
The Ice Princess & Her 12 Suitors

*Bang Bang!*

You groaned at the sound and immediately grabbed your pillow and used it as a shield to cover your ears. 


The annoying sound had gotten louder. You sighed and grunted at the same time, you knew that at this point escaping this tragedy would be impossible for you to get out of.

Your dad peeked in your door, and with a final thud, clashed the stick and his mini gong together once more, just to annoy you. "MiNa, get up now, you know what today is" he grinned

You fixed yourself in the fetus position, pillow still over your head, you acted as if you haven't heard him. "Appa...shiro" you said sounding muffled

"No excuses, MiNa. Come on, now. The boys are already up, too"

You sighed in defeat. Today was one of the worst possible days ever, and you were dreading it. Why? Well, frankly, it was mostly because of your father, and his optimistic-like views on the world. Although you loved him so much, sometimes his ways of doing things do drive you a little more than crazy.

Ever since your talk with him about EXO being your suitors and you claiming that there's no point in it, he took that in to consideration, and, pretty much, decided to try and fix the hatred and awkwardness that stopped you from getting on well with them. And what better way to do it other than a day out, doing 'fun', physical activities?

Thats right, your father planned a day dedicated to you and the boys doing activities together in order to try and get you guys to be closer. Your father, if you recalled it, had planned precisely 3 activities for you to do. You don't know exactly what they were, but that's the thing that makes you worried the most. The fact that you didn't know what's set up for you. It kind of reminded you of intimate note; a show where they get the two most awkward members in a band, and make them do things in order to be closer. Maybe, it was there where your dad had gone the inspiration from. You thought that you should perhaps keep an eye on your dad these days.

Frankly, you weren't looking forward to it. And it makes sense, because you hated doing physical things. You were lazy, and would much rather stay inside and do things to your own pace and liking rather than going out of your comfort zone

To you, this sudden plan of games and fun was strange, idiotic, random, and another opportunity to distance yourself further from interacting with the guys and people. It wasn't exactly like your father to think like this, but then again, he can be your typical, embarrassing dad.

Strangely, the sun was out and open today. No clouds, just pure sunshine and blue skies, which is rather odd for a day in early December. For some reason, you can't help but think that it's more than suspicious, considering the fact that the other days were absolutely dull, grey, and indeed cold. Maybe the members had something to do with it, then again, you don't recall any of them having powers that could control the weather.

Actually, no, wait. You swore one of them had the ability to control and produce frost if they wanted to. Yes, that was probably it. It was Xiumin, wasn't it? But no, he's too nice. Maybe the members, or even your dad, persuaded a hell lot out of him.

Lazily, you slipped on your slippers and rubbed your eyes as you got out of bed before stretching. You yawned with your jaw briefly hanging since you were so tired. You blinked your eyes.

You heard noises coming from outside your room, you assumed that it was the boys just getting up and making their way.

Speaking of which, how exactly is this day going to work? All of you go outside and stand in a line, whilst your dad is the mc and the servants are his assistants? Aish, you thought. The scenario of of kind of reminds you of a P.E. class, though you never really went in to a public school, now you know the pain those kids went through. 

To you, it was just an opportunity to show exo that the hot-tempered princess can make a great big of herself when doing physical activities. And that, is so,etching that you don't intend on happening.

*Bang Bang* 

"Arrasso!" You yelled.



The boys and you were all stood in a line, just as you had expected. And your dad was in front of you, acting as the main host, whilst some of his servants were acting as assistances. Strangely, there are vaguely no obstacle courses or things laid out in preparation for today, which made you really wonder what exactly you were going to do today.

Your dad had cleared his throat.

Yes, this was going to be an awful day indeed.

The sun mockingly shined over the whole of the garden, as if it was trying to persuade your dad that today of all days was the best day to try and get you and the members to interract with each other, outside. And sadly, it worked. Although, even with the sun out, it was still rather cold, but not enough to cancel this whole thing completely.

"It's been a while since EXO's arrival here," he spoke. Dumb boy band name, dumb boy band name. "And I think that at this stage of the relationship, it would be great to do fun activities together," Right "kind of like 'ice breaking' games." your dad glanced at you at the word of 'ice'. Lovely referrence to your disliked nickname there.

Ice breaking games are usually done the first time they meet a group of people, a supposed 'fun' way of getting to know each other. But no, in actual fact, it makes things even more awkward. Which totally goes against the point of it.

He picked up the gong and banged it with the supposed drumstick before announcing the dreaded task, "Firstly, pair up!". All of the members began going in to two's, going solemly with whoever the person was who was standing beside them. The problem is, there's 12 members, and one of you. So yes, that means probably one is going to be left out. And maybe it's you. You sighed and crossed your arms as everyone had at least someone to cling on to, your foot kicked the dirt on the ground frustratedly.


