Me and my Baby

Me and my Baby
"Who are you kissing when the ball drops?" Evelyn asked Tiffany. 
"What kind of question is that?" Tiffany asked. "Of course, I'll be kissing Jessica."
"Jeez. No need to be snappy." Evelyn made a face and walked away. She walked up to her other older sister, "Who are you kissing when the ball drops?" 
"Nobody. No way in hell am I gonna cheat on my husband." Michelle glared. 
"Fine then." Evelyn walked away and went up to Hyoyeon, "Who are you kissing when the ball drops?"
Hyoyeon shrugged, "Nobody, I guess."
"I'll be right back. Stay right there." Evelyn went up to Seohyun and nudged her.
"What's up?" She smiled. 
"I want you to kiss Hyoyeon when the ball drops."
"What?! I thought I was gonna be kissing you!" 
"I know, I know, but she doesn't have anyone to kiss her." Evelyn pleaded. 
"Are you serious?" Seohyun's jaw dropped. 
"Please, pretty please?" Evelyn pulled her close and hugged her tightly. She looked up and kissed her. 
Seohyun sighed, "Alright, I'll do it, but you owe me a lot more kisses during the new year."
"Now, a kiss to seal the deal." Seohyun wrapped her arms around Evelyn's waist as Evelyn wrapped her arms around Seohyun'a neck. They both pulled each other in for their last kiss of the year. 
"Break it off you two." Jessica scolded. "The ball hasn't even dropped yet."
"If I'm kissing Hyoyeon, Sica and Ppany are kissing, who will you be kissing?"
Evelyn shrugged, "Nobody, I guess. My last resort is Michelle."
Seohyun slowly nodded, "Riiiight... You realize yore sisters right?"
"Yeah." Evelyn innocently nodded. 
"Just checking."
"I'll be right back." Evelyn kissed Seohyun's cheek and left to go to the bathroom. 
"Hey, Yuri!" Seohyun ran after her, "Who are you kissing when the ball drops?"
"Nobody. Why?" Yuri asked. 
"Why don't you kiss Hyoyeon?" Seohyun suggested. 
"Hyoyeon? Why?"
"You gotta kiss someone when the ball drops. It's bad luck for your love life if you don't." Seohyun persuaded. 
"Sure, why not. My love life needs all the good luck this new year." Yuri shrugged. 
"Great. I'm gonna go tell Hyoyeon." Seohyun gave Yuri a thumbs up and walked to Hyoyeon. 
"I already told you, you have to kiss me on the cheek!" Sunny said. 
"But Wifey, it needs to be on the lips. That's what everyone else is gonna do, why can't I kiss the lips?" Taeyeon asked sadly. 
"Hubby, we already talked about this. We are waiting until we are 13 before we can kiss each other on the lips." Sunny said sternly like a good wifey should. 
Seohyun stopped walking to look at the little couple bickering, "What's going on here?"
"Wifey won't let me kiss her on the lips when the ball drops." Taeyeon complained. 
"We already talked about it and we both agreed that it would be a lot better if we waited until we are 13 to kiss each other on the lips." Sunny defended. 
Seohyun laughed, "Waiting is always a good idea. Always wait, you two."
"See?" Sunny said. 
"Okay..." Taeyeon sighed in defeat, "I will wait, only because I love Wifey that much."
"Aw!" Sunny squealed and jumped in Taeyeon's arms and kissed her cheek, "I love you too, Hubby!"
Seohyun tapped Hyoyeon on the shoulder, "Hey Hyo, who are you kissing when the ball drops?"
"Great! You'll be kissing Yuri." Seohyun smiled. 
"Why Yuri?"
"You can't kiss Ppany or Sica. Michelle is married. Evelyn an I are out if the question, so that only leaves Yuri."
"I'm not too sure about this." Hyoyeon said uncomfortably. 
"I hear it's good luck for your love life to kiss someone when the ball drops." Seohyun said slyly. 
"Alright. I need that."
"Great!" Seohyun motioned Yuri over who awkwardly walked in their direction. 
"Hi, Hyoyeon." Yuri held her hand out. 
Hyoyeon laughed and hugged her, "Hi, Yuri." A little surprised at the action, Yuri laughed an hugged her back. 
"I guess I'll be kissing you when the ball drops." Hyoyeon laughed. 
"I guess I'll be kissing you back." Yuri chuckled awkwardly. 
"Jessie, aren't you excited?" Tiffany asked, doing little hops around Jessica. 
"Baby, you're gonna have to stay still when I kiss your or else I'm gonna miss your lips when we kiss." Jessica laughed trying to keep up with Tiffany.  
