
I Gave Up

Chapter 5

Jongin had walked out of the school entrance with a teacher running behind him with annoying clicking noises erupting from her high heels. He felt like turning around and pushing her to the ground, but knew better than that. He knew how to treat a woman elder than him.

She had run after him through the whole corridor yelling for him to stop as his father had called the teacher personally to task Jongin.

He had to visit his father’s mansion for something he rather not know, as he only came to retrieve the rest of his stuff to bring it back to his own house.

As he stopped in front of the mansion, the maids were bowing respectfully towards him. He waved to them as a gesture to stop bowing, and they all scrambled off into the mansion.

He walked into his father’s office without bothering taking his shoes off and stared intimate at the old man across the office desk.

‘’I see you’ve finally decided to show up’’ His father smiled at him, and drummed his fingers at the desk.

‘’You missed me?’’ His father asked rather sourly. ‘’No.’’

‘’Neither did I’’ His father answered.

‘’I didn’t ask now, did I?’’

His father grunted and glared slightly at the un-mannered son standing before him.

‘’As your father I expect you to respect and obey my orders, Kim Jongin.’’ The old man’s eyebrows furrowed slightly.

‘’You may be my father, but I am not willing to sign your slave contract. I am not marrying for your business, neither am I going to oblige to other stuff I don’t care about.’’

His father remained silent. Jongin had always amazed his father by his stubbornness. It got him on his nerves of course, but the way he was so determined about things, made him even surer about Jongin taking over his company.

‘’Jongin, Lee Dasom is expecting you at the restaurant at 6pm precisely. Be there.’’

Jongin was pretty much pissed off, but then again he knew better than letting women wait for nothing. He was grown used to the respectful ways of behavior, but when it came to his father, he couldn’t help but get this angry bubbling inside of him to stop.


‘’Hello?’’ Baekhyun heard a husky voice on the other line through the phone.


‘’Baekhyun? Why are you calling me in the middle of the night?’’

‘’For your information it isn’t anywhere near night. And guess what!?’’ Baekhyun chirped happily, already feeling the butterflies in his stomach, and his face heating up like a high school girl.

‘’What?’’ Chanyeol asked tiredly, clearly just woken up.

‘’You’re supposed to guess!’’

‘’I’m tired Baek, just tell me already’’

‘’Guess who came by today?’’ Baekhyun giggled.

‘’Enough with the guessing already’’ Chanyeol groaned, but a smile crept on his face.

‘’Kyungsoo hyung! He was chosen as my partner and now he’ll come a lot, I hope’’ Baekhyun giggled softly and sighed dreamily. What exactly had gotten into him?

‘’Kyungsoo?’’ Chanyeol asked softly.

‘’Yeah! When he got chosen as my partner I was – ‘’

Baekhyun’s words flew into his ears and out on the other side.

‘’oh’’, Chanyeol answered and smiled bitterly. Baekhyun was happy.

‘’So how was your day ChanChan?’’

‘’Exhausting. My lab partner wouldn’t stop bothering me even for a second!’’ He heard Baekhyun laughing on the other line, and joined.

‘’You’re a lady magnet!’’ Baekhyun laughed.

Chanyeol shook his head playfully.

‘’It’s probably your smile! Pearl teeth. Oh I should call you that from now on!’’

Chanyeol laughed.

‘’Talking about smiles, you should’ve seen Kyungsoos’ smile! His eyebrows were scrunched up in a cute manner of course, and his eyes were like crescent moons. I swear to you it was beautiful!’’

‘’Everybody smiles like that’’ Chanyeol retorted.

‘’But he smiles differently!’’ Baekhyun said biting his lip to prevent him from smiling.

‘’Everybody smiles like that’’ He repeated.

‘’Woah, channie! Who peed in your cereal this morning?’’

‘’I’m tired, goodnight’’

‘’It’s not even night ye – ‘’ The phone beeped as it signaled for the call was over.

Baekhyun furrowed his brows as he stared at his screen. Did he say anything wrong?


Jongin went inside the rather fancy restaurant wearing black jeans and a plain white t-shirt. His eyes searched among the females, looking for the tiest girl to find. As his eyes spotted its target he walked towards her with a smirk slowly forming.

The female looked up making eye contact with Jongin, and ran a hand through her hair. Jongin felt vomit making its way through his throat. That was utterly disgusting.

As he reached the table, she stood up and extended her hand.

