
By Chence

MinSeok POV:

I moved to Korea, because Dad missed seeing Mom, and he hates being a single father. During winter vacation, we went sledding down the hill behind our house, we were racing and when I pushed her playfully she landed flat on her face and broke her nose. I'm the worse sibling ever.


When I arrived in Sohee's room, Mom was beside her, holding her hand.

"So... how's Sohee?"

"Fine. They're going to give surgery on her nose."

"Minseok..." Sohee smiles, but her eyes were still closed.


"I want to ask you a favor... Could you attend my school for me while I'm gone. I don't anyone to worry about me while I'm gone."

"Uhh..." Xiumin looked over.

"What's the 'Uhh' for?!"

"What's my excuse for MY school?!"

"You have the swine flu, and you died."


"I'm kidding. Just say that you went on vacation to... Uh... Europe!"

"Sure... I guess..."

"You either have that excuse, or you die."

"Fine." Xiumin sighed.


"Can I bring her along?" Xiumin asked.

"I-I don't know..." The nurse worried. "I think you can..."

"Are ye sure?"


"Are you really? Because I don't want you to get in trouble."

"I'm very, very sure."

"Okay... Already then, where are the wheelchairs?!" Xiumin screamed excitedly.


"Thank you, Noona~!" Xiumin cheered.

"What. Are. You. Doing. Min."

"If I'm going to be like you, I got to dress like you. Come on, hop on!"

"It that allowed?"

"The nurse told me it was. Don't ruin the fun! Hop onto the chair woman!"

Xiumin helped Sohee get onto the wheelchair and rolled to the exit, literally.


"You like this shirt, Min?"

"It's your choice and style."

"Oh yeah... Well then what's your size?"



"I don't know."

Sohee gave him all the sizes of the shirt.

Xiumin tried on the XS.

"It's... Too... TIGHT!"

A woman passed by, seeing Xiumin with the shirt, covering half of his stomach.



"Miss, I... I can explain... J-Just gimme a minute!!!"

Sohee stood there giggling.

"What are you laughing at?!" Xiumin shouted.

"Nothing." Sohee tried to stop giggling.

Then Xiumin tried on the S. Still too small. Then M, it was just right. Then they tried L, it was a little big, but it could be useful if the M shirts shrink in the laundry.

Now pants and skirts and dresses.

They tried on every size, size 12 was the best.

"Why IS GIRL'S PANTS SO SMALL!?" Xiumin whined.

"Why are guy clothes so plain?"


"Well alrighty then."

After shopping for so long, they paid everything with Xiumin's credit card, and some of the left-over money Xiumin's mom gave him every year for his birthday.


"Do I need to wear a bra...? You're pretty flat-chested." Xiumin teased.

Sohee punched on the shoulder playfully.

"Just stuff them with tissues."


"Now there are some things you need to know..."

"Sohee!! Are you okay?! We heard those you went sledding with your brother, and and..." Sunye asked.

"Calm down girls!" Xiumin said calmly.

"Why is your voice so... manly???" Asked Hyelim

"What are you guys talking about?" Xiumin pitched his voice.

"Did you get tall over the vacation?!" Yubin asked.

"Y-yeah...! It could be these heels though."

"You're not wearing any heels..." Yeeun asked.

"PSSSSHHHH. You're blind girl." Xiumin sweated.

"When did your s grow... larger?"

Everyone stared at her.

"Uh... umm... OH LOOK! IT'S TIME TO GET TO CLASS BYE GUYS!" Xiumin ran off, and bumped into someone.

"Holymoly! I'm sorry Sohee!"

"I'm n- it's okay, uhh..."

"Jongdae? I'm in your class. I sit by you, at the window..."

"Its okay, Jongdae."

"You can call me Chen."

"Bye Chen. I got to go now, bye!" Xiumin rushed off.

He traveled through the school like a lost salamander. He felt a hand, grabbing his arm.

"Do you remember your classroom?"

"Yeah I do! It's... Room..."

"Room 88."

"Pffffttt. Duh! Oh my god, YOU need help." Xiumin sweated.

"You know where it is?"


"Sure you do. I'll be waiting at the door, 20 minutes before class starts."

"YOU'LL SEE ME THERE!" Xiumin shouted as Chen walked away.

Xiumin scrambled everywhere, asking where Room 88 is. They ignored them and ran away.

"Where's room 88?!?!" Xiumin screeched.

"Right here." A familiar voice laughed.

To Xiumin's right, there was Room 88 and JongDae.

"Pfffttt... I made it, like I SAID. YOU SEE ME." Xiumin shouted, putting his finger around Chen's face then poked his nose.

Xiumin walked in and waited for Chen to sit first.

"What are you doing? Ladies first."

"What...?! Naaahhh!!! Guys first! Lady Manners!"

"Why don't you sit first?"

"No, how about you?"

"Nah, I don't want to be impolite."

"... I don't want to either, now please sit, you're in front of me, and you know what they say...!"

"Say what?"

"Umm... Uh... I... FOLLOW THE LEADER."

Chen scoffed, and sat down.

That was close... Xiumin thought.

Author's Momment:

Wasn't that a beaut. chapter? :3

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Just in case yall confused.


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Love this fanfic !<3
Hope you update soon ^_^!
Chapter 3: update please, author-nim T.T
NiniSasa #4
Chapter 2: Update pleasee ㅠㅠ
xiububbles #5
Chapter 1: Lmfao hahahhaha xiumin
this is funny!