Chapter 1 - Getting ready for serious HELL

The Art Institute of Seoul (CLOSED!!!)


Time fly so fast indeed, one day more before classes start. Since student were required to be at the campus one day before the opening. 10 student were busy packing their stuff when.

“Are we going to take this??”  Misa said who was looking at DM’s collection of shoes. AS they always say, it a gear when you dance.

“Ask oppa…”  Jazmine said who was too busy drinking cold beer.

“Yah… Jazmine!! You’re drinking beer at this time of hour!!??” Misa freak-out and snatch the can of beer away from her.

“Just one can ain’t that bad.” She said and tried getting the beer back to her hand.

“A sixteen year old girl shouldn’t be drinking this kind of drink!!” Misa said. “And besides we need to get back to our room to start packing.”

“NO!! Blame that to my mother!! SO give it back… It cost 5000 won you know… Don’t waste it.” She shouted so loud that there appa, Yang Meiwin, or more commonly known as Hero could hear from the farthest room.

Hero dashed to where the shout came from. He saw two of s bickering. He sighed, he didn’t freak out since the sight was already a daily routine for him.

“Misa!! Jazmine!!” he shouted and two immediately stopped. “What are you guys doing?”

“Oppa.. Jazmine she’s been drinking ag-” before she could finish what she was about to say Jazmine has already put her hand on to avoid her from saying more. Hero raised a brow.

“Jazmine let go of Misa… Have you been drinking again??” Hero asked and Jazmine let go off Misa. Misa glared at Jazmine.

“No!!” Jazmine said. “Yes you did!!” Misa said. And then they started to shout at each other again.

“What with all the shouting!!??” SunHee shouted at the other side of the room.

“See… There goes Sunhee again… Get back to your room and finish packing…” Hero said turned around and started walking away.

“Oppa.. I think you might want to wake Kira up… She’s sleeping like a log with EL on her bed… And Yunmi has already tried waking her up. You know how Kira is… She gets cranky when you wake her up…”  Jazmine said.

“Kira hasn’t wake up yet!!!” Hero said basically going ballistic. He went staright to Kira’s and Yunmi’s room.  He opened the door and found Yunmi packing her bag. Her suite case was already half full.

“Yunmi.. Why haven’t you wake her up???”  Hero said.

“Oppa.. I tried..” she said with puppy eyes. He heaved out a sigh and went to her bed.

“Oreo…. I am in Oreo Land… Peanut Butter…. Chocolate…” Kira said while sleeping. Obviously she was in dream land. Hero was about to wake her up when she suddenly sat up.

“Ne!! Oreo with Peanut butter is the best!!” she shouted and went back to her sleeping state. Hero gulped, he perfectly knew what would happen if he wake her up.

“Yunmi go call Daehyun, he knows what to do…” hero said as he slowly poked Kira’s cheeks. Kira moved slowly but it seems like she wasn’t bothered at all.

“Why of all the people, you called me? You can call P.J., or Xander, or anyone there except me.” Daehyun said stomping his feet as he walked towards where Kira and Hero is.

“Well as they say fight Ice with Ice..” Hero said and smiled slightly.

“It’s Fire… Fight fire with fire..” Daehyun rolled his eyes and it landed on Kira’s cute sleeping face.

“Owww… So you called me to wake The Ice cold Beauty Goddess in her ‘STATE’ right?” Daehyun said and smirked. Hero only nodded.

“Well what are you waiting for?? Yunmi, Hero, you better get outside things can get ugly.” He said. The two obeyed and didn’t want to see Kira on her ‘STATE’. “Oh.. and you might want to take EL with you.” They took the dog with them and locked the room.

“KIRA WAKE UP YOU IDIOT!!!! IF YOU WON’T I’LL EAT ALL OF THE SWEET AND I WON’T GIVE ONE SINGLE BITE!!!” Daehyun shouted just right beside her ear. Kira opened her eyes widely, it took time for her to process everything that Daehyun said. She then norrowed her eyes and glared at him.

“YOU WOULDN’T DARE!!” Kira said as she get off her bed and started there glaring competition. Just outside the room the 8 members where listening to there fight. Few minutes later it became silent no noise was heard. They stuck there ear on the door to hear a better sound inside.

“Is KiHyun competition finish??” Jade asked.

“I think so…” Xander said who was concentrating so hard to hear just even a little sound. Suddenly they heard glass shattering, things being dumped on the floor, and any unpleasant sound.

“Oh my god!! I think there messing up my things!!” Yunmi said and opened the door. They found the room like it was a trash bin.

“Daehyun is done here… So can I go back to my room now??” Daehyun asked. He has a small cut on her face and Kira was the same otherwise.

