Chapter 6

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Eunmi peacefully walked to her locker with a happy Hoseok trailing behind her. There were many stares and comments when the two passed by, but Eunmi didn't seem affected by it. Hoseok obviously noticed it and was very thankful that the principal banned electronics. There would be rumors everywhere already.

The two eventually made it to Eunmi's locker. Eunmi put her things away and Hoseok kept bugging her and telling her to hurry.

"Come on! My friends should be in the cafeteria by now! Hurry!" He pulled her arm.

"Whoa! Calm down! It's not like they're gonna go anywhere."

"Well they can go anywhere! Let's go!" He tried to drag her away from the cafeteria.

"Wait! What about my friends?"

Hoseok halted to a stop as he let go of her arm. "Oh yeah! I almost forgot!"

"You mean you did forget?" Eunmi raised an eyebrow.

Hoseok rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's just go and find them."

"They should be in the cafeteria by now." Eunmi pointed the direction where the cafeteria was. Hoseok nodded and they both headed to the cafeteria.

They made it to the cafeteria a couple of seconds later. Eunmi looked around for her friends, and Hoseok looked around for his friends. Eunmi informed him that she'll meet him when her friends approve.

She spotted her friends sitting at a table that was actually near where Hoseok was standing. She went up to Jaehwa and Hana, who actually looked like they were already friends. It looked like they were freaking out about something. When they spotted her, they invited her to sit down.

"So, we found out that you were our friend! What a coincidence!" Jaehwa exclaimed. Hana nodded cheerfully. Eunmi just also nodded with pursed lips.

"What's wrong?" Hana said after taking a glance at her expression.

"A boy invited me to sit at his table and he also asked me to invite you guys." Eunmi smiled. Jaehwa and Hana gave her a mischievious look.

"What's his name?"

"Is he cute?"

"Where does he live?"

"I swear if he's a player type of guy, I'm gonna-"

"Be quiet! It's not like that! We're just friends!" Eunmi waved her hands back and forth. "His name is Hoseok."


Eunmi looked at both of her friends' faces and it looked like they were shocked. Their mouths were wide open and their eyes were practically the size of a watermelon.

"Um... guys?" She shrugged and sighed. "Fine! I guess I'll tell him your guys aren't sitting-"

"WE DIDN'T SAY WE WOULDN'T SIT AT HIS TABLE!" They said loudly in unison. It caused many people to look their direction in confusion. Hoseok was one of those people, but he just chuckled while shaking his head. Eunmi put her index finger to her lips.

"Would you guys pipe it down?! Sheesh! It's not that big a deal!" Eunmi looked around her in embarrassment. People were still looking at them and some were even laughing.

"Oh yes it is!" Jaehwa said while chewing her food.

"Do you realize who Hoseok is?!" Hana chimed in.

"A high-schooler who has talents. Now do you guys want to sit at his table or not?" Eunmi crossed her arms while standing up.

"WE DO!" They both said in unison again with big smiles plastered on their faces. Eunmi walked away to find Hoseok's table. She turned around and the two girls were still in their seats.

"Well, are you coming or what?"

They both immediately run up to Eunmi. Jaehwa was on her left as Hana was on her right. They find Hoseok's table almost instantly while Eunmi was still scratching her head and still trying to find his table. The two girls were too shy to approach the table, so they tugged on Eunmi's blazer and pointed at the table. Eunmi finally found the table and walked up to the group naturally, while Jaehwa and Hana were still behind.

"Hey, Eunmi!" Hoseok waved cheerfully at her as she approached the group. She waved at him with a bright smile and then looked at everyone's faces. Only three faces were familiar to her since she's had class with them already. Eunmi turned around and spotted Jaehwa and Hana still staring at the table like it was on fire.

Eunmi sighed with annoyance mixed with embarrassment. She quickly went up to them, grabbed their wrists and dragged them over to the table. She pushed their shoulders down to make them sit in front of the boys. The two girls looked so frightened. They both kept blinking rapidly as if it was some dream. Eunmi put one of her hands on her hip.

"Why are you acting like this?! I thought you wanted to sit with them! Are they in some type of gang I don't know about?!" Eunmi said, very annoyed. The two girls were about to speak up, but Eunmi spoke up.

"You know what? Forget it! Just tell me later or something." Eunmi waved them off as she headed to the line where the food is. One of the members eyes followed Eunmi's every move. Jaehwa and Hana became sad since they've already upsetted their new best friend. They didn't know she was that dense.

"So, you guys know who we are, right?" Hoseok spoke up a couple of seconds after the outburst. The

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Okay, I'm gonna change the Description a bit because it's way too long xD HAPPY NEW YEAR~ ^^ 1/1


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Chapter 12: Aww I love this story (and the panda bear)!!! UPDATE SOONNNN ~
sabrina08 #2
Chapter 12: Omg so adorable xd
Chapter 12: Awwwwww too cute !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 12: Can I be friends with them, too? xD
Chapter 12: I'm ur new subscriber ^^ and I love the story hehe update soon~
Chrisyjin #6
Chapter 12: update soon....i can't wait anymore :)
Chapter 12: weeee thank you for the update!!!!
Chapter 11: WAAAA Update please
i super excited!!!!!
Chapter 11: Haha ^^
Sometimes I wonder how people that live in Korea don't know about some kpop bands >.<
Just me ?!
shinee4ever2012 #10
Chapter 11: Omg! I wonder what her friends's reactions would be like~