
I Gave Up

Chapter 3


The grass seemed rather stiff under the thin soles of Jongin’s shoes. The weather was indeed getting colder.

This summer had gone way too fast for anybody’s liking. Sunset was here and the gold ray of sunshine was kissing the trees softly, as the cold wind sent a shiver through Jongin’s poorly dressed body.

He stuffed his hands in his jeans pockets and made his way towards a small park behind a huge building. The sight of the small park complimented his mood as it changed slightly from his rather usual dull one.

He sat down at a bench – The only bench in the area, which was shadowed by trees from behind.

No one really knew about the place, and if they knew, they would still walk past it without giving a second glance. It was rather hidden though, the only way you would know about it was either if you came there by accident, or if anyone told you about it.

Jongin’s gaze lingered at the huge building shadowing the park for longer than necessary. He took off his shoulder bag and fished for the noodles he had bought earlier today.

Grabbing his chop sticks, he opened the lid of the noodle box and ate slowly to full himself. As he chewed the food on the right side of his mouth his eyes would send soft looks in a direction, before he tapped his foot on the grass.

After finishing his rather cold noodles, Jongin the right side of his mouth and wiped away the saliva with the back of his hand. He got his bottle of water and drank from it peacefully.

Looking through his bag again, he got his keys out and looked at the empty seat next to him. He stretched his arm a little, and scraped a short straight line next to the other lines which a quarter of the bench were scraped off of. He stared at all the scrape marks and listened to his favorite sound. Quiet.

The phone in Jongin’s jeans vibrated violently, startling him and almost making him drop his keys. He got his phone out of his pocket and glanced at the ID caller. He sighed and answered it with a lazy greeting.

‘’Kim Jongin, where are you? I’ve been waiting for you for almost three hours now!’’

He cringed at the loud voice of his father, and turned the sound down a bit.

‘’You were waiting for me?’’

‘’Yes, I have. I’m worried about you’’ His father spoke in a sweet tone.

Jongin’s eye twitched, he detected something wrong.

‘’Have you eaten? School today was probably stressing, a decent meal would be nice for you, right?’’

He was one hundred percent sure now. Something was indeed strange, as his father rarely called and he would never talk in a sugar coated voice, much less worry about him.

‘’Do you have any guests?’’

‘’Yes my son, we do have guests today.’’ His father empathized ‘we’.

‘’No wonder’’ Jongin mumbled and rolled his eyes.

‘’Now, may you come home? We have very important guests that want to meet you. They also have a beautiful young woman at your age. Maybe you two should get to – ’’

Jongin pressed the red phone on his screen, and threw his phone into the shoulder bag to his left.

His father probably had business guests and wanted him to come with intensions. He had never once called Jongin to his mansion just to greet his father’s guests.

Probably some arranged marriage crap, Jongin thought bitterly. His father was pretty positive that his son would never have agreed on arranged marriages, as he himself liked being a free bird.

 Neither did he like the sound of his own son being married, but for the sake of his business he was capable of going through with it. It didn’t hurt his business, so why hesitate?

Jongin hated the guts of his father. He gritted his teeth and let out a breath, my life, my choices.


Sehun had attacked Kyungsoo for the bag of chips he was munching happily on at the moment. Kyungsoo sent him a nasty glare and turned annoyed to Luhan who was trying to suppress his laughter.

‘’Can’t you control your for once!?’’ Kyungsoo sighed heavily.

‘’I wanted those chips’’ he bit his lip.

Luhan shrugged and pulled the chips out of Sehun’s grip. ‘’Be a good boy and save some for us too’’ Luhan spoke.

Sehun pouted and sat next to Kyungsoo, whispering in his ear, ‘’He practically begged for me to be a bad boy last night’’

Kyungsoo widened his eyes and pushed Sehun’s face away from his own and scrambled towards the entrance door, ‘’Keep your hormonal beast away from me!’’ he screeched and ran out of their apartment.

