Me and my Baby

Me and my Baby

A week had passed and Evelyn still hasn't spoken a word to her older sister, while Tiffany was trying to get her younger sister to talk to her. No matter how hard she tried, she still couldn't get Evelyn to utter a syllable, despite her continual apologies and pleading. 

"This is crazy!" Tiffany screamed. "Why won't you talk to me?! How many times do I have to apologize for calling those horrible names?!"

Evelyn looked up from her book and looked back down. She flipped a page and repositioned herself on the couch. 

"Evie, I am so sorry for what I've done. I was a horrible person for saying all those things to you. I was angry. I didn't even know half the things I said. I was upset. I was just saying things I didn't mean. I wasn't thinking clearly. I wasn't in the right state of mind. Please, just talk to me."

Evelyn closed her book and looked at her. 


She shook her head. 

"If you're not gonna talk to me--" Tiffany quickly scanned the coffee table and found a pen and paper. "Will you write me a letter? You can explain to me what you're feeling and--and you can call me as many mean names as you can think of. I mean it."

Evelyn places her book under her arm and walked to the front door. 

"Where are you going?"

She put her shoes on and walked to Seohyun's house next door. She waited for Seohyun to open the door, but Tiffany was already beside her. 

"What's wrong with you?!" Tiffany grabbed Evelyn by her arm, causing the book to hit her foot. Tiffany looked down at the book and back at Evelyn. "Does it hurt?"

Evelyn shook her head. 

"Did the things I call you hurt more?"

Evelyn nodded. 

"Ten times worse?" 

Evelyn shook her head. 

"How much worse?"

Evelyn pointed to her heart. 

"I am so sorry!" Tiffany finally broke down in tears as she engulfed her sister into an arm breaking hug. "I really didn't mean any of those things I said! I'm a terrible sister for saying those things to you. I'm sorry for the way I treated you and the way I acted. I'm sorry for everything that's happened this past week. I'm suppose to be the one keeping you from harm and protecting you, but I'm the one who bullies you. I'm so sorry. You're not a or a . You're the complete opposite of that. You're so much better than that. I am so sorry for ever calling you those names."

"It's okay."

"You're talking?" Tiffany pulled away from her little sister. "You're talking! You're finally talking to me! I can't believe it. I feel like it's been forever since I've heard your voice!" Tiffany kissed her cheeks and then her forehead. "Let's go get you some food. You're probably hungry from not eating as much this past week."

"I actually ate when you went to bed."

"I'm just so happy you're talking to me again. We need to talk this entire thing out. Starting now." Tiffany opened the door and made Evelyn sit right across from her. "Is there anything you'd like to tell me before we get into this situation?"

"Why would you call me a and a ? You of all people know full well that Seohyun is the only person I've ever been with. We haven't even had ."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. When I saw that hickey on your neck, my mind just went haywire. I started picturing you two having--doing stuff. I didn't wanna think of it that way. You're still my baby sister. I have to take care of you."

"Don't you trust me? You've known me all my life. Hello. Remember how I would never kiss Daddy on the lips because I thought he had cooties? I was 13 at the time."

"But you being with Seohyun means that you don't believe in cooties anymore. You kiss her, hold her hand, cuddle and do all these couple things in front of me and not even care."

"You're still seeing that 5 year old Evelyn with pig tails. But I'm almost 18 now. You and Mitch practically raised me. You need to trust me to make safe choices."

Tiffany shook her head, "I don't know. I really don't approve of you dating. I don't want you dating, especially since Seohyun is 6 years older than you. I never approved of this from the very beginning."

"Then why did you go around pretending that you were okay with it?" Evelyn's voice started getting louder. 

"Because you looked so happy. I didn't wanna end that. For the first time in forever, you were actually smiling. Ever since Leo--"

"Don't. Bring. Him. Up." Evelyn glared. 

"All I'm saying is that ever since Daddy kicked him out, you've never been the same."

"How the does that even happen?' He left when I was like 3!"

"Evelyn Hwang Youngmin, you know very well that you weren't the same even though you were two. You remember full well what happened that day. Ever since Leo got kicked out, you haven't been the same. You turned into a heartless person."

"So I'm heartless now?"

"You certainly act heartless. Michelle thinks you're heartless as well."

"You may or may not know this, but you two are the reason why I am heartless!" Evelyn screamed as she slammed her bedroom door. 

