Are You the Jealous Type?

By Chence

Next day Xiumin woke up and waited for D.O to come by. Mom came back with groceries.

"Minseok... There's a boy out there looking for 'Sohee'." Mom said.

"Sohee isn't here... Oh! OH! Tell him I'll be there soon!"


"Hey Kyungsoo!" Xiumin smiled.

"Sohee! Did you eat breakfast yet?"

"No, I haven't. I've been waiting for my mom to get food."

D.O revealed something from his back, it was a snack.

"Here. I made this for you just in case you didn't get yet."

"Thanks Kyungsoo." Xiumin petted his hair.

"Mom! I'm going!" Xiumin shouted.

"Okay Minseok- Sohee."


While D.O and Xiumin walked to class, they met Chen. Xiumin walked away, and D.O followed behind.

"Are you okay Sohee? Class is that way." D.O said.

"I know... I... I need to use the bathroom. See you in class!"

"Read the signs! I won't be able to help you." D.O waved bye. 

He turned around and Chen was all up in his face.

"Hey Kyungsoo."

"Hi Chen... Umm... You're a little too close."

"Hey Kyungsoo... Has anyone or you asked anyone to the dance yet?"

"Well... I was going to ask Sohee out."

While Kai was walking past them, he overheard their conversation. He saw Sohee get out of the bathroom, and rushed over to her without bumping into anyone.

"Hey Sohee, I was thinkin' how about you and me, together, go to the dance? You wanna go with me? I'll make your dreams come true." Kai shouted, so loud that everyone at the other end of the hall heard. Everyone was silent.

"Sure. It sounds fun." Sohee shrugged.

"GREAT! I'LL BRING A CORSAGE ON THAT DAY. Bye Sohee~ ♥" Kai shouted.

D.O and Chen looked at each other.

"I guess I'm not going to ask anyone."

"Okay... How about you and I go together?" Chen smiled.

"I'd like that, Jongdae." D.O smiled.

Chen squealed inside, but then he remembered what Chanyeol said about using him to get Kai jealous.

"Are you trying to get Jongin jealous?" Chen frowned.

"No! I'm done with Jongin. He kept throwing my clothes and hiding them and using my toothbrush and saying it was a kiss. I'm done." D.O was serious.

"See you tomorrow at... six?"

"Six nice- would be nice." Chen smiled.


Xiumin walked with D.O home.

"I'm sorry." Xiumin said.

"For what?" D.O blinked.

"Kai asking me to the dance...? Aren't you mad?"

"No." D.O smiled. "I'm not mad. I don't care, I hope you have a fun time with Kai more than I did in bed."

"In WHAT?!"

"I'm kidding." he giggled.

Xiumin was in front of his house, he stopped and waited for D.O to catch up.

"Well looks like we'll talk to each other tomorrow."

"Bye Sohee." he smiled and waved.


As D.O walked by himself, home, he saw a figure waiting for him.

"Hey Squishy." the person waved, it was Kai.

"What are you doing here, heartbreaker?" D.O's smiled vanished.

"Heartbreaker?" Kai questioned. "Look who's talking, Dumpling."

"You're the one that broke up with me over the phone."D.O scoffed.

Kai sighed and got out his phone, scrolling down messages.

"Messaging Sohee? Telling her that you were just kidding about asking her?"

Kai shoved the phone in D.O's face.



"I never sent that! That's not my phone number anyways." 

D.O pulled out his phone and showed the same message.

"Anyways, Squashy, I'm here to see if you're jealous of me asking out Sohee." Kai grinned.

"I'm not jealous." D.O walked past Kai.

Kai grabbed D.O's hand and looked him straight in th eyes.

"Say that to my face."

"I'm. NOT. JEALOUS." D.O yanked his hand away, and walked to his house.

"Do you at least miss me?" Kai walked away, with his head down.


Chen messaged D.O after school.

Are you ready???

Yeah. Let's go!

Pick you up around 6:15! See you later!


"Umma! Where's the shaver?! I need to shave my arm hair!" Xiumin yelled.

"In the bathroom! Oh, I'm so excited for my baby son even if he's going with a guy!!!"

"What if he kisses me? Oh gosh, I don't want my first kiss from a guy."

Ding Dong!

"Someone is here~"

"WAIT. I GOTTA GET USE TO THESE HEELS." Xiumin made a huge thud.

When Xiumin's mom answered the door, Kai immediately asked if Sohee was okay.



When they got to the dance, Kai saw D.O dancing with Chen.

"What's Kyungsoo doing here with JONGDAE?!" Kai dumbfounded.

"I don't know. I think they look nice today. Kyungsoo looks so nice." Xiumin smiled. "Let's go man!"

