Me and my Baby

Me and my Baby





"I'm scared."

"What happened?"

"I had a bad dream." The child looked like she was on the verge of tears. 

"Oh, Tae..." Jessica quickly sat up and wrapped her baby in her arms. "Tell Umma all about it."

"It was when Sunny and I were older and--and-- Umma! It was bad! I was so scared!" Taeyeon cried. 

"Shh..." Jessica cradled her child and rocked her back and forth. "It's okay. Everything is okay now."

"No, no it's not!" Taeyeon screamed. "What if she leaves me when we grow up? What if she leaves me, Umma?! What am I gonna do?!"

"Don't worry." Jessica hugged her tightly. "As long as you two still like each other, you will make it through whatever happens in the future."



"Can you sing to me?"

"What would you like me to sing?"

"Happy Byun."

Jessica rolled her eyes. 


She sighed. "Soft byuntae, warm byuntae, little ball of byun. Happy byuntae, sleepy byuntae, , , butts."

"Goodnight, Umma." Taeyeon yawned and slept in Jessica's arms. 

"You really are a byun."

"Yes I am."

"But you're my only byun."

"Not anymore. Appa is your other byun. I don't ever wanna leave her."

The child's words scared Jessica to the core. She stayed up the rest of the night with her child in her arms thinking about whether she would move to America or stay in Korea. The decision scared her. Taeyeon's entire life was here, in Korea. Yet if they moved to America, Taeyeon would have a much better life, but she wouldn't be able to enjoy life in America without Sunny, Tiffany or Evelyn for that matter. 

"What am I gonna do..."


"Good morning, eye bags!" Tiffany beamed as she kissed the bottom of Jessica's eyes. "What kept you up last night?"

"I was just thinking about what you told me earlier this week."

"What'd I tell you?" Tiffany asked, putting food on the table. 

"About how I'm your future and how you see forever in my eyes."

"What about it?"

"Did you really mean that?"

"Of course I meant it." Tiffany laughed. "Why in the world would I not?"

Jessica pushed the thought of moving to the back of her head and forced a smile. "Nothing. I was just thinking about is too."

"Yeah?" Tiffany smiled and handed her a plate. "Was it good or bad?"

She shrugged, "I don't know yet."

"How cruel of you." Tiffany laughed and pinched her girlfriend's cheek. 

"Shut up and eat." Jessica rolled her eyes. 

"So guess what?" 

Jessica flicked Tiffany's forehead, "Don't talk with a mouth full of food."

Tiffany swallowed, "Guess what?"


"I met someone yesterday."

"Excuse me?!"

"Not like that!" Tiffany waved her hands in defense. "It's nothing like that at all."

"Then what is it?"

"He said that he might help me expand the restaurant!"

"That's great!"

"Yeah!" Tiffany beamed. "He said that he's gonna help me renovate and make the restaurant bigger and better. That means less work for me to do and more money in my pocket."

"I'm happy for you." Jessica leaned over and kissed her. 

"Thanks." Tiffany smiled and held Jessica's hand. "That means I get to spend more time with the love of my life."

"Umma, we're late!" Taeyeon screamed with her backpack dragging on the floor as she ran with a toothbrush in .  

"Oh shot!" Jessica stood up and grabbed Taeyeon. "C'mon. You can't afford another tardy!"

"I need shoes!" Taeyeon looked around and found a pair. "Let's go!"

"Hurry up!" Jessica motioned her, but Taeyeon's backpack hit a vase and it shattered. "Tae!"

"Don't worry, I'll clean it." Tiffany said. "Just make sure she gets to school on time."

"You're the best." Jessica smiled and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. 

"Wait! Tae still has toothpaste fuzz and her toothbrush in !" Tiffany called as the mother-daughter duo raced out the door. She laughed as she started to clean up. "What am I gonna do with those two..."

Suddenly the phone rang. 

"Hello?" Tiffany answered. 

"Hi, Ms. Jung, I was wondering if you were planning on taking up the offer to move to America in a couple of months?"

"Wait, what?"

"Who am I speaking to?"

"Miyoung. Hwang Miyoung."

"Grace Watson, I'm Ms. Sarah Lee's assistant. She told me to call Ms. Jung for the weekly follow up on her decision to move here, the U.S."

"She's moving to America?!" Tiffany screamed over the phone. 

"Well--well, we ne-never really got an-an answer y-yet."

"How long has this been going on behind my back?!"

"Ms. Hwang, I don't know. I only know the information they tell me."

"Can you try to find out how long?"

"Hold on a moment." Grace said quickly. There was a long pause on the line. "It says here that she was offered the job about a month and a half ago. Ever since then, she's received three phone calls from the company."

"Thank you."

"Ms. Hwang?"

"Yes, Grace?"

"Can you relay the message to Ms. Jung that the company called?" She quietly asked. "I know it's horrible timing, but I need to be sure she will get this call."

"I'm home." 


"Okay. I guess you'll repeat the message. Bye." Grace quickly hung up. 

"What are you talking about?"

"Sarah Lee. Grace Watson." Tiffany said. "Why didn't you tell me about this?!"