You turned around

"Psst, princess, join us, we can go as a three" whisphered Chanyeol standing a few feet away from you, who was, not surprisingly, paired up with his precious Baekhyun. You knew that he was calling you over just because he wanted to tease both you and Baekhyun about each other. How typical of him.

"Uh, no thanks," you rejected, you stumped over to your dad "appa, shirro!" you whined

He narrowed his eyes and scanned the line of the paired up members and finally saw what the problem was. "Join Chanyeol-ssi over there, he's calling you over, go on, MiNa" 

You rolled your eyes as you stomped over to the breakfast pair of egg and bacon, your hands still not unfolding since you wanted to show that you're annoyed.

"My, how are we going to play ice breaking games with the ice princess?" Chanyeol chuckled, you punched his shoulder slightly in return. Turning around, you saw Baekhyun behind you, staring directly at the ground with his hands in his pocket as he kicks the ground. Obviously he doesn't want to be here, like you, but these days rather, ever since that unintended confession, he's gone a lot more quieter and shy than you're used to of him.

"Okay, okay, first task!"

You closed your eyes and put your hands together. Please don't be something stupid, please don't be something stupid.

"This is what you have to do," your dad announced, you opened your eyes to watch. One of the palace servants stepped forward with a nervous look on his face. Your dad placed a small piece of squared paper on his cheek, which left everybody confused and raising and eyebrow before he explained what it was "you have to keep this piece of paper in between yours and your partners cheek, not letting it drop or fly away as you run from this end to the garden, to that tree over there," he pointed at the huge empty sycamore tree that was a good lengths away "the couples, I mean, pairs that don't make it through with their piece of paper will suffer embarrassing consequences," he said, and the members began to chatter amongst themselves at what that could be as realisation sounds of 'ohh's came from them.

"Lastly, no cheating. There'll be consequences too, for that"

A few servants began making their way to the tree to wait and check for anyone that has cheated whilst each pair receives a piece of paper to place inbetween each others cheeks.

No way you were doing that. So embarrassing, and it was too much skinship.

Your dad gave Chanyeol the piece of paper, he then examined it and flattered it about in the air as if it was his first time seeing such a thing, he then looked at you and grinned slightly. You rolled your eyes at his dorkyness as knew what he was going to say next. "You and Baekhyun go first," you intended "please, it's fine".

Chanyeol didn't want to exactly push your limits and try to encourage you to run with him or Baekhyun because he could see you really weren't up for it, but like him, he won't leave you alone without at least annoying you a little bit. "Fine," he said "but you're next" he smiled and quickly pointed at you before turning to Baekhyun to get ready.

In a minute or two, all of the members were ready and standing behind an invisible line that your dad had intended to be there. You smirked, they all looked so awkward with each other. Gucci Tao and Kris the Artist had their faces pressed against one another, and judging by Kris' face, you could tell that he would rather draw on that piece of paper instead of using it like that. His right eye constantly twitched in awkwardness, trying to avoid too much skinship, and so was Tao's left eye.

Then there was the famous HunHan couple, with the exeption of Yerin, of course. They looked fine, up and ready to go. They had their arms wrapped around each other for support, and their little piece of paper was neat and safe between the protection of mommy Lu and daddy.

And of course there was Eggyeol and Bacon, paired up and together as always like they are on a breakfast plate.

Your dad put his whistle to his mouth, "Ready," he said "steady, go!" he blew on the whistle. Immediately, the members started running like maniacs trying to get through a minefield. Already, some of the pieces of papers went flying away as some pairs found it too hilarious and just had to let go. Xiumin and Chen's went flying up in the air because of the wind and they hadn't even made it through the first 5 seconds, but either way, they laughed about it and shrugged it off, which made you laugh about it too.

The race was over in about 10 seconds since the tree wasn't so far to get to. Your team, however, was doing quite well actually, one of the last ones to reach to tree. You laughed when you saw Chanyeol and Baekhyun high-fiving each other and acting like they owned the place. "Go BaekYeol!" you shouted encouragingly as the members ran back here.

Chanyeol panted as he reached back over. "Bet you cheated" you teased. "Did not," he replied back "anyway, it's your turn next" he warned, grinning slightly. "Don't think so, you've already done the race, so therefore I don't need to" you said happily.

"Righht, i'm surprised how only some went through, actually," you dad said "congratulations to Chanyeol & Baekhyun, D.O. & Kai, and Kris & Tao!" he applauded. Kris flipped his hair to the side whilst Tao grinned and raised his eyebrows happily.

