
The Ice Princess & Her 12 Suitors

"It's.So.Cold." Chanyeol complained as he clutched his black hoodie and immediately put it on whilst burying his hands in to the pockets of it. He shivered and his teeth clattered. The chill of the November frost was already starting to take place and it became unbearable.


"I know right?" the rest of the members replied.


The day wasn't very bright, since the sun was hardly visible at all. It was more dull and misty than anything in a late afternoon. You were watching TV silently by yourself in your comfortable sweater whilst gripping tightly on a cup of your favourite hot chocolate; something of which only the chef's could create. When all of a sudden, you were interrupted by the guys zooming and jumping in out of nowhere in to the living room, where they had come and sat with you to watch as well without your permission, and now you were left with their complaints about the temperature being so cold.


Looking around, all the members seemed to be within their usual pairings and a lot of skinship was going on since they both wanted to keep each other warm. Tao was rubbing the sides of Kris's arms, Kai had his arms wrapped around Kyungsoo, the strange thing was that Baekhyun was nowhere to be found and had left his precious companion, Chanyeol, to keep warm on his own. You wondered where he was.


"Aigo, eottoke? What to do?" Suho said whilst clattering his teeth, Lay trying to calm him down


"Shh, look. It's that part where Kim Hyun-Joong kisses Jung So-Min" said Kris, a er for romantic comedy dramas


All of a sudden, Sehun and Luhan took the roles of Baek Seung Jo and Oh HaNi, reenacting a scene from the drama 'Playful Kiss'. Luhan pretended to be back-pushed against a wall, his fingers twiddling in nervousness like a girl and eyes darting around, trying to look anywhere but to the person in front of him. Sehun pretended to have his hand on the wall, extending his arm and directly facing Luhan just like the characters were doing. The scene had finally come.


"You're going to forget me?" said Sehun in synchronisation to the characters voice


"That's right," Luhan replied. You wanted to laugh so badly at how freakishly accurate their acting was. "I'll get over liking you, i'll meet someone new and..."


Sehun cut him off. "Then, forget me." He tilted his head to the side, and your eyes widened. Sehun began leaning in to Luhan. He wasn't actually going to kiss him, was he? You clasped your hands with your mouth. Sehun continued leaning in but immediately bursted out smirking and laughing because he couldn't take it anymore, sending his spit in Luhans face.


"Yah! Sehun-ah! How could you do that to your hyung?" he wiped away his face using the back of his hand and looked grossed out


A few of the guys clapped in reward for their acting. "Daebak, really. Daebak." they said sarcastically.


Your eyes were still wide open and the palm of your hand still hadn't left your mouth. You realised a few of the guys laughing whilst looking at you and you turned your head to the side to find Tao, Lay, Chen and Xiumin giggling at the sight of you. "Wow, did you see the look on your face, princess?" said Tao.


"Whyyyy?" Chanyeol questioned.


"The way she looked when Luhan hyung and Sehun were about to kiss. I think she thought you guys were actually going to do it. But oh my god, she looked like this" Tao and Lay made made a reenactment of what you looked like, wide-eyed with your jaw hanging. The rest of the guys laughed at their impression of you.


"It's no joke," you protested "the way you looked at him with your eyes, you kept on leaning in and I just thought..." you defended yourself, still bewildered.


"It's how good our acting is." Sehun boasted. You eyed Sehun and Luhan, and for a moment, you couldn't tell who was who. You shook your head, realising that they strangely looked alike. 


"Anyway," you said, changing the topic "Are you guys still cold? I could get you some hot chocolate. It's the best." you placed your empty cup on the table.


"Yes, please, oh my god it's so cold," complained Suho yet again "Luhan hyung, help her bring the hot chocolate here on a tray. I want mine with whipped cream and grated chocolate." he grinned at you, and you just rolled your eyes at his detailed orders.


You and Luhan went out of the living room to go in to the kitchen. The chefs and servants were there, preparing dinner. You saw Jonghyun and smiled at him, you haven't talked to him in a while. "Hi," you greeted "do you mind making some more hot chocolate for the boys?". The chef put a pan on the stove and looked at you "Of course, princess."


