
The Ice Princess & Her 12 Suitors

It was the early morning of the next day and you woke up to find the sun glimmering through your eyelids. You slowly sat upright from your bed and stretched lazily. Honestly, you didn't get a very amount of good sleep last night and spent the majority of your time in bed twisting and turning in an attempt to fall asleep, but your brain just wasn't switching off.


Reason was because you were thinking too much. About life, more specifically, yours. It felt like you weren't thinking at all, but really, a million things were running through your head at the same time and it was just too quick for you to note down all of them one by one. Your life as a royal, as a princess, and what it would be like if you were just a normal person instead. Yes, for one day, you would at least like to experience what it's like to be normal, you wanted to get out of the palace and stroll along the market, breathing in the fresh air, you wanted to go walking around without a care in the world because it stops you from having to stand still and go back to thinking. Thinking of all the drawbacks in life.


You only really had two people you could confine in; your dad and Yerin. They were the only people who knew you inside and out. It kind of saddens you that you don't know a lot more people in your life, but then again, you'd rather have just two fifty cents than a 100 pennies.


You put on your slippers and went downstairs. The palace seemed really quiet today, but you assumed that the boys were still sleeping since it was still quite early in the morning. You went in to the over-sized kitchen, where surprisingly even none of the cooks were there. You looked at the clock, it was precisely 6am. You put on a confused face, usually they would be cooking breakfast by now. But since none of them are here, you'll just have a simple breakfast yourself.


Going through the pantry, you picked out a cereal and poured it in to a bowl along with some milk. You walked in to the next room that was the dining room which the long, narrow dining table. You sat down on one end of the table and started eating, you also took out your phone and started browsing through it.


"We should be cooking right now! Agh, I can't believe you woke me up this late. They're bound to come down any time soon."


"Well sorry"


All of a sudden, the cooks and servants came in through the kitchen door, their uniform messy and the girls's hair still tangled. It looked like they were in a complete rush. Jonghyun was there too, and he looked startled once he saw you.


"Princess!" he exclaimed "W-what are you doing here..?"


"Having breakfast?" you said obviously


"Well, yes, but-but how could you eat just that?"  one of the cooks asked "you should have waited for us, Princess MiNa-ssi. We're sorry for coming in so late, we'll fix you up something really quick. Jonghyun, make the princess a cup of tea or something while she waits". The cooks rushed off to the kitchen and immediately you heard pots and pans being pulled out of drawers.


"Oh, no, no, it's okay," you assured "i'm almost finished anyway, i'll be stuffed. You go on ahead and make breakfast for my dad and the boys upstairs. They'll sure to be hungry."


"If you say so," Jonghyun said, not arguing with you "but can I at least make you that cup of tea?" he insisted


You smiled. "Make that two, then"




You and Jonghyun had ended up talking for quite sometime as you both sat together with a cup of tea in your hands. Just catching up on each other before the cook scolded him for not helping out.


Eventually, your father along with EXO had come downstairs for breakfast. You were surprised at how the volume raised from quiet to loud in just a matter of seconds when they woke up.


You, on the other hand, brought out your book from the library and went outside in the garden, sitting on the bench near the water fountain just flicking through the pages. You sighed as your eyes scanned the texts and images as you rested your arm on the bench. Being bored, you closed the book and laid it aside and you threw your head back so that the back of your neck touched the rim of the wooden bench. You closed your eyes.


"I just want a break from reality" you silently whisphered to yourself


All of a sudden, you felt a strong gush of wind blow against your cheek as it wavered through your hair. You decided to let the breeze flow, but for some reason it kept on getting stronger and stronger. Then, out of nowhere, you felt a few cold splashes of water land on you. Your eyes jolted open as you thought it was raining, but no, it wasn't.


Your eyes turned to your right and saw your garden water fountain alive as the water started rising up and began putting on a miraculous show for you. It started splashing and putting on little tricks to make it look like an mini water fountain display before all the water gushed up in to mid-air and forming in to a 3D heart shape then it slowly started calming down again.


You remained sat there with your eyes wide open, speechless at what just happened. Did they install a new fountain or something?


"How was that, princess?" your head turned in to the direction of where the voice was coming from, and you saw Suho approaching you, with his hands clasped together looking pleased.


"That-that was you?" you asked


"Yes," he replied quite proudly "Have you forgotten that I had the ability to control water?"


You blinked at his question. In all honesty, yes, you have forgotten. You've even forgotten that EXO possessed any kind of powers at all. Maybe it was because they don't use it a lot.


Suho began using his hands to control the water again, swaying and waving it in particular motions. Your eyebrows raised in amusement. However, all of a sudden, a stream of  flame came out of nowhere, and it began to heat up the water, almost making it reach to a boil. Suho stopped looking annoyed and he turned around.


"Yah,  Chanyeol-ah, what are you doing? I'm trying to show the princess my powers!"


Chanyeol stopped and smirked a little. He began to spread out his arms as if he was a worshiped icon, "So am I" he said back. He began walking over to you and held out the palm of his hand. "Princess, allow me to show you the magic of fire, you'll be just as amused as the caveman were when they first discovered it." You narrowed your eyes at him as he was somewhat comparing you to a caveman.


"Go on" you said


A small spark began in the middle of his palm, then, it gradually builded up in to a small yet strong flame. Then, suddenly, the flame turned in that to a shape of a dragon which seemed to have life as it began roaring within Chanyeol's palm, the bright colors of red and orange were strong and bright. Chanyeol then closed his palm in to a fist, and in that flash of a second, the dragon that was just in his hand was gone. Your mouth formed a small 'O' shape.