As Kyungsoo strolled down the streets, he smiled bitterly. He felt like everyone around him had what he never received. Believe it or not, it is love we are speaking of.

He had lived in an orphanage for most of his childhood. He had never seen his father, though he had a blurry vision of his mother. He never got to know who she was or the reason why she had abandoned him. But one thing that was clear, was that his parents never accepted him.

Can you even imagine the pain of being rejected by your own parents? The other kids at the orphanage eyed him all the time, though as a kid he didn’t understand those looks. But as he matured mentally he began to understand things.

They had been abandoned because their parent’s wanted to save them. While there Kyungsoo was abandoned because of the love his parents could never give him.

As soon as he had found out, he decided to help himself more. Mend his broken heart alone, clean up this big mess he calls his life.

He tried his best to show his affection to his friends, just as he had wanted his parents to show him. That’s why most of his friends called him their ‘mother’. He made this his own image.

He kicked a pebble, and looked up at the sky. It was getting dark already, his breath turned into a mess of fog as he breathed unevenly.

He didn’t like thinking about his past, but every time he was alone his childhood would float back to him like a wave of the sea. That’s why he didn’t want to be left alone for most of the time.

Kyungsoo wasn’t focusing on the path as he bumped rather harshly into a shoulder, and staggered backwards. Without glancing at the figure, he bowed with respect while muttering a low ‘sorry’.

The figure still didn’t move though, so Kyungsoo mustered up the courage and glanced at the curious face of a teenager.


‘’Kyungsoo?’’ the name slipped from Jongin’s mouth as he eyed Kyungsoo from head to toe.

He had fallen asleep on the park long time ago and woke up only to find the sky darkened. The weather was even colder and he decided to go home, then he had bumped into somebody.

He was about to make a harsh remark before he made out the face of a lost looking pup. He recognized him as Kyungsoo.

‘’Kim Jongin’’ Kyungsoo looked up at him innocently.

Jongin nodded his head and walked away quickly. He wasn’t really in the mood for talking right now. The only thing on his mind was to get home and relax on his warm bed and cool down.

‘’Jongin’’ Kyungsoo caught up with Jongin’s fast pace panting lightly as he walked with just as long strides as Jongin. Honestly speaking Kyungsoo didn’t like speed walking.

‘’Is it alright if I walk with you? I think my house is just around the corner of yours.’’ Kyungsoo grinned at Jongin.

Jongin looked to his side and couldn’t help but notice his happy smile but story telling eyes. He detected something wrong. Jongin ignored it and gave Kyungsoo a simple nod.

As they both reached the corner where Kyungsoo parted, Kyungsoo held back Jongin’s sleeve.

He felt the tug and stopped walking, facing the pup.

‘’Uhm, Jongin. I was just wondering – Uh’’ Kyungsoo blushed in embarrassment.

He met Jongin’s questioning eyes, ‘’If we could.. Get to know each other?’’ He looked down at the pavement and fiddled with his fingers nervously.

After a moment of silence, Kyungsoo looked up to find Jongin far ahead of him, walking with his hands in his pockets.

He gaped at the retreating figure, and felt like slapping his face. Damn that Kim Jongin.

Just how many times had he made a fool out of himself in front of him? 

Sorry for the short chapter..

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Chapter 11: the feels ~
cant wait for the next chapter~♥
exoticexoxo #2
Chapter 11: Oh gosh I feel nervous out of all sudden update soon author nim
Chapter 10: this is good :3
Luhanwife #4
Chapter 10: hahaha xD xD poor kyungiie xD ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Lazybumpanda #5
Chapter 9: I think the book resembles Kyungsoo tho o:
Luhanwife #6
Chapter 9: i didnt get the House of Hope thingie?! Is it Kyungsoo or what? but the chapter was good!!!
Chapter 8: hyaaa hyaaa hyaaa >.< beautiful scene~~~
kyungsoo smiling must be really cute :3
lalalolo #8
Kyngsooooooooooooooo!!! sdjsdfhkshf
Chapter 8: This is just beautiful. O. M. G.