She's A Player

By Chence

After school, Chen 'introduced' the school to Xiumin.

"Do you remmeber where and who is now?" Chen grumbled.

"Y-yeah... The uh... The... Um... Our..."

"We've gone through this 6 times! I've seen you learn multiplication in 3rd grade, what happened?!"

"... I... I forgot?"


"This is Chanyeol, the guy with a creepy smile. He's a hyper guy. He sits in the seat in front of you." Chen used cardboard figures, for Xiumin to remember their names and faces..


"Who's the next one?"

"Uh... Lu... LuHen?"

"Luhan! The pretty-flower boy from China." Chen shouted.

"I almost got it right!" Xiumin cheered.

"Next one!"

"Tummy... Tommy! Tammy?!"

"Tao!" Chen facepalmed "The guy who teases you all the time."

"That's Fan!"

"Wufan, A.K.A Kris. The guy who sits in front of you."


"Baekhyun, the guy who sits in the front row."

"Oh yeah!"

"This is..." Chen gazed at the cardboard figure.

"SukHo?" Xiumin smiled.

"No... It's Suho." Chen smiled.

There was a silence. It was silence that you could hear other people breathing.

"Chen... Earth to Chen! CHEN!" Xiumin shouted.

"Yes?! Oh, sorry Sohee."

"It's okay, Chen. I think the next one is... Sehyuk?"

"Sehun, that boy with a emotionless face, shares lunch with you..."

"The next is... Kim Jongin, also known as Kai!" Kai was the easiest to remember.

"The next one is Kyungsoo, nicknamed as D.O! The boy who walks home with me!!!" He was easy too.

"The next one is Zhang Yixing, an exchange student from China. He's known as Lay." Also very easy to remember.

"Good! Let's soo if you know the rest again."

After 3 more tries, Xiumin remember all of their names. It was 4PM when they finished. 


"How was school, MinSeok?" His mom asked.

"Fine. I didn't know Sohee was such a player." Xiumin answered.

"Sohee? A player...?"

"She's friends with SO many guys. Sehun, Luhan, Chen, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Suho, Lay, Kris, Tao, Kai, D.O, Lay.

Author's Momment:


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Love this fanfic !<3
Hope you update soon ^_^!
Chapter 3: update please, author-nim T.T
NiniSasa #4
Chapter 2: Update pleasee ㅠㅠ
xiububbles #5
Chapter 1: Lmfao hahahhaha xiumin
this is funny!