"Impressed, are you princess?" he said rather cockily "Well, let me show you an even bigger version of that!" he exclaimed. You gulped at his words.


"Chanyeol..." Suho said rather worriedly


Chanyeol stepped a good meters back, which seemed reasonable since he did say a 'bigger' version, but you couldn't help but get nervous. He then spread out his arms wide, as if it were the wings of a dragon, he tilted his head back and began mumbling things to himself as he closed his eyes. And then, instantly, an excruciating roar was heard as the humungous dragon bursted in to life, it's red-flammed wings stretched across and it's necked stretched up as it began to breathe fire. The temperature of the fire got hotter and hotter as it came to the point where it became extremely tremendous. You half-closed your eyes and covered your mouth in an attempt to protect yourself.


"Chanyeol, stop!" Suho ordered


A strong wind abruptly came from behind, carrying the dead leaves and rubbish that lay on the floor along with it, but it also was powerful enough to blow away and get rid of Chanyeol's 'dragon flame'. It was Sehun that blew it out. You opened your eyes fully now and saw the aftermath of both Chanyeol's and Sehun's overwhelming doings. The row of tulips on the right were half burnt due to the fire, and dead leaves and bits of rubbish were now scattered in a majority of the place. You rolled your eyes in disbelief; these guys were really capable of some things.


"Sehun-ah! Why did you do that? You blew out my dragon flame'!" Chanyeol crossed his arms and pouted


"Hyung, you know you're not supposed to use that kind of power unless it's somewhere necessary like in a battle with another" Sehun scolded


"He's right. Look, you even burnt the tulips. And I never-I have never seen anything like that before..." Suho drifted off as he started at the blazed-up flower bed that looked like a strange new breed of tulips, if you could still calm them that.


"Oh, is that so, Sehun-ssi? You're not allowed to use your powers unless it's necessary?" you asked, narrowing eyes at Chanyeol


"It's true, princess. We even pledged to it, but some of us are rule breakers here. Luckily no one was harmed though."


"Yeah. With great abilities like ours, we can do good, yet at the same time do harm if we don't use it properly. There's an organization that specializes with people like us who have such powers, they note down the names of the 'gifted' ones and ask to personally see them in Seoul, where they then train you to have control and know how to use your powers under the terms of your agreement, eventually, if you're good enough they will make you participate in wars and battles with other alliances. That is how EXO was formed. Clearly, some people are disobeying the rules though."


Of course, you thought to yourself. You remembered your dad telling you stories about how he had to train to use his powers before he began to fight, but back then, you were still a little girl, hardly interested at all. And now, it all came back crystal clear to you. Too bad you didn't possess any abilities of such kinds.


"Is that why I haven't seen you use your powers a lot? Because you're not supposed to?" you asked


"Not exactly," Sehun replied "Anything minor is okay, but what Chanyeol did, as you can see, was pretty much over the top. Could've been harmful." He tutted


"It's okay now, though," Chanyeol assured "it's not like the organization knows everything I do and watched me 24/7"


"You'd be dead meat if they did though" you replied


Zzt. A glowing figure appeared in the distance, it was so bright that it almost blinded you, you immediately closed your eyes tightly and covered your eyes with your arms as a reflex. "What is that? It's hurting my eyes" you said, eyes still shut.


"I am Byun Baekhyun! Behold, the power of light!" All of a sudden, the glowing figure began to dim down slowly until the lighting was normal again. Your eyes opened and you found Baekhyun standing on top of the palace walls, his arms opened spread wide and his head thrown back as he closed his eyes whilst facing the sky as if people were worshiping him. Strong beams of white light seemed to be coming through his palms and going up and fading in to the sky since that was the direction his palms were facing.


You laughed at his hilarious pose. "Oh, it's Bacon"


 Chanyeol, Sehun and Suho started laughing at what you said. "Even she's starting to call you that"


Baekhyun pouted his lower lip in sadness. "Mianheyo" you mumbled to him.


"I was hoping you would be impressed, princess" he admitted


"Sure she was, hyung" 


For or some strange reason, wherever you go or are within the castle, it's always either Baekhyun or Chanyeol that stirs things up and creates trouble. It's not usual for them to, but then again, you can't help but wonder why they're always the ones involved in making calamity, especially in front of you. 






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Chapter 3: Lu Han power's is suppose to be telekinesis right? how come it's telepath? but anyway i enjoy the story this is the Daebak author-nim
airheadme12 #2
Chapter 23: Yehet! She's going! can't believe it! wait. but does this mean she's ending up with Baekhyun? What about the others? Does this mean that Luhan is not her 'suitor' anymore? I mean like her suitor is courting her bestfriend. How wierd is that? Anyway, I'm glad that you updated author, I really love your story and I have been waiting for you to update for so long. Fighting!
queenoftrouble #3
Chapter 21: Oh em gee... She better say yes-seriously, I'm shipping.. Minhyun? hardcore.
Chapter 18: update soon! ^^ It's a good story!
ailisu #5
Chapter 17: baekhyun ;A;
and omg yerin... hurry up and talk to her already T_T
Whitesider #6
Chapter 17: Yeah.. i shipping for baekhyun and mina ~~ Please let them together.
ILoveKDramas1 #7
Chapter 16: So It Has TO Be Only One Partner!! I Was & Still Shipping Them All, Poor Baozi They Made Him Into A Creepy Drinker In These Chapter. So Everyone Was Aware Of Beakie's Feelings Towards Minah. I Hope You Make It A 12 Partner Relationship After All It's A Supernatural Fic. She Can Share Luhan With Her Friend!!!