"It's not what it looks like!" 

"Tell me then!" Tiffany glared. "Were you just gonna pack up and leave?! Is that what you wanted to do?!"

"Of course not." Jessica said. "You have to believe me that I wanted to tell you, but I wanted to make sure that I knew what I wanted first before telling you."

"Why couldn't I be part of that decision? It's my future too, Jessica."

"I was thinking more about Taeyeon and her future."

"I understand that Taeyeon is your number one priority, but I have to have a say in this too. You can't just leave me in the dark like that."

"Yeah, but we've only been dating for 8 months. I didn't think we were that serious."

"You don't think I was serious when I said I love you or when I said you are the love of my life? You didn't think I was serious?!"

"That's not what I meant!" She said hastily. 

"It sure as hell sounds like it! When were you planning to tell me?! When you've already boarded your flight and I find a note taped to your front door?!"

"I was going to tell you, but I needed to know what I wanted for sure. You don't understand what it's like to be a single mother with a daughter. This is a big decision for me! What you're asking from me isn't fair! I can't always think about you when it comes to future decisions because it isn't your future. It's mine and Taeyeon's. You may be affected by it, but it sure as hell will affect us a lot more than you. So stop being a selfish little prick and for once listen to what I have to say!"

"I am listening to what you're trying to say, but what you are doing right now is unfair too! Taeyeon is like a daughter to me and you are the most important thing in my life, aside from Evelyn right now. I know all the names of her favorite celebrities, in order, with the best butts. I know to give her warm milk before she goes to bed or else her stomach starts hurting in the middle of the night. I even know what song to sing when she has a nightmare. You may not think it affects you a lot more than you, but it still affects me too! Just the mere fact of living without you here with me just ! I know you have Taeyeon to think about, but still! It ! You not telling me made me feel like I'm not even important to you, like I'm the size of an insect. You always keep me in the dark and I'm sick and tired of it! You never told me about Yuri and all of a sudden she magically comes back in your life! How the does someone deal with that kind of bull?!"

"You have no right to call my life bull! You don't even know what the that's happened to me!"

"Exactly my point!" Tiffany screamed even louder. "You never tell me anything! I always have to find out through someone else or they come knocking on your door!"

"Maybe it's because I was trying to keep you from getting hurt!"

"It hurts a lot more when you find out through the person who actually left you!"

"Shut up!" Jessica screamed and covered her ears. "You have no right! No! ing! Right! You can't just walk in my apartment and control my life. It's my decision and I don't care!"

"You know what, we need a break or something. Why don't we go get some coffee and calmly talk about this entire thing." Tiffany's voice returned to normal. 

"I think we should take a break."

"Alright. I'll drive. Where do you wanna go?" Tiffany picked up her car keys and jacket. 

"I meant a break with us."

"With us? Like a break up or just a break?"

"A break up."

"What? Why?"

"If you're acting like this now, what are you gonna be like if I do go to America? Are you gonna try to control my life when I get there too?"

"No, no, no. That may have come off as controlling, but I was just trying to do what's best for you."

"And what you think is best for me is to stay here with Taeyeon so we can be together. That can't happen, not like this. You're being selfish and it isn't fair to me."

"But I love you." Tiffany reasoned. 

"If you really did love me, you would understand my situation or at least try to. You can't seem to understand that I'm thinking about Taeyeon. I can't make the two of you happy all the time, sometimes I have to put her happiness before anyone else. I know you love me, but you have to try to be supportive of me. I honestly thought you would support me through all this, not bring me down."

Tiffany sighed, "What now?"

"I have three months until I have to make my decision."

"I can't pretend that I want you to go when I don't want you to go. I can't do it. I can't let you go, no in three months, not tomorrow or today! You have to stay with me!" Tiffany shook Jessica's shoulders. "Please don't leave me. Not now, not ever. I love you. I'll go crazy without you in my life."

"I'm sorry, Tiffany. I'm thinking about Taeyeon's future too." Jessica freed herself from Tiffany's grip. "I think it's best if you leave now."

"Jess, please don't so this."


"I love you."

"Go. Now."

"Is this what you really want?"

"Yes. Now, go."

Tiffany nodded and made her way to the door, "Alright. If this is what you want. Goodbye, Jessica."

"Goodbye, Tiffany."

The door closed and Jessica collapsed and burst into tears.  

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Chapter 39: Thornim, please come back and update this story... U cant let it hanging like this.... What happend to jeti next??
Chapter 37: So... Sica has made a decision.... She will go to america?
Chapter 21: Yeayyy finally jetiiiii🥰🥰
Chapter 1: Que sad lo comence a leer pensando que seria un hermoso Yulsic
Chapter 39: Please continue this story, author nim
Chapter 39: Hi author, when are you going to comeback amd update thia story?
Rose-gg #7
Chapter 39: Update please
aprhyl #8
Update please
Soneot9syj #9
Chapter 39: Please update soon author nim^^
darkme #10
Chapter 39: Please dont separate Jessica and Tiffany, I need more Jeti moment :(
Update soon :)