tae." She kissed my forehead, "Goodnight."
I already brushed my teeth and picked out a book from my library. I smiled as I hugged the book, it was my favorite book. Umma read to me so many times that I've memorize the entire book cover to cover. 
Umma came into my room wearing shorts, t-shirt and her hair in a messy bun. She sat on the bed with me as I cuddled up in her arm. She rolled her eyes when I handed her the book. 
"Why don't you tell me the story tonight? You already have the book memorized."
I laughed, "Should I?"
She smiled. I cleared my throat and began tell her the bedtime story. 
"And so...." I fell asleep in the middle of my sentence. 
"Goodnight Taengoo."
"Goodnight..." I yawned and pulled the blankets over myself. 
I don't know what time it was because I don't know how to tell time, but someone was trying to wake me up from my booty sleep. I shooed them away and rolled over to my other side. 
"Tae... Please wake up." The person shook me again. 
"Appa?" I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Why do you have a backpack and a jacket on?" I smiled, "Are we going on a family trip?"
She shook her head, "I'm going on a little trip, but I'll be back soon."
"Are you leaving us...?" I started to cry. 
"No! I'm coming back."
"I don't know yet..."
"Appa please don't go. I'll try hard when I started school two years from now. I'll eat all my veggies. I won't sneak them under the table and give them to you anymore." I looked around my room, "It is because my room is always messy and I leave my toys everywhere? I'll clean it right now." I jumped out of bed and started putting all my toys in my bins. I stubbed my toe, but I didn't care. 
"Tae... Please don't make this harder than it already is for me."
"Please don't go." I cried and hugged her by the legs. "I'll do anything to keep you here at home. I need my Appa."
"I told you. I'm coming back, I just don't know when yet. Bye Taeyeon. Take care of Umma." 
"I love you, Appa."
I wiped my tears as I saw Appa close the door behind her. She didn't even say "I love you, too."
"Tae? What are you doing up? Omo. Why are you crying?" Umma picked me up and carried me to her room. 
"Umma. Where's Appa going? And when is she coming back?"
For a couple of months after Appa left, I would sit there by the door an wait for her to come back. 
One day, Umma and I came home from Auntie Krystal's house. Umma got mad when she saw the mail, I didn't understand why, but she was talking on the phone with Auntie Krystal for a really long time and she was crying. 
"Umma. Please smile. From now on, you are only allowed to be happy. You can never be sad." I clapped my hands twice and a smile appeared on her face. 
"You will be the only girl who can never break my heart." She kissed my cheek. 
After a year, I started to give up. When I started school, Appa never crossed my mind anymore. But it did make me sad whenever Sunny talked about her Appa because I didn't have one. 
It was already the first day of school. Sunny and I were sitting on the bench together. She was waiting for her Umma and I was waiting for Auntie Krystal. 
"ert!" My ears perked up. "Over here!"
I looked and saw Auntie Amber, "I have to go now Sunny-ah. I'll see you tomorrow!"
"Bye Taeyeonie." She gave me a hug then I ran off to Auntie Amber. 
"Where's Auntie Krystal?"
"A friend came over today, so she had to stay with her. Don't worry, you'll see her when we get home."
I nodded and put my seatbelt on. 
"How was your day?"
"I met a new friend and her name is Sunny. She said that she's going to be famous one day. She even told me that I should be lucky that we're friends now because I'll be popular when she becomes famous."
Auntie Amber laughed, "Whatever you say, squirt."
I ran up the stairs and knocked on Auntie Krystal's door. Once it opened, I dropped my backpack and immediately went to her bedroom and slept on the bed. I didn't even greet Auntie Krystal.  
"Good. You're finally awake." 
"How long was I asleep?"
"A good hour. C'mon. Your Umma is gonna be here any minute." 
I hopped off the bed and went to the living. My eyes widened when I saw the most beautiful I had ever laid my eyes on in the 5 years that I was living. 
"Omo. Aren't you a cutie."
"Hello, booty..." I said in a daze. "What's your name?"
"My name is Tiffany. What's yours?"
I snapped out of my trance when an even prettier face smiled at me, "My name is Jung Taeyeon!" I beamed. 
"Omo. Aren't you a little cutie." She smiled and hugged me. 
"Are you my new Appa?"
"You want me to be?"
I nodded. 
She laughed. "Sure. Why not." 
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Chapter 39: Thornim, please come back and update this story... U cant let it hanging like this.... What happend to jeti next??
Chapter 37: So... Sica has made a decision.... She will go to america?
Chapter 21: Yeayyy finally jetiiiii🥰🥰
Chapter 1: Que sad lo comence a leer pensando que seria un hermoso Yulsic
Chapter 39: Please continue this story, author nim
Chapter 39: Hi author, when are you going to comeback amd update thia story?
Rose-gg #7
Chapter 39: Update please
aprhyl #8
Update please
Soneot9syj #9
Chapter 39: Please update soon author nim^^
darkme #10
Chapter 39: Please dont separate Jessica and Tiffany, I need more Jeti moment :(
Update soon :)