Tiffany buried her face in her hands and sighed. 

Evelyn packed a small bag with all her essentials. Clothes, underwear,  toothbrush, phone charger, iPod charger, and her favorite bear that Leo gave her on her first birthday. She grabbed her school bag and walked out her bedroom and into the living. 

"Where are you going?"

"I'm sleeping at a friend's house."

"What friend? Who is this friend of yours? Why didn't you tell me about this friend? Where does your friend live? Do I know this friend?" Tiffany bombarded her little sister with questions as she followed her to the door and out in the front yard. 

"A friend." Evelyn got in her car and drove off. 

"What friend?!" Tiffany screamed at the back of Evelyn's car. "Dammit. What friend?"

"She's probably going to her friend, Ailee's house." Seohyun answered. 

"How long were you standing there?"

"Long enough to know that you two made up, but then quickly went back to fighting."

Tiffany sighed, "It's fine. Our fights usually last for a month. It's even worse whenever the three of us fight. That lasts for months."

"If she comes to my house, I'll let you know." Seohyun patted Tiffany's shoulder. 

"Thanks, Seo."


Evelyn parked in front of a random drug store. She pulled out her phone to call her friend, Ailee.  


"Hey, Ailee."

"Hi, Evie. What's up?"

"Can I spend the night at your house tonight?" 

"I would love to have you over, but my parents don't allow people over on school nights. I'm sorry, Evie."

"It's fine. Maybe next time." Evelyn forced a laugh. 

"I'll see you at school tomorrow right?"

"Of course."

"Alright. Bye."


Evelyn sighed and rested her head on her stealing wheel. She took her teddy near out of her bag and smiled. "Should I call Seohyun? Do you think she'd help me?"


"I think you should go back home."

"I will, I will. I just need to clear my head first. It's been an eventful week and a half for me right now. I just wanna spend the night, go to school, and I'll go home after."

"I don't know about this, Lynn..."

"Please, Seo? You're the only one I have right now. I just--I just need this right now."

"Alright, but under one condition."

"Whatever it is, I'll agree to it."

"I'm gonna let your sister know you're here and that you're spending the night."

"What?! No!"

"Then you have to go home."

"She's gonna make me go home either way."

"She's just worried about her little sister. If she does try to come get you, I won't open the door."


Seohyun smiled and kissed her girlfriend's forehead, "Promise."

She took her phone out and texted Tiffany. Not a second after, Tiffany had already replied. 

"What'd she say?"

"To make sure that you're safe."

Evelyn let out an enormous sigh as she laid herself down on the couch. Seohyun sat in front of the couch and rested her back close to Evelyn's head. Evelyn rolled to her side and kissed the back of Seohyun's head. The older girl laughed at her girlfriend's antics. She turned herself around and kissed Evelyn's lips. 

"I'm so lucky to have you in my life." Evelyn caressed Seohyun's smooth cheeks with her thumbs. 

"Why don't you go upstairs and shower?"

"That sounds like a good idea." Evelyn got up from the couch and took her bag. "I'll be out in a bit."

"Take your time." Seohyun called after her. 


"God dammit."


"I forgot to pack pajamas." 

Seohyun laughed, "I'm pretty sure I have a pair you can borrow. What are your preferences to pajamas?"

"Shorts and a shirt."

"Excellent choice, ma'lady." Seohyun said it like a waiter with a British accent. "I would highly recommend you sleep with clothes and not in the because that is how you catch a cold." 

Evelyn giggled, "Thanks, Seo."

"All in a day's work." Seohyun formally bowed and walked out of her bedroom to give Evelyn some privacy. 

Evelyn smiled at her perfect girlfriend. "Five months. We've only been together for five months." She sighed a happy sigh and started to dress herself. 

When Evelyn went to the living room, Seohyun was already making herself comfortable on the couch. The t.v was on the National Geographic channel and she had a bowl of popcorn in her hand. 

"Why are you sleeping on the couch?" Evelyn asked. 

"So you can sleep on the bed." Seohyun kept her eyes glued on the t.v. 

Evelyn put her hands on her hips, "You don't wanna sleep on the bed with me?"

"I'm human. I have urges. I might wanna do stuff..." Seohyun was now playing with the bowl of popcorn on her lap. 

"What kind of stuff?" Evelyn narrowed her eyes at her girlfriend. 

