
The Ice Princess & Her 12 Suitors

You haven't talked to Yerin for a few days after that. There were no calls, no text messages, nothing from her. You were thinking to contact her instead, but you didn't since you thought you would just bother her again. Since then, it's been rather lonely for you. Mostly because the only person you could ever really call your friend is pretty much ignoring you now. You've had fights with Yerin before, but most of the time you would just make up and start talking the next day. But for some reason, for this one, you just couldn't get the words she said out of your head, and that still provoked your anger whenever you thought about it.


Luhan had came and apologized to you straight after Yerin left and you had gone downstairs to see the boys. Some of the members scolded him saying he shouldn't have been so sneaky like that and 'steal' your friend, Sehun was upset with him too for ditching him right in the middle of the scary part of the movie. Apparently, according to Sehun in Yerins defense, it was Luhan that had whispered in to her ear "let's get out of here", supposedly she was lured in by his words and voice that she didn't hesitate to say yes. You could imagine her with her star struck face and nodding her head up and down at his suggestion.


'Yerins not talking to me.

Another stupid incident happened, and it isn't the first time. Oh, and guess who it involved? EXO. No surprise there. You know, supposedly this time, I shouldn't put all the blame on them, since it was kind of Yerins fault, too. Besides, it only involved Luhan this time.Which I guess is better than all twelve. Him and Yerin have this thing going on; they like each other, you could say. Which is fine by me, I don't mind,but what really annoyed me was what Yerin had said to me that afternoon, the thing that made me tick.


She was being selfish and acting self-centered at that time. Because she has the powers of empathy, she could tell I was getting annoyed and worked up. And she's sensitive, it seemed like she was on the verge of bursting out as she was trying to just hold it in, and she did.


'Just because one of them is interested in me and not you!' 

Her words were bitter. I couldn't believe my own best friend would say that to me. It kind of made my self esteem low, too. To think that  the people your dad had picked to suit you, even if it's one of them that's interested in your own best friend, and none of them even have the slightest attraction to you, it gave you the feeling of being low, and it wasn't something that I could avoid completely. I mean, they were, I guess, somewhat brought in for me at first, but then for them to fall in the hands of someone else and for that person to rub it in your face, I just- I don't know. It was like I was worth nothing, and, at the same time, I was angry about it too.


But what is this feeling? Jealousy? Maybe. I'm not jealous of the fact that Luhan has exchanged feelings for Yerin, no, my feelings towards him are definitely not mutual. He has a nice face, I admit. But even that's not enough for a person with high standards like me. Is he a friend? Well, more like acquaintances. Maybe im jealous of the fact that it's Yerin who gets to experience love instead, that she's developing feelings towards someone, and in return, he does too. And I've never had that, you know? Or felt like that towards anyone before, ever. It's something new; something foreign to me. But apparently, the feeling itself is much more common in people.


I can see the way she looks at him, and the way he looks at her. It's special, it's something. Even though they've only met a few times, it's like there was an immediate bond between the two, like they've known each other for years. And I want that feeling. I've always been called the 'Ice Princess', cold, crude, doesn't open up easily, and I hate those labels, I hate those things about me. But how can I change?


I can be the opposite, right? Nice, kind, open to people. Yes. I can do that. Or rather, try.


Maybe, this time, I should give them a chance.'


Your journal was getting more filled up each time you wrote in it. It was nice writing out your feelings like that, because, instead of someone having to listen to you and express their own opinions on it afterwards, you just write it down. Everything that happened, everything you feel, it all goes on to that one sheet of paper, and no one comments on it, says anything about it or judges it, because it's your own. And only you know its content.


Sighing, you went downstairs from your bedroom, you walked the way towards the living room when all of a sudden you see your dad sitting on the sofa comfortably with a small mug of green tea in his hand. He squinted his eyes at the tv and pushed his glasses back, when he turned his head and noticed you.


"MiNa!" he greeted.


"Hi, appa," He gestured for you to come over and you did as you were told. You sat by him as he took another sip of his tea. "What are you watching?" you asked, trying to make a conversation.


"Ah," he began "i'm watching this american tv series. It's called, um, how do I pronounce it, P-p-peereesoon b-breaku?" he stuttered


You laughed at his pronounciation. "Prison break?" you said in a better accent.


"Oh, um, yes, that," he replied seeming embarrassed "I like it. It's got crime and action in it; kind of reminds me of my olden days in war, except, I wasn't part of investing a crime scene. But the action part is good - though. Speaking of my of my days in war, how're you and EXO doing?"


'EXO' you thought, repeating the name in your head. You could never really get used to calling them that since it feels kind of weird. "Oh, um, I don't know. Fine, I guess."


"Still not warming up to each other, huh?" he said, and you nodded your head. "Hm, I thought so. The boys seem like a ruckus, too, but, they're okay. I suppose so. Listen, Mina. I know it's been a while now since they came, but what I think that both of you lack is effort. You have to put the effort in, you know? If you just continue acting like strangers, then obviously nothing's going to happen. Look, i'm sorry that I had to conclude you in this way, but i'm left with no other choice. Someone's going to have to take over my reign soon."


"I understand, appa. I just thought that, you know, there could be another way to do it." you said. You couldn't help but think that your father is only desperately wanting you to get married for the sake of carrying on the blood of the royal family, and for Busan. But what about your feelings about the whole thing? Don't they matter? Don't you get a say in this? But you didn't want to argue back with your dad, so, instead, you just went with it. "I'll take your words in to account. I'll put in the effort." 


He sighed. "I think you should give them more time."



A/N: This is a really short update, I just realised. Sowwy. Mianheyo. Oh - also, to get you guys to comment more, I have a question for my readers. Who do you think the princess will end up with? No one? Someone? All of them? Not sure? Either way, please leave your comments beloww on your thoughts! But for now, annyeong! Xo.

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Chapter 3: Lu Han power's is suppose to be telekinesis right? how come it's telepath? but anyway i enjoy the story this is the Daebak author-nim
airheadme12 #2
Chapter 23: Yehet! She's going! can't believe it! wait. but does this mean she's ending up with Baekhyun? What about the others? Does this mean that Luhan is not her 'suitor' anymore? I mean like her suitor is courting her bestfriend. How wierd is that? Anyway, I'm glad that you updated author, I really love your story and I have been waiting for you to update for so long. Fighting!
queenoftrouble #3
Chapter 21: Oh em gee... She better say yes-seriously, I'm shipping.. Minhyun? hardcore.
Chapter 18: update soon! ^^ It's a good story!
ailisu #5
Chapter 17: baekhyun ;A;
and omg yerin... hurry up and talk to her already T_T
Whitesider #6
Chapter 17: Yeah.. i shipping for baekhyun and mina ~~ Please let them together.
ILoveKDramas1 #7
Chapter 16: So It Has TO Be Only One Partner!! I Was & Still Shipping Them All, Poor Baozi They Made Him Into A Creepy Drinker In These Chapter. So Everyone Was Aware Of Beakie's Feelings Towards Minah. I Hope You Make It A 12 Partner Relationship After All It's A Supernatural Fic. She Can Share Luhan With Her Friend!!!