‘’Lee Dasom, and you must be Jongin’’ She winked.

She was wearing nothing but a bare shouldered black dress that barely covered her buttocks, and high heels taller than Jongin’s ruler. He scoffed and plopped down on the chair before him. The girl looked offended and brought her arm to her side.

‘’So you’re the bad boy kind of type, aren’t you?’’ She bit her lip. Bad boy my , Jongin thought.

Jongin stared at her and shuddered, you can’t expect men to like that, can you?

Well, unfortunately they do. Manwhores, s, you name it.

She crossed her legs and leaned forward to come face to face with Jongin. Her perfume soon covered Jongin’s nostrils and he had to resist the sneeze that was about to erupt.

‘’So, tell me about yourself, Jongin.’’

‘’I’m hungry, call the waiter’’

‘’We’ve already ordered though’’ She answered with a smirk, her pearl white teeth showing.

He still hadn’t recovered from the sneeze that was about to blow, and turned around before asking;

‘’Who’s this ‘we’ you’re talking about?’’

She only shrugged her shoulders, and called the waiter to get our already prepared food. Jongin hates girls when they pretend to be clueless, when they can simply just tell him right away. It irked him to see her smile. Her father probably paid her to smile, for the sake of our father’s businesses.

She was kind of in the same position as him, except she looked like she was quite enjoying this meeting.

As they started digging in, Jongin would notice how un-ladylike the girl before him was eating.

Her whole face was covered with Kimchi and spaghetti and there was even a kimchi cabbage on her left eyebrow. He shuddered once again, stop being a pig.

She tried to speak while she ate and looked at me, ‘’aaee ouu goooen doo ead ad?’’

Jongin frowned, ‘’what?’’

She swallowed her food, ‘’Are you going to eat that?’’ At the last word, she spat food right onto Jongin’s face, and he closed his eyes at the small but disgusting impact.

He grabbed a napkin and wiped the kimchi off of his face, already fuming.

Just as he was about to talk some sense into her nutshell, he saw a familiar figure walking outside the window of the restaurant.

‘’I got to go’’ He eyed the girl.


‘’I’m meeting a friend right now’’

‘’Really? Let me see him’’

He gritted his teeth. He didn’t want to make a scene in the restaurant but sped walked out the door of the restaurant.

The cold air hit him like a truck, and he staggered backwards, surprised. He squinted and saw the familiar back a little ahead of him.

He sprinted and grabbed the person’s arm and yanked him backwards.

‘’J –Jongin!’’ The confused face turned into a shocked one.

‘’I’ll have to borrow you for a minute’’ He muttered as he dragged Kyungsoo with him towards the restaurant. Kyungsoo didn’t know what to say or how to react, so he just let Jongin lead him.

Dasom was standing at the door, eyeing Kyungsoo from head to toe as soon as they arrived.

‘’Who’s he?’’ she nodded her chin at Kyungsoo. Is this Jongin’s… Girlfriend? Kyungsoo bit the insides of his cheeks.

‘’My friend’’ Jongin gritted his teeth.

‘’What’s his name?’’

‘’None of your business.’’ He spat. He knew girls were curious at many situations, but figured this woman had taken it too far as he dragged Kyungsoo with him the rest of the way home.

None of them had talked; as Kyungsoo was afraid he would say something wrong and end up with a black eye.

Truth to be told, Jongin hadn’t remembered the pup’s name, and therefor retorted arrogantly.

Sorry, he apologized silently. He easily gets out of control.

uhh asjzhdshfi, idek. What did you like and dislike about this chap? oh and sorryyy for short chapter..

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Chapter 11: the feels ~
cant wait for the next chapter~♥
exoticexoxo #2
Chapter 11: Oh gosh I feel nervous out of all sudden update soon author nim
Chapter 10: this is good :3
Luhanwife #4
Chapter 10: hahaha xD xD poor kyungiie xD ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Lazybumpanda #5
Chapter 9: I think the book resembles Kyungsoo tho o:
Luhanwife #6
Chapter 9: i didnt get the House of Hope thingie?! Is it Kyungsoo or what? but the chapter was good!!!
Chapter 8: hyaaa hyaaa hyaaa >.< beautiful scene~~~
kyungsoo smiling must be really cute :3
lalalolo #8
Kyngsooooooooooooooo!!! sdjsdfhkshf
Chapter 8: This is just beautiful. O. M. G.