Tiffany stopped jumping and pulled Jessica close and smiled. 
"Have you guys seen Evelyn?" Seohyun frantically asked. 
"Check if she's in the bathroom." Tiffany said. 
"Wifey and I saw her go in her room." Taeyeon informed. 
Seohyun made a run for Evelyn's bedroom. 
"Lynn? Where are you?" Seohyun asked loudly. 
She was opening and closing doors trying to find her. 
"Where are you?!" Seohyun was starting to get frustrated. 
"It's almost New Year's..." Seohyun said desperately. 
"Please come out..." Seohyun sniffed. 
A pair of lips familiar lips captured hers. 
"Happy New Year." Evelyn whispered. 
"Where were you?" Seohyun asked, pulling her into a tight hug. 
"I didn't wanna be around when you kissed Hyoyeon." Evelyn wrapped her arms around Seohyun's neck. 
"I would never kiss anyone else but you."
Meanwhile downstairs...
"Happy New Year, Hyoyeon." Yuri said before she leaned in and kissed her on the lips. 
"Happy New Year, Yuri." Hyoyeon smiled breathlessly, 
Before she knew it, she was leaning in, kissing Yuri's lips once again. Taken by surprise, Yuri's eyes widened. After a second, Yuri felt Hyoyeon's lips moving. She pulled Hyoyeon closer to her body and kissed back. 
"Wanna go out for a movie sometime?" Yuri panted after they broke the kiss. 
"Yeah." Hyoyeon laughed. 
"Hubby, stop!" Sunny shrieked. 
"Please, Wifey! Just one kiss on the lips!" Taeyeon pleaded, trying to remove Sunny's hands from . "I just want one kiss!"
"No!" Sunny broke free from Taeyeon's grip and ran away. 
 "Happy New Year." Jessica smiled sweetly. 
"Happy New Year." Tiffany smiled kissed her. "I'm glad you're in my life this new year."
"I'm glad you're in mine too." Jessica blushed and kissed her once again. 
After everyone had left the party, Jessica, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sunny and Taeyeon were all sitting in the living room. The Hwang sisters were cleaning the house. 
"What are your New Year's resolutions, Yuri?" Tiffany asked, trying to start a conversation. 
Yuri shrugged, "To stop being an ."
"I think we can all benefit from that." Michelle laughed. 
"What about you, Ms. I'm-Too-Stuck-Up?" Yuri asked. 
"I am not stuck up." Michelle glared. 
"What's your resolution?" Evelyn asked. 
"To lose weight." Michelle answered. 
Jessica groaned, "I don't see why people say that as their resolutions when you're just gonna give up on it a month after."
"What about you then, Little Miss Perfect?" Michelle asked. 
"To learn how to cook." Jessica smiled. 
"Ha!" Yuri laughed, "You can't cook. In the three years we were married, the closest thing you cooked was take-out."
"What happened to your resolution?" Jessica glared. 
"I'm not being an , I'm just stating facts." Yuri laughed and unconsciously wrapped an arm around Hyoyeon's shoulders. "What about you, Hyo? What's your resolution?"
Hyoyeon shrugged, "I never really do resolutions. I just kinda think that it's really pointless. People just sort of stop doing it after a while."
"See that? That's a smart woman." Tiffany applauded. 
"What's yours?" Seohyun asked Evelyn. 
"To do something I've never done before every week." Evelyn smiled. 
"What about you, Hwang?" Yuri asked. 
Tiffany shrugged, "I agreed with Hyoyeon on this one. I think resolutions are stupid and people just give up on them. I just kinda do whatever."
"What about you, Seohyun?" Evelyn asked. "What's your resolution?"
"To better myself."
"Woah...." Evelyn shivered, "I got goosebumps."
"My resolution is to kiss Wifey's lips." Taeyeon said proudly. 
"My resolution is to make Hubby wait." Sunny said with a sweet smile. 
"They really are your kids." Michelle said. 
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Chapter 39: Thornim, please come back and update this story... U cant let it hanging like this.... What happend to jeti next??
Chapter 37: So... Sica has made a decision.... She will go to america?
Chapter 21: Yeayyy finally jetiiiii🥰🥰
Chapter 1: Que sad lo comence a leer pensando que seria un hermoso Yulsic
Chapter 39: Please continue this story, author nim
Chapter 39: Hi author, when are you going to comeback amd update thia story?
Rose-gg #7
Chapter 39: Update please
aprhyl #8
Update please
Soneot9syj #9
Chapter 39: Please update soon author nim^^
darkme #10
Chapter 39: Please dont separate Jessica and Tiffany, I need more Jeti moment :(
Update soon :)