This underwear is giving me a wedgie oAo Xiumin thought.

Xiumin stepped on a piece of the dress and tripped, Kai was there to catch him.

"Whoa there, we aren't playing trust fall, babe." Kai said.

Kai pulled Xiumin over next to D.O and Chen.


"Hey Kai, enjoy the dance so far?" D.O smiled.

"LOVE IT." Kai screamed.

"Why are you screaming, Jongin?" Chen judged him.

"Well it is quite loud." Xiumin said.

"Thanks Sohee." Kai smiled.


A slow song came, D.O and Kai both looked at each other, looking away sorrow. When Kai placed his hands around Xiumin he said, "You are very muscular. Better not mess with you." 

Xiumin laughed and said, "Nice underwear color." 

Kai looked down and pulled his pants up, "We never talked about this." Kai chuckled.

"I can't promise anything." Xiumin chuckled.

For a moment, Kai was daydreaming about Sohee.

"You look so pretty when you smile." Kai blurted out.

"What?!" Xiumin opened his eyes wide.

"Nothing, nothing. I just said that you... have a really nice dress on." Kai's ears turned bright red.

Kai looked over to see how the ducklings were doing, Chen was close to D.O, so Kai did the same to Xiumin. A while later, Chen tripped on D.O's shoes and they fell on each other. Kai grew infuriated, not able to hold in his jealousy. He pulled D.O and pulled him to the bathroom. Chen and Xiumin were waiting for them in the seats near the exit.

"So... How's your day going, Sohee?"

"Great Jongdae... I won't be back for a while, my mom needs me back at 7. Say goodbye to Jongin for me." Xiumin smiled and left, exited to the boys' bathroom.

"What are you doing!?" he heard Jongin's voice.

"What? I'm not doing anything, Kai!" Kyungsoo shouted.

"You- You're messing up my brain. Messing with my emotions, you're here just to get me back isn't it?" Kai pushed Kyungsoo against the wall, Xiumin was on the other side.

"I don't know what you are talking about, let me go!"

"You're doing this, just to get me jealous! Because I asked Sohee, you were all like, 'Oh heck naw. He didn't just steal mah gurl.' "

Xiumin exited quietly and into the girls' bathroom. He dragged down his dress, put the wig in the bag and left it in his locker. He came back and saw Kai sitting, away from the crowd. He sat next to Kai, he looked at Xiumin. His eyes widen, his mouth dropped.

"Dude, who are you?" Kai asked.

"I'm Minseok, the new student. I'm in class 89." he answered.

"Oh... how come I don't see you often?" Kai asked.

"I... I'm... I'm absent a lot."

"Oh... you look like someone I know..." 

"Oh really?! That's really interesting!" Xiumin smiled, and Kai's heart skipped a beat.

"How long have you been here?" he asked.

"For awhile."

Jongdae was dancing with Kyungsoo, he looked over and saw Xiumin. He stopped for a moment, I thought Sohee left...

Jongdae stopped dancing, asking Kyungsoo to go get fruit punch.

"Sohee?!" Chen zoomed into Xiumin's face. Kai looked disgusted at Chen, and pulled him away from Xiumin.

"He's not Sohee, this is Minseok."

"Heh. Sure." Chen sighed. "So 'Minseok', remember that time when Yeol and I came into the boys' bathroom, while you were taking a dump?"

"No." Xiumin said without carelessness. 

Kai broke their eye contact, and shoved Chen away. "Back off man, if he says no. It's no. Go back to your ing Kyungsoo."

Chen held his hands up in the sky, "Okay, okay sheriff." he turned around and saw Kyungsoo dropping two glass of fruit punch.

"What are you doing, Kim Jongin?!" Kyungsoo asked, walking up to Jongin and pushing to the wall.

"Are you sure you're not the one trying to make me jealous?!"

"Kyung, this is just a new friend I made."

"More like new boyfriend."

Chen imaged Chanyeol shaking his head forward backward, and around saying, "Kyungsoo be jelly."

Xiumin pulled Kyungsoo away, and Chen rushed over to Kai.

"Yah! What are you doing with Jongin?!" Kyungsoo asked Xiumin.

"Calm down baby wolf, I just hung with him because he looked so lonely. Chill little guy." Xiumin held Kyungsoo close to him.

"Aish... I guess I'm not over him..." Kyungsoo mumbled, buried his face in his hands.





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Love this fanfic !<3
Hope you update soon ^_^!
Chapter 3: update please, author-nim T.T
NiniSasa #4
Chapter 2: Update pleasee ㅠㅠ
xiububbles #5
Chapter 1: Lmfao hahahhaha xiumin
this is funny!