"You know...stuff..." Seohyun awkwardly shifted on the couch. 

"You're crazy. C'mon." Evelyn grabbed Seohyun's arm and dragged her to the bedroom. 

"Lynn, I'm serious. I can't do this!" She screamed. "Let me sleep on the couch!"

"Stop struggling!" Evelyn tried pushing Seohyun on the bed, but with Seohyun being a head taller, didn't really work out for Evelyn. 

"Noooooo! I don't wanna!" Seohyun tried to free herself from her girlfriend's iron grip. 

"I mean it, Seo! Get in the bed!" Evelyn tackled Seohyun and the two landed on the bed with Evelyn on top and Seohyun at the bottom. 

"Wow. You're strong." Seohyun said panting. 

"I do yoga and pilates." Evelyn gave the woman underneath her a proud smile. "I have one rule."

"What rule?"

"Hands where I can see them at all times." 

Seohyun smiled, "Agreed." She got up and turned the lights and joined Evelyn on her bed. 

"What time do you have to go to school tomorrow?"

"Uhh...let me see..." Seohyun wrapped her arms around Evelyn's waist and pulled her closer to her. "I have school at 9:30 till 3 tomorrow, so I would be able to drop you off and take you home."

Evelyn placed her hands on top of Seohyun's, "You're so corny."

"Only because I love you so much." Seohyun pulled Evelyn close and tangled her legs with hers. 

"You love me?" Evelyn whispered. 

"Of course. Why wouldn't I love you?"

"I love you, too." Evelyn turned around and hugged Seohyun around the neck and kissed. Seohyun smiled and returned the favor, but then she pulled away. "What's wrong?" Evelyn asked, a little worried. 

"I wanna show you something!" Seohyun jumped out of bed and ran in her closet. She had a huge grin on her face and shined the flashlight on her bedroom wall. 

"What am I suppose to be looking at?" Evelyn asked, a little confused. 

"It's a dog!" Seohyun formed a dog with her hands in front of the flashlight and the shadow of the dog appeared on the wall. 

Evelyn laughed, "It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Superman! Just kidding, it's really a bird!" She linked her thumbs together and made the bird's shadow flap its wings. 

"Hello, Ms. Bird, how are you on this fine evening?" Seohyun asked in a dog-like accent. 

"Nothing much. Just flapping my wings and doing what birds do best." Evelyn answered with her impression of a bird. "What are you up to this evening?"

"I'm on my way home to see the love of my life."

"Who is the lucky lady?"

"Evelyn Hwang." Seohyun said in her normal voice. 

Evelyn laughed and tackled Seohyun back on the bed, but Seohyun started tickling Evelyn. 

"Stop it!" Evelyn said in between laughs. "No! Seo! Stop it!"

"Say you give up!"


"Say it!" Seohyun tickled her more. 

"In your dreams!" Evelyn tried to pry herself out of Seohyun's grip, but her laughter wouldn't let her. 

"Say it!!"

"Okay. Okay." Evelyn laughed. "Just stop first!"

"Say it first!"


"Then say you love me!"


"Say it!"

"I love you!" 

Seohyun stopped tickling her. Evelyn's laughter finally died down as she tried to sit up. 

"I love you." Evelyn repeated when her laughing fit was finally over and done with. 

"I love you, too." Seohyun leaned in to kiss her, but Evelyn got on top and started tickling her. 

"No!" Seohyun shrieked. 

"Say you give up!"

"I love you!"

"Those aren't the three words I wanna hear!"

"Yes they are!"

"Give up!"



"Those two better not be having ." Tiffany sighed. 

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Chapter 39: Thornim, please come back and update this story... U cant let it hanging like this.... What happend to jeti next??
Chapter 37: So... Sica has made a decision.... She will go to america?
Chapter 21: Yeayyy finally jetiiiii🥰🥰
Chapter 1: Que sad lo comence a leer pensando que seria un hermoso Yulsic
Chapter 39: Please continue this story, author nim
Chapter 39: Hi author, when are you going to comeback amd update thia story?
Rose-gg #7
Chapter 39: Update please
aprhyl #8
Update please
Soneot9syj #9
Chapter 39: Please update soon author nim^^
darkme #10
Chapter 39: Please dont separate Jessica and Tiffany, I need more Jeti moment :(
Update soon :)