
I Gave Up

Chapter 6

The classes today went by with a rush. Kyungsoo kept stealing glances at Jongin, who was staring blankly at nothing in particular. Baekhyun and Kyungsoo would make small talks, laugh a little here and there before the next class started and Kyungsoo would go back to staring at Jongin.

Jongin had of course noticed the owl eyes glancing, but decided to keep his mouth shut. Throughout the whole night yesterday, Jongin couldn’t help but thinking about yesterday’s incident. It was hell of irritating, and his father had called him to meet up at the mansion yet another time today.

Of course Jongin had no choice as his father threatened him in a horrible way. It was almost, no scratch that. It WAS disgusting to think that a man like him was able to vow someone as her.

He felt sick and throughout embarrassed to have this man as a father.

The bell signaled the class dismissed,  everybody got on their feet and made their way out school.

Kyungsoo felt a wave of relief as he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. He couldn’t bare the stuffed air in the classroom, and made a dash out of school.

Ahead of him was a figure he instantly figured was none other than Kim Jongin.

He caught up with the tanned boy and walked silently beside of him. Jongin turned to look at Kyungsoo who was staring at the pavement. He saw Jongin looking at him from the corner of his eyes, but was determined to look at the now interesting pavement.

After a long awkward silence, Kyungsoo hesitated before he spoke.

‘’Uhm... W-was that your uhm, g-girlfriend?’’

Jongin snapped his head towards Kyungsoo. He knew exactly what he was talking about.

This is a waste of time, Jongin thought as he looked away. But when his eyes met with Kyungsoo’s he thought maybe just maybe, he owed Kyungsoo this much information.

‘’No. She’s just some – ‘’ He stopped in midsentence. If he was to explain, he would have to go through his past. He didn’t have any intentions on doing so.

Kyungsoo searched Jongin’s eyes, he doesn’t want to talk about it.

The pup nodded understandingly and focused on the pavement. He didn’t get to know the answer though. But hey, he was to pressure just about no one.

Kyungsoo snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a leaf crunch under his shoes. He looked up and bit his lower lip.

‘’Uhm, seeya’’ He waved and walked towards the direction of Sehun’s apartment as he had promised to visit.

Jongin nodded barely visible at him, and started walking towards his father’s mansion.

Kyungsoo turned back to see Jongin walking in another direction, and furrowed his brows. He shrugged and continued towards Sehun’s.


Kyungsoo kicked the door mat to the side and picked up the spare key Sehun had hid ‘well’.

He unlocked the door and stepped into the apartment, taking off his shoes. He walked through the living room door only to have his jaw drop to the floor.

There Luhan was, hovering over Sehun, shoving his tongue down his throat while devouring the youngers body with hungry hands. Kyungsoo coughed loudly to alert them that someone was there, but couldn’t deny the blush creeping up his cheeks as his mind imagined... things.

Sehun lifted his hand to wave; none of them really bothering about Kyungsoo’s presence as Sehun placed his hand behind Luhan’s neck to deepen the kiss even more – If that was even possible.

Kyungsoo coughed again, clearly annoyed and embarrassed. ‘’Ehem… EXCUSE ME!!!!!!’’ He yelled.

Luhan parted his lips from Sehun slowly and stared into his eyes before sighing. Turning around he glared at Kyungsoo, ‘’Thanks for ruining our moment, .’’

‘’Your very, very welcome’’ Kyungsoo flashed them his signature grin.

Luhan climbed off of Sehun, and Kyungsoo turned his gaze towards the boy with swollen lips and flushed face.

‘’Hey Kyungsoo, can we have that friend’s night some other day? I’m kinda busy.’’

He gaped at the younger, ‘’You’re the one who called me over!’’

Sehun opened his mouth, but a ringtone pierced through the room.

They stood still for a while, before Kyungsoo reached for his pocket and fished for his phone.

‘’Kyungie!’’ A voice screeched from the other line.

‘’Oh, Baekhyun. What’s up?’’ Kyungsoo smiled.

Sehun’s eyes widened, ‘WHO’S BAEKHYUN’ he whispered.

Kyungsoo shook his head and glared at Sehun.

‘’I was wondering if you could come over tonight!’’

‘’Uh yeah sure! What time?’’

Baekhyun grinned and gave thumbs up to Chanyeol who was sitting beside of him in Baekhyun’s bedroom. Chanyeol smiled back at him and fiddled with his fingers as his gaze fixed on the floor.

