Chapter 13

Happy Viruses (HIATUS)

A/N: Too lazy to edit OTL


The two climbed onto the public bus to go to Chanyeol's house. "How long until we're there?" Amber asked, while taking a window seat.

"About half an hour," Chanyeol answered.

"You live that far?" Amber asked, shocked. That would mean that he travels that far every day for school, when Amber just needs to walk a few minutes. He nodded with a wide grin. "I don't mind though. It's nice to have time to myself," he mumbled. It happened again. Amber couldn't help but think Chanyeol was being cool at that moment.  She didn't know why it surprised her so much.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Chanyeol handed her an ear bud. "Wanna listen to music while waiting?" Amber nodded in response. Upon putting on the ear piece, she zoned out. Bruno Mars' Nothin' On You was playing. Amber and Chanyeol stayed quiet most of the ride. They would share occasional comments on songs before zoning out to completely focus on the music.

"Well, we're here." Chanyeol's faint voice was barely heard because Amber had dozed off. Her eyes shot open as her eyes say a blurry Chanyeol walking off the bus. She jumped out of her seat and ran out of the bus, almost missing the last step. She smacked Chanyeol's arm.

"Thanks for waiting for me," she sarcastically smiled at him.

"No problem," he laughed, but patted her head in apology.


It took a short walk to get to Chanyeol's house. He lived lived in a gated community filled with huge houses. Most of these houses were three stories and had a backyard with a pool. They reached one house at the end of a driveway. Chanyeol led the way up to a door and knocked. "Don't you have a key?" Amber asked him.

"Yeah, but I'm just making sure if someone's home or not." After a few seconds, a middle-aged woman opened the door. She wore a business-like suit and her hair was neatly tied back into a pony tail. "Hi Umma," Chanyeol greeted his mother as he took a step into the house.

His mother crossed her arms on her chest, "Where were you last night?" She asked in a hard tone. Amber quickly bowed at a 90 degree angle. "I'm sorry!" Chanyeol's mother looked at the strange girl bowing to her.

"It was my fault. So what had happened was Chanyeol walked me home and it started snowing. It snowed so much that it would've been hard to go home. And so he slept over," Amber explained with her body still bent forward bowing.

Amber was surprised to hear a soft laugh come from Chanyeol's mother. "Alright, alright," she smiled, "No need to keep bowing. I understand."

"But just a minute ago you sounded really mad." Amber said.

"I was, but I'm fine now that Chanyeol has brought home such a cute girl. How come you never told me you had a girlfriend?" his mother pinched Chanyeol's arm.

"Oww!" Chanyeol rubbed his arm to get rid of the pain. "But you're mistaken. We're just friends."

"Yeah, just friends," Amber laughed off her embarrassment of being called Chanyeol's girlfriend. His mother blinked, surprised. "Ah really? I'm sorry for misunderstanding then."

"No! It's fine. Don't apologize," Amber ended up bowing again. His mother laughed again at Amber's politeness.

His mother check her wrist watch and gasped. "I have to head to work. Feel for to stay here for a while--?"

"Amber." Chanyeol completed her sentence.

"Amber," she smiled at her, and then quickly left the house. It went silent. "She likes you," Chanyeol said.

"How can you tell?" Amber asked.

"Hmm, son's tuition I guess." He grinned. He could actually tell because his mother usually didn't allow girls to stay at the house without an adult there. She must've felt comfortable around Amber. He kept a mental note of his mother liking Amber. "Want to go to my room?" Amber nodded.

Amber excitedly entered Chanyeol's room. It was unexpectedly neat and spacious. A king size bed was placed in the corner of the room against the wall, a couch on the opposite side of the bed, a few dressers, and a work desk were the big furniture. Amber saw a guitar placed on a stand next to Chanyeol's bed. She smiled at the sight. "You play guitar?"

"Yup," Chanyeol happily answered, "You want to hear something?" Amber nodded her head enthusiastically. Chanyeol chuckled, and then went over to pick up his guitar. He took a seat at the side of his bed, motioning Amber to come sit down next to him. He played a few chords before starting. It was good. No, he was great. Amber was amazed at how well he played. When he stopped, Amber quickly got stood up and clapped. "Daebak! I play guitar, too, but no where as well as you." 

Chanyeol smiled widely at  her compliment. "You play guitar?"

"Yup! Back in L.A. I started a little band with my friend named Henry. I played guitar and he played piano. People said we were really good, and we actually thought about auditioning to get into a company. But that was when I had to move, so the dream died out," Amber explained. Chanyeol couldn't help but feel a little jealous that she spent so much time with another guy in the past.

Amber glanced around the room again, and since the blinds on the window were open, she saw that this house also a swimming pool. An idea clicked in her mind. "Hey, want to play a game?"


A/N: HELLO. Sorry for super late update again ; ___ ; But on the bright side I started a new fanfic! *cough* I know I'm not finished with this one but I just really felt like uploading it on AFF today lol. Check it out, it's called Let Me See You starring Exo's Xiumin. WOOT WOOT. It's my first try at angst :3

(updated: 12-7-13)


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I'm neglecting this story ;___;


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Chapter 17: Rest assured that I'll be there once you decide to update this story again! I really like how the characters are in this story and the plot line is interesting too! Hope you're doing well author!
Chapter 17: i will wait c: take your time
Chapter 17: Will patiently wait xDD
Chapter 16: Awwwwh,Amber blushing is the cutest!!! XDD
Chapter 16: Don't hide the fact that you like chanyeol amber hehe
hikka000 #6
Chapter 16: Come on amber, admit your feeling for chanyeol...
Chapter 16: dawww is this the start of something new? hehe it's happening
Chapter 15: sneaky amber laffsz. will chanyeol take care of her? hehe
Chapter 15: I'm having a runny nose too,the weather in my country is bad -.- but love the chanber moment! Poor amber,but then poor channie too x3
justmeyay #10
Chapter 15: achoo me too its really winter here in kuwait ryt now.