“Woah.. You two.. What you did is unbelievable!! You destroyed this room… AGAIN!!!” Sunhee said and the other seconded.

“This is the 16th time of the year.. and guess what!! It’s a new record!! They destroyed this room in just 4 minutes and 42 seconds!!” P.J. said sounding more amaze rather than mad.

“Last year was wicked!! I think we repaired this room 46th time last year.” Xander said reminiscing from the past.

“Okay okay… Get back to your room..”  Hero said. The others immediately went back to their room and started packing again. As for Yunmi, she found her bags, somehow unharmed.

“Kira.. I’ll give you an hour to finish packing your stuff…” Hero said crossing his ams on his chest.

“I can do it in 30 minutes…” She said as she picked EL up and hugged it.

“What I mean is, not only shooting thing in your bag but in a orderly mannered way. Pile your shirts tidily on those bags.” Hero said pointing 3 bags.

“Define orderly mannered and tidily. I believe those words aren’t in my dictionary.” She said in a cute way blinking her eyes quite a few times.

“Kira!!” Hero said as his tone gets up.

“Fine…” Kira said and gave out a few glares. Hero then went out of the room and get back to packing. “I guess, it’s time to pack…” she said as she opened her closet.

DM’s house was busy. Since they needed to get to school this day, they needed to rush things. Everyone was running around the House, looking for there things.

“Has anyone seen my green glasses?? Those we’re collectibles!!” Jade shouted.

“It’s in the living room Jade.” Sunhee said without looking at her.

“Gomawo unnie!!” she said and run towards the living room. She saw Hero who was already busy cooking for lunch.

“Oppa.. finish packing??” she said as she grabbed her glasses on the living room table.

“Ne… Call the others… we’re eating lunch..” he said. Jade just nodded and went to call the others.

“Oppa… Time to eat…” she said as she peeked through the door of Xander and P.J’s roon. The two were busy packing there stuffs.

“We’ll be there in a few minutes.” They both said at the same time. It was weird for a non member of DM to see the two together. But the both were known for being the DUO of the group. Xander is known for being the Hard but Soft Nerd and PJ was known for being the Childish Hyung. She entered the room of Hero and Daehyun’s room.

“Oppa.. Time to eat…” she said. She shivered a little thought the temperature in Korea was hot as hell. Daehyun was known for being the Ice Prince in the group.  She then went to where the girls were and shouted loudly since she was to tired to go call them one by one.

“TIME TO EAT!!!” she shouted as loud as she can and the girls started racing towars the Dining room and sat at their respective places. Jade went to the dining room slowly. She thought ‘Probably this will be the last day we will be like this.’

“Jade!! Palli!! We can’t start eating without you!!” Kira said sounding impatient. Jade hurriedly went to her sit. They prayed before they ate and they started digging in.

“Why so silent??” Hero asked s. This was the only time no one was blabbering about random stuff. A sniff was heard and it came from the girls. It was weird. The Girls of Dance Masterez where always Boyish and acts tough all the time.

“What with crying??” Daehyun said and couldn’t believe Kira was also crying. To a nonmember, people would always mistake Kira as a cold blooded mammal well in fact she is really a sweet and caring person. (I’m not that stupid to not know that mammals are hot blooded not coldblodded.)

“It’s just that… We’re going to miss this place…” They said and started crying more.

“We’re only going to school… We’ll be back here during holidays, summer vacation and who knows, we might as well cut classes when it your birthday.” Xander said. They began to smile again. Laughter was heard in the room.

Hero couldn’t help but smile what he is seeing. Each of them had a broken family and now, they had a family again.

“Hurry up guys… You still need to clean up yourselves, wash the dishes and finish packing. Then we’ll go to school…” Hero said and they nodded and went back to their topic.  One by one, they washed there dishes and went back to their respective room. Jade was wondering around the house since she was finish packing her stuffs up and she was already ready to go there school. She went to Kira’s and Yunmi’s room.

“Hi Yunmi Unnie… Hi Kira..” she said and picking up EL and placed him on her lap.

“Finish packing Jade??” Yunmi asked placing the last shirt she had on her bag.

“Ne unnie..” Jade smiled at Yunmi, Yumi smiled satisfied since she was able to finish packing her stuff and was ready to go just like Jade.

“Stupid stuff!!” Kira said and kicked her bags. The two looked at her and tried their best to hold there laughter’s. They perfectly knew Kira was helpless at this kind of things. Kira looked at them and  glared, it’s like she knew that they were trying to hold there laughter’s.

“Help me!!” She cried.

“Fine.. Ice cold Beauty Goddess.. I wonder why people call you that..” Yunmi said going to Kira’s suite case and started fixing it.

“I don’t know… Probably people who cared less of the world.” She said and lie down on her bed.