"It's okay, we can wait," you replied. You turned to Luhan "their hot chocolate's the best" you stated, crossing your arms. About a minute passed and the smell of it was already wafting in your ears making you drool. The chef called you and gave you two, steamy hot chocolates with freshly whipped cream, marshmallows and grated hot chocolate. "There you are" he said.


"Is this just the first batch?" you asked. He looked at you, confused.


"Oh, i'm sorry. I thought you just wanted one for the both of you. Forgive me, princess. I'll make some more for the others, too. But it's going to take a while, if you don't mind." he went and carried on making some more hot chocolate.


"Princess?" Luhan asked, your head turning in response "do you, perhaps, have a balcony in this palace?"


You looked at him, almost wanting to laugh at his question. "You've been here for a month, Luhan-ssi. Haven't you explored the place yet?"


"Of course I have. But the thing is, the place is just to darn big, you know? I only know places such as the living room and the bedrooms."


"Well, to answer your question, yes, we do actually. There's a terrace on top of the palace where you can sit and relax. Why?"


Luhan's eyes widened at your description of it. "I...was just asking. Since this is going to take a while, could we go there now? Just for a minute or two." he asked, taking a sip of his hot chocolate. His face was expressed with delight afterwards.


"Now? What, but it's chilly outside. It's only nice if it's summer," you insisted. Luhan looked at you with pleading eyes. For some reason, as you stared in to them, you felt lured in. "but if it's just for a minute, fine. I'll just show you where it is, then we come back downstairs."


You didn't understand the purpose of Luhan wanting to come up to the terrace so eagerly. Maybe he was up to something.


Going up to the terrace took one elevator and one stair trip. Luhan had pointed out saying that the palace itself felt like it was a skyscraper judging by the way you had to get around here, and you replied with 'I told you so'. The terrace was big with a few glass tables with fancy silver chairs were spread around, the balcony had bars which leaves and vines wrapped themselves around with. The flowers from summer were beggining to die out since its petals were falling and being covered in frost. Ignoring the cold, Luhan's face looked amazed.


"Right," you said "well, that's the terrace. So let's go downstairs now..?" you shivered and took a huge gulp of your hot chocolate to keep you warm, it was very cold out here with just your sweater on. You were looking around, you hadn't been up here in a while and it looked somewhat different now. You called for Luhan, but he wasn't responding. You tilted your head up and saw him standing with his elbows on the balcony, his hands gripping tightly on the mug as he drank, he was looking over below the palace garden. You sighed and walked over to stand by him. "Luhan."


"It's nice out here." he said lovingly. You looked at him from your side and took note of his particular features. His blond-brown hair was tousled up and sticking out from his hood, his nose was nicely shaped and had a slope, and he had these adorable chocolate button eyes, too. All these features together made him somewhat, cute. He turned his head as he realised you staring at him, and you immediately looked away. You shook your head. You glanced at him and decided stopped staring since you didn't want to fall for his charms. 'No wonder Yerin likes him', you thought. Speaking of Yerin, you decided to know a bit more about what's going on between her and Luhan.


"So, you and Yerin seem cool with each other" you blurted out, not knowing what else to say instead.


He blushed and a faint pink colour tinted his cheeks. "She's nice." he indicated, nervously taking another gulp of his drink. You smiled a little at his reaction and decided not to bother him anymore.


You looked up at the sky, which was a blend of baby blue and navy. It was already late afternoon, and the clouds and moon were beggining to take place. You suddenly remembered Kris and you yesterday, where he and you flew up in the sky. It was quick, maybe no more than ten seconds, but at the same time it was thrilling for you as well.


"What's it like to have super powers?" you asked, rubbing your arms and blowing your hot chocolatey breath in to your hands to keep warm.


"For me? Well, I don't know how to explain it really. I have the power of being telepathic, and I can only use this power to communicate with others who have the same ability. I've had it since I was born, you get used to it really and it almost doesn't feel special anymore. I remember when I came from China to Seoul, to visit the organization that specialises in 'gifted' ones like us. I was with the people who had the same powers as me.  We learnt to control our minds and how to communicate with one another, and it went on to more complex training. That happened for about four years until us, EXO was formed by the organization. It was cool, fighting in wars using what we learnt, but it's been about a year since we were needed. Back then, I had trouble communicating because of my Korean, too."


