
I Gave Up

This is what I listen to while writing.. Thought i'd share it with you!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0iB60mj5CY :)

Chapter  9

The rain was only getting heavier, Kyungsoo noticed as he glanced out the squeak-clean window. They were both sitting at the couch in the living room, watching television with none words spoken. Kyungsoo would occasionally glance at Jongin from the corner of his eye and focus anywhere else as the tanned boy turned to look at him.

They were both sitting at each end of the sofa, like two strangers would do normally. No, Kyungsoo didn’t really know Jongin. They were just two strangers. Kyungsoo’s heart would tighten at the thought. He took a small glance at the tanned boy.

Jongin turned to look at Kyungsoo at the same time. Both froze. The pup opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. What surprised Kyungsoo was the corner of Jongin’s mouth turning the slightest upwards. It wasn’t really a smile. It was more of a this-is-really-embarrassing-I’ll-just-do-something, grimace.

Kyungsoo pretended not to notice, and directed his gaze towards the boring show on the television. He could still feel Jongin’s gaze on him which made him feel insecure. He probably looked ugly from Jongin’s angle…

Not the time to feel insecure you moron! Kyungsoo mentally face palmed himself. This was really not the best time to think about looks.

I… Can’t… bare… the… awkwardness… must… talk-

‘’Uhm, are you hungry?’’

Jongin turned to Kyungsoo and shook his head. ‘’You sure?’’ Kyungsoo asked slowly.

‘’yeah, I’m sure’’ The latter answered.

His voice was husky; Kyungsoo noticed and his eyes squinted warily.

He shuffled towards Jongin; the tanned boy widened his eyes slightly as the pup’s rather cold hands met with his forehead. Kyungsoo bit his lip retreating his hand slowly, and stood up shuffling towards the kitchen.

Jongin sat alone on the couch, his eyes darting around while he counted Mississippi’s till Kyungsoo came back. The pup walked into the living room, balancing a bowl on his right hand, and a cup of water on the other. The pup made himself comfortable on a pillow seated on the floor, meeting Jongin’s eye level.

With shaky arms he dipped the spoon in to the reeking hot bowl, blew on it a couple of times and made eye contact with Jongin. He took a small breath and guided the spoon towards Jongin’s thick lips.

To make the situation less awkward, Kyungsoo grinned ‘’Say aaaah!’’ His eyes lit up as they met Jongin’s.

‘’No wa-‘’ The spoon was shoved into the tanned boys mouth. The boy swallowed and narrowed his eyes at Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo only grinned back and kept feeding Jongin with small protest coming from here and there.

The bowl was left empty and Kyungsoo reached up to pat Jongin on the head, which Jongin dodged right away. He hid the disappointment in his eyes with a wide grin. ‘’Let’s do something? Hm?’’ Kyungsoo smiled.

He dragged Jongin with him into his room, and sat him down on his bed. He grabbed a card stock from his nightstand and rubbed his neck sheepishly with the odd look given from Jongin. 

‘’Are you serious? ’Jongin asked as he diverted his look from the stack to Kyungsoo’s playful eyes.

‘’Does it look like we have anything else to do?’’

Jongin coughed and shook his head, shyly.

‘’Thought so… Okay, so this is how you do it’’


‘’Go fish..’’

‘’You have any hearts?’’

‘’Go fish’’

‘’You have a-‘’

‘’You know what, this is getting boring. How about we take a break, yeah?’’ Jongin nodded and stared at his hands awkwardly.

Kyungsoo played with his fingers, wondering if he should ask about something that was circling around his head all night. Who was Jongin at the funeral for? Of course he must’ve had a reason but Kyungie wasn’t ready to ask because, yeah, he knew Jongin. But he didn’t know him. He wouldn’t know the latter’s reaction, nor expression. And he definitely did NOT want to poke what could possibly be a bear in human form.

‘’You… should sleep’’ Kyungsoo’s head snapped towards Jongin’s body.


‘’..You should- ah just… forget it.’’ Jongin shook his head. Kyungsoo nodded and glanced at his wrist-watch.

‘’It’s this late already? Jongin, you can sleep on my bed like yesterday, I’ll have the couch’’

Jongin nodded. He isn’t even hesitating… Well, he is the sick one, just shut up Kyungsoo. He shook his head.

Jongin met his eyes with a questioning look. Kyungsoo only grinned and stepped out. He glanced around the room and the white digital clock started beeping. Jongin’s heart beat loud against his chest, that was loud. He stood up and stopped it. ‘’It’s only 19:55 though’’

He shrugged and plopped down on the bed. The impact on the bed made an object fall on the hardwood floor with a loud thud. Jongin’s eyes widened and he bit his lip. He got down on his knees and stuck his arm under the large queen-sized bed searching for whatever fell.

His fingertips grazed material, which made Jongin sigh in relief. Nothing could have gotten broken.

He reached further for it, and pulled it with him without much effort. It was a book, clearly. He blew away the dust and took a look at the writing on the front. House of hope? What is this?

He flipped to the first page; a bunch of happy-go-lucky kids greeted him at once. Jongin would’ve thought the picture was black and white, if it wasn’t for the one kid in the middle wearing a red bear t-shirt.

Even though the kid was the only one with colors on him, he looked the saddest of them all. His expression showed of pure and honest longing, and his mouth was the slightest agape as if he was about to talk to someone. The kid was as pale as a ghost, though his cheeks were tinted with the smallest of pink.

He grazed the boy’s face slowly. Why does he look like –?

The door opened abruptly making Jongin take a sharp breath of air and hide the book behind him as a rush of adrenalin.

‘’What happened? I heard a fall…’’

Jongin coughed and stood up from his position on the floor. ‘’Uhm, I fell…’’

Kyungsoo furrowed his brows, ‘’oh, you ok?’’

He nodded, and Kyungsoo walked out the door before taking a small worried look at Jongin.

He sat down on the bed and looked at the white wall. House of hope, huh?

Sorry, my lovlies. I've been really unmotivated to write another chapter.. But then a kaisoo picture brought me straight back to writing this.. heheh. Hope you guys liked this chapter.. I know it's boring, but thanks for bearing with me, It only gets more interesting from now on...

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Chapter 11: the feels ~
cant wait for the next chapter~♥
exoticexoxo #2
Chapter 11: Oh gosh I feel nervous out of all sudden update soon author nim
Chapter 10: this is good :3
Luhanwife #4
Chapter 10: hahaha xD xD poor kyungiie xD ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Lazybumpanda #5
Chapter 9: I think the book resembles Kyungsoo tho o:
Luhanwife #6
Chapter 9: i didnt get the House of Hope thingie?! Is it Kyungsoo or what? but the chapter was good!!!
Chapter 8: hyaaa hyaaa hyaaa >.< beautiful scene~~~
kyungsoo smiling must be really cute :3
lalalolo #8
Kyngsooooooooooooooo!!! sdjsdfhkshf
Chapter 8: This is just beautiful. O. M. G.