“Mine’s pretty cute…” Jade said. “I’m called the tomboy!!”

“You call that cute… It’s quite disgusting…” Kira said raising a brow.

“No it isn’t!! It sounds tough…” Jade said obviously annoyed by Kira’s statement. “Yunmi unnies is Boyish Charismatic Princess”

“No doubt about that…” Kira said smirking.

“What’s that suppose to mean??!!” Yunmi said as she shot glares at Kira. Kira shrugged it off by looking innocent as possible.

“Jazmine has quite a cute one… I like hers… The Chilled Martini!!” Jade said.

“Obviously it’s because she drinks beer!!” Yunmi said while chuckling a bit.

“I heard my name!!” Jazmine said as she entered there room. “Woah… This room is a little bit fixed…”

“Whatever Jazmine…” Kira said and stuck her tongue out.

“Misa is Simpleton Doll.. She has a cute persona if you ask me…” Jade said leaning on the bed’s board.

“I though she was called Chocolate stealer!!” Kira said.

“Aren’t you the one who steals chocolate??” Yunmi said sounding s little sarcastic. Kira threw her pillow at her and it was a direct hit.

“Next one is Sunhee Unnie… The Serious One.. I think there compatible with Hero oppa!!” Jade said as her eyes sparkled.

“Eww!! That’s !!!” the 3 said.

“We’re family!! And you say stupid things!!” Kira said.

“Well I do find you and Daehyun oppa cute together.” Yunmi said.

“KiHyun!! And your both icy to people.” Jazmine seconded Yunmi. Kira looks like she wanted to puke  as she shot glares at the three.

“Get out of our room.. I still need to clean myself up. And looks like I’m the only one who hasn’t take a bath yet..” Kira said and hop all the way to the bathroom.

Hours have past and all the members we’re ready to go. Hero started counting and again one was missing.

“Who’s missing!!??” He said as he count the heads again.

“Kira!!!” Sunhee shouted.

“I’ll be there!! Give me 5 freaking minutes!!” she shouted.  She was still busy packing EL’s things. She couldn’t possibly leave her Dog.

“Faster you idiot!!” Daehyun shouted. Kira moved 3 times faster packing all the things of El, from his chewed toys 3 pairs of clothes, hair brushes and lot more. You could really see how much the dog is loved by her. She put El on his cage and dog started barking. She knew how he hated being in the cage.

“Just a few hours El…” she said took her things and El’s things and ran down to see her members.

“Finally!! Let’s go!!” They said and started walking to the bus stop.

‘Time for serious hell!!’ they all thought.


Congrats to those who got chossen.. And they are...

1, ThatGirlOverThere - Park Jaz Min (Jazmine)

2. Sodamnxxlilian - Sunhee Rocher Park (Sunhee)

3. ThePainOfLove - Yang WeiMin (Hero)

4. Mee-Kyong - Go MeeKyong (YunMi)

5. Shaza_Bigbang_ - Lee Jade (Jade)

6. jay1324 - Noah Baek Daehyun (Daehyun)

7. justshakeitup11 - Alexander Hwa Su Jin

8. Xxchocolate_sweetXX - Park Jung Su (P.J.)

9. mikamikami - Ma Sang Mi( Misa)


Please to those who aren't chossen.. I still haven't pick the 10 members of D-clash.. They are still being processed and of course the minors who will the help chossen go through there life in AIS... 

This isn't the first chapters on my mind... But i'm still revising it so... yeah...


Anyone who will unsub??? Fine with me... But think before you press it sine i still need 10 more members... and oh not only that.. i need more... so yeah. it's up to you... :"> 

This came out randomly on my head.. :))

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glinxe11032312 #1
is it really closed???
oh when shall this fic be updated~
ThePainOfLove #4
I hadn't had time to be online, so sorry ! <br />
Thanks for accepting me and i like how the story is going (: <br />
FIGHTING (: <br />
<br />
BUAHAHA I'm The leader !! :D *evil* (????
marciaangela25 #5
awesome update!!! ^-^
Ooops. I got a wrong name with my comment =.="<br />
Sorry about that~ it must be KIRA not Kisa T______T<br />
<br />
OH! I think @justshakeitup11 is right about the popular students are our partners!<br />
I'm so excited ~ ♥ >w<
jay1324 #7
ohohoho, funny, already a hatred feeling going on between Daehyun and Minwoo eh? Anyways, :D IU, Hwayoung, and Sunny~! Not to mention Siwon, Gongchan, and Heechul, and Yunho~! Can't wait for another update ^^
WOO~ an update and an awesome one at that. <br />
Can't wait for another one. Hwaiting ^^~
PJ and Xander are cuteeeeeeeee <33333333