‘’Right now if you don’t mind! Where are you? I can send my chauffeur to bring you’’

Kyungsoo told him the address and soon Baekhyun got off the phone with him and stared at Chanyeol. ‘’Yah! Chanyeol-ah! You get to meet Kyungie today!’’

Chanyeol lifted his head and saw the happiness in Baekhyun’s eyes, he smiled again.

‘’Is his name Kyungie?’’ Chanyeol asked.

‘’No, silly.’’ Baekhyun nudged Chanyeol playfully.

‘’Then why do you call him that?’’ He asked his voice stern.

They stared at each other for the longest time, while Baekhyun was speechless.


‘’Forget it’’ Chanyeol bit his lip, stop it you stupid giant.

‘’Chanyeol, are you feeling unwell?’’ Baekhyun asked concerned.

Just as Chanyeol was about to answer, the door opened to reveal a maid and Kyungsoo standing shyly behind her.

He walked into the room, and the door closed behind him, ‘’Kyungie!’’ Baekhyun flung himself towards Kyungsoo.

‘’Baekhyun’’ Kyungsoo giggled cutely. Chanyeol stood behind Baekhyun and placed his arms on his shoulders.

‘’I’m Chanyeol’’ The guy said and smiled at Kyungsoo.

‘’Kyungsoo’’ He smiled feeling really small compared to him.

All of them were quiet for a while, glancing anywhere but at each other.

Baekhyun coughed and dragged Kyungsoo by the sleeve to sit in front of the huge plasma TV that was hanging on the wall.

‘’Let’s watch a movie!’’ He smiled and slung his arm around Kyungsoo’s shoulders, childishly.

‘’Uhm, can we watch a horror movie?’’ Chanyeol asked with a polite smile.

Baekhyun’s eyes widened in horror, while Kyungsoo grinned, ‘’No!’’ ‘’Yeah!’’

Baekhyun turned to Kyungsoo, ‘’you sure you want to watch a horror movie?’’

Kyungsoo nodded and grinned at Chanyeol, ‘’which movie is on your mind?’’

Chanyeol bit his tongue; this Kyungsoo was actually kind of cute.

‘’What about The Conjuring? I heard it’s a good movie’’



The sky had turned pitch black, and there was nothing but the tint light from the light pole outside.

The movie still hadn’t ended, but Kyungsoo had already seen this movie a hundred times with Luhan and Sehun.

Throughout the whole movie he had been spacing out while watching the view outside.

He spotted a guy with their school uniform staring right back at him. He could barely make out his face, but the way he was standing was way too familiar.

Kyungsoo turned to Baekhyun and Chanyeol, and saw them sleeping soundlessly with Baekhyun’s head resting on Chanyeol’s shoulder with the latter drawing Baekhyun closer to him.

Kyungsoo smiled sweetly before walking out of the room and out of the house.

He searched through the streets afraid that Jongin was long gone, but saw him a few blocks ahead of him. Kyungsoo smiled in relief and ran towards him to catch up.

He was never the athletic type, and his lungs burnt for air, so he stopped only a few meters behind Jongin.

The wind tousled his hair, and sent a shiver down his spine. After catching his breath, he looked up to find Jongin… Standing there… Waiting for him.

Kyungsoo had to bite down his smile, and jogged towards Jongin.

‘’Thanks for waiting for me’’

‘’I wasn’t waiting for you’’ Jongin stared at the pup.

‘’O-Oh…’’ Kyungsoo’s cheeks turned crimson red.

‘’Can we walk together then? I don’t know the way home’’ Kyungsoo smiled sheepishly and rubbed his neck.

Jongin sighed and walked ahead of him, ‘’doesn’t look like I have a choice’’

Kyungsoo followed behind him, smiling all the way while trying to small talk with the oh-so-mysterious Kim Jongin.

...Idek what I just wrote.

hope you liked it..? xD

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Chapter 11: the feels ~
cant wait for the next chapter~♥
exoticexoxo #2
Chapter 11: Oh gosh I feel nervous out of all sudden update soon author nim
Chapter 10: this is good :3
Luhanwife #4
Chapter 10: hahaha xD xD poor kyungiie xD ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Lazybumpanda #5
Chapter 9: I think the book resembles Kyungsoo tho o:
Luhanwife #6
Chapter 9: i didnt get the House of Hope thingie?! Is it Kyungsoo or what? but the chapter was good!!!
Chapter 8: hyaaa hyaaa hyaaa >.< beautiful scene~~~
kyungsoo smiling must be really cute :3
lalalolo #8
Kyngsooooooooooooooo!!! sdjsdfhkshf
Chapter 8: This is just beautiful. O. M. G.