"You let our baby go!" Luhan whined to Sehun

"It wasn't my fault," said Sehun "you were drifting away from me!"

"The rest of you, i'm afraid, will receive consequences." your dad said, and you smiled happily knowing that you don't have to do a stupid activity involving skinship, a piece of paper, and someone who you dislike thoroughly.

"The princess hasn't participated yet" Chanyeol blurted out. You turned around at those words, and felt like punching him right at that moment.

"Oh! Is that so? Oh, right, yes, of course, you're a group of 3, um, well MiNa you do have to participate so, um, what about you and someone from your team? Baekhyun-ssi?" A series of 'ooh's came from the members which made you go slightly red.

Oh no.

"H-huh?" Baekhyun stuttered

"Would you mind? You can do it right now, just to see if, you know...MiNa will make it through the next round, just a bit of fun" he assured to him.

What? Right now? In front of them, the boys? Nonononono.

"Uh, can we just leave it at that? Chanyeol and Baekhyun made it through, and they're in my team, so therefore I make it through, too" you defended yourself

Your dad sighed, not giving up just yet "At least join in, MiNa. It'll be no fun if you don't." 

Rolling your eyes, you wanted to just walk out, get out of here, and go back inside in to your own room right now and be isolated for the rest of your life, but of course, you're not that rude, and you know you can't be especially that rude to your own father. So you thought that you might as well just get it over and done with. "Fine then," you said in an arrogant voice whilst taking the piece of paper from Chanyeol's hands "come on, Baekhyun"

A few whistles were made by the members and smirks, too, but you didn't care. Baekhyun shyly walked over, you awkwardly placed the piece of paper between your cheeks as you and him made skin contact for what feels like the first time ever, and you feel weird doing it too.

Your dad began counting down the time

"Try not to drop it" you whisphered

"Go!" he said

You and Baekhyun began running with your cheek bones pressed hard against each other in an attempt to keep it still. You were almost near the tree, however, due to yours and Baekhyuns lack of support on each other, as you carried on running you both started running in different directions and began drifting apart, before you realised it, the sound of paper flattering in the air was heard and that was when you stopped running.

"Waaaaaaay" Chanyeol shouted from the other end

The piece of squared paper fell on to the ground and you picked it up, scrunching it in frustration. You turned to Baekhyun, "Doesn't matter, whatever the consequences are, just go with it." you began walking back

"Right, so then it seems that MiNa and Baekhyun-ssi" will be joining the rest of you guys.

"What do we have to do, dad?" you said, crossing your arms, wanting things to get done and over with.

He began searching on a piece of paper, which was supposedly, a hand-written agenda that he made specifically for today and it's events. You gulped when you see his eyes brighten up at spotting something, outside you seemed cool and relax, but really, you were nervous and almost trembling about what you and Baekhyun had to do together as consequences.

Which is strange, since you normally didn't care when it comes to people you didn't like much. And you thought it would apply the same for Baekhyun, too.



A/N:  Bash me for not updating for a month, I know. But the truth is i've been super super busy with exams and probably will be until the end of June as of now. They're really important, like, these exam results are gonna decide where you go in life type of important. So, I hope you understand that. I wanted to update a chapter because I feel like it's another heavy burden in my life if i'm just gonna keep you guys hanging like this. So yeah, I don't know when i'kk next update this story, but I suppose it's going to be on hiatus for a while :/ Sorry, just wanted to let you guys know.


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Chapter 3: Lu Han power's is suppose to be telekinesis right? how come it's telepath? but anyway i enjoy the story this is the Daebak author-nim
airheadme12 #2
Chapter 23: Yehet! She's going! can't believe it! wait. but does this mean she's ending up with Baekhyun? What about the others? Does this mean that Luhan is not her 'suitor' anymore? I mean like her suitor is courting her bestfriend. How wierd is that? Anyway, I'm glad that you updated author, I really love your story and I have been waiting for you to update for so long. Fighting!
queenoftrouble #3
Chapter 21: Oh em gee... She better say yes-seriously, I'm shipping.. Minhyun? hardcore.
Chapter 18: update soon! ^^ It's a good story!
ailisu #5
Chapter 17: baekhyun ;A;
and omg yerin... hurry up and talk to her already T_T
Whitesider #6
Chapter 17: Yeah.. i shipping for baekhyun and mina ~~ Please let them together.
ILoveKDramas1 #7
Chapter 16: So It Has TO Be Only One Partner!! I Was & Still Shipping Them All, Poor Baozi They Made Him Into A Creepy Drinker In These Chapter. So Everyone Was Aware Of Beakie's Feelings Towards Minah. I Hope You Make It A 12 Partner Relationship After All It's A Supernatural Fic. She Can Share Luhan With Her Friend!!!