Thank Goodness for Fangirls

By Chence

Xiumin woke up the next morning feeling drowsy.

"Xiumin! Wake up honey, you're going to be late for school!" Xiumin's mom shouted.

He looked over at his clock, it was 9 minutes after school started, he was wide awake and rushed to the bathroom. He brushed his hair and his teeth. He washed his face, and picked out random guy clothes, and took off without the costume. He ran to school, now it was 39 minutes after school started. He rushed to his classroom, missing curves and tripping up the stairs and crawling up the stairs. He decided to go to class 89 for once, he slammed the door open screaming, "MY NAME IS KIM MINSEOK PLEASE TAKE CARE OF ME I'M YOUR NEW STUDENT..." he bowed. "THE SCHOOL HAS NOT INFORMED YOU YET, DON'T ASK ME WHY." Minseok took a huge breath, he saw Kai staring at him smiling, he smiled back. Kai's ears turn pink, he pretended talking to his friend, Daehyun.

"Hey, man what's up? Where you at the dance last night? It was really cool huh?!" Kai talked really fast.

"Eh?" Daehyun turned around. "Oh! The dance! I just went there for the food, it was really good. Although they could've made the chocolate cake have less chocolate."

"YOUNG MAN." they heard in the front. "WHY DON'T YOU HAVE YOUR UNIFORM!?" the teacher screeched.

"I DIDN'T GET IT IN THE MAIL OR MAYBE I FORGOT IT..." Minseok took a deep breath again. "I'M SORRY TEACHER."

"Sit in front of Kim Jongin." the teacher sighed.

Kai smiled as soon as he heard 'Kim'. He jumped around in his seat, Daehyun looked at him weirdly and decided to stop judging him.

When it was lunch time, Kai tapped on Minseok's shoulder.

"Hi Minseok. Welcome to the school, I hope you like it here, because I like it here." Kai said. "I liked it ever since you slammed that door open." Kai smiled brightly.

"What?" Xiumin blushed.

"N-nothing!" Kai put his head down, putting his hands around him. "I guess you think of me differently because of last night huh?"

"Come again? I couldn't hear you jibble-jabbling your words." Xiumin chuckled.

"I said I guess you think of me dfferently because of last night, huh?"

Xiumin thought of what went through last night, all he remember was Kyungsoo and jongin thought they were trying to make each other jealous. Kyungsoo pushed him again the wall, and Chen and him stopped them from fighting. And Kyungsoo said, "I guess I'm not over him."

Xiumin's light bulb shined brightly, his face lit up. Kai stared at him.

"Sorry, I don't remember what happened last night." Xiumin lied.

"Oh! Really?! That's good!" Kai lifted his head and smiled.


After school, he searched for Chen. Probably hanging out in the backyard. he thought. He went to the soccerfield and saw Suho, Lay, Chen, Kris, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Sehun, Luhan, Tao, and Kyungsoo walking around with girls surrounding them, like they're bodyguards. When Xiumin entered the soccer field, one of the girls shouted, "Is he part of EXO!?" they all screamed and ran over to Xiumin.

"Uh... hi girls." Xiumin smiled. The fangirls' hearts melted and they asked him, "Are you in EXO, oppa?!"

"No, sorry." Xiumin answered.

"Aww... we'll get you into EXO, oppa!"

"Oh thank you girls...! Who's EXO?" 

"EXO is a group, the one of the kingkas groups of the school! There's a fanclub for each kingkas. There's BAP, BANGTAN, EXO, VIXX, BTOB! There's even a fanclub for teachers and staffs, we girls seperated them and put them together and named them. Like... BIGBANG, TVXQ(Including Junsu, Jaejoongm and Yoochun), SUJU, SHINHWA. Some retired and went to get new jobs." One of the girls explained.

"Oh... that's cool." Xiumin smiled.

"You think so!?" The girls' heart melted and put their hands on their heart saying, "Aww~"

"Excuse me girls, I need to talk to... Che-Jongdae?"

The girls made a path and let Xiumin through, everyone gathered at the soccer goal. Everyone looked at him, the what-the- face.

"What do you want, Min?" Chen stood up, stretching.

"Hey trollface, I need ya." Xiumin grabbed Chen by the leg and dragged him across the field.

"Hey! Help me guys!" Chen shouted.

Kris shook his head, and continued chatting.


Xiumin swung his leg beside Chen, and shoved gum into his mouth.

"I got an idea. I say- heard that Jongin and Kyungsoo were in a relationship. How 'bout we put them back together? As one? Ya know?"

"I don't think so." Chen crossed his legs and arms.

"Why not?" Xiumin shoved his face into Chen's.

"I'm not giving Kyungsoo to that jerk-face. He's out of our group." Chen smirked, walking away.

"Oh? Is he really? Are you just saying that just to keep Kyungsoo to yourself? Why not auction him off?" Xiumin pushed Chen against the wall, and slammed his hands beside him.

"Hey! That guy is hurting our ChenChen!" the fangirls screamed, running towards them. They were quite far away, but they came closer and closer every second.

"Thank goodness for fangirls." Chen smirked, while Xiumin panicked. He switched places with Chen, spit out the gum and smacked it onto Chen's shoe, and smashed it onto the wall. He fell down, and cried, "Stupid! Mean! Hyung! Why'd you hurt me? I didn't do anything?" Xiumined wiped his eyes.

The girls arrived and looked at Chen, then Xiumin.

"Jongdae oppa~! Why did you hurt Minseokkie?!" they asked, helping Xiumin get up.

"I didn't do anything!!!" Chen shouted.

"By the way, Minseok is joining EXO, now oppa. Please treat him well while we are not present to protect him!" the girls shouted and bowed.

"H-Aish. Fine." Chen looked at Xiumin, he was grinning.

Xiumined mouthed, "Thank goodness for fangirls."

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Love this fanfic !<3
Hope you update soon ^_^!
Chapter 3: update please, author-nim T.T
NiniSasa #4
Chapter 2: Update pleasee ㅠㅠ
xiububbles #5
Chapter 1: Lmfao hahahhaha xiumin
this is funny!