"Oh," you replied "Training must be hard for you, huh? And well, your Korean's not bad actually."


"Yeah it was, and thanks," he said "What about you, princess? I know about your powers of wisdom and intelligence, but aren't you super curious about your third power? I mean, you have to find your soulmate first as well." he rubbed his hands together. The light from the day was dissappearing.


"I know. I was curious, but not that curious anymore. When I was a kid I used to think that it would be something cool; like flying or teleportation. I would have loved that. But then the cheesy trick came, that I had to get it by finding 'the one' first. So then I thought, 'What powers could I possibly earn from finding 'the one'?'. Probably more crappy powers at most."


Luhan stared at you in realisation. "You know, you could probably be right with that."




It stood silent between you and him for a moment. "What abilities does Yerin-ssi have?" Luhan asked with his head down.


You looked at him and smiled. "Empathy," you said. He looked at you and smiled back whilst nodding his head. "Oh, crap. I forgot. They're probably waiting for us downstairs. We'd better go, Luhan."


Quickly, the both of quickly rushed downstairs to the kitchen at the speed of light before apologising to the chef for wandering off for a long amount of time. He assured you that it was okay and that in fact they were actually just right on time. You thanked him and took the tray of 6 mugs whilst Luhan took the other tray and you both slowly walked to the living room, careful not to spill.


"About time," they said as you and Luhan appeared through the door "where were you?"


"Waiting," you replied as you placed the tray down on the table "I brought biscuitssss." you said waving the packet of custard cremes around.


You could clearly see the boys were tired of waiting and each grabbed their mugs whilst stealing a biscuit or two from the packet. Suho looked delighted as he spotted that it was made the way just as he liked it. All of them took a big sip of it, and their eyes widened in reaction just like Luhan's did. You smiled, it was the same reaction with every first timer. "This. Is. Amazing." Chanyeol said, without hesitating to take another huge gulp of it.


"Good, huh? Compliments of the Chef." you said. Your chocolate had become cool, but it didn't matter because there was only a small amount of it left anyway. You began nibbling on a biscuit and sat down on the sofa. The boys were busy drinking and having a snack whilst watching TV. There was one mug of chocolate left on the silver tray. "Did everyone take a mug of chocolate?" you asked.


"Yeahhh" the boys raised their cups in the air like men cheering in a bar.


"That one's Baekhyun's" Chanyeol said, pointing to the cup.


"Where is he?" you asked.


Chanyeol shrugged. "Probably up in the room," he said "He's upset." 




He hesitated to answer you for a moment. "You can ask him yourself." he said. You tilted your head to the side in confusion. Upset? About what? Did something happen, maybe a fight between him and Chanyeol? Or maybe not. The way Chanyeol had said 'You can ask him yourself' suggests that this could probably have been something to do with you. You made a face. 'Me?' you thought. But you couldn't understand what you did, you didn't do anything wrong, right?

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Chapter 3: Lu Han power's is suppose to be telekinesis right? how come it's telepath? but anyway i enjoy the story this is the Daebak author-nim
airheadme12 #2
Chapter 23: Yehet! She's going! can't believe it! wait. but does this mean she's ending up with Baekhyun? What about the others? Does this mean that Luhan is not her 'suitor' anymore? I mean like her suitor is courting her bestfriend. How wierd is that? Anyway, I'm glad that you updated author, I really love your story and I have been waiting for you to update for so long. Fighting!
queenoftrouble #3
Chapter 21: Oh em gee... She better say yes-seriously, I'm shipping.. Minhyun? hardcore.
Chapter 18: update soon! ^^ It's a good story!
ailisu #5
Chapter 17: baekhyun ;A;
and omg yerin... hurry up and talk to her already T_T
Whitesider #6
Chapter 17: Yeah.. i shipping for baekhyun and mina ~~ Please let them together.
ILoveKDramas1 #7
Chapter 16: So It Has TO Be Only One Partner!! I Was & Still Shipping Them All, Poor Baozi They Made Him Into A Creepy Drinker In These Chapter. So Everyone Was Aware Of Beakie's Feelings Towards Minah. I Hope You Make It A 12 Partner Relationship After All It's A Supernatural Fic. She Can Share Luhan With Her Friend!!!