
I Gave Up

Chapter 1

Hatred. The only thing directed towards the world was hatred.  Kim Jongin, also known as Kai lived a life that would always leave the same word echoing at the back of his mind. He hated his school, he hated the students attending it, he despised being looked up to and he despised the - ‘friends’ he had.

He had already locked himself in a bubble that directed out of his place as Kim Jongin, the son of the Kim Hospital leader and Kai, ‘the guy with a picture perfect life’

Oh how he hated when people said that, as his life wasn’t anywhere near perfect. Having a wealthy family wasn’t anywhere near a perfect life. Out of everybody, Jongin was the right person to say this.

‘’What’s so good about this?’’ Jongin gripped the cold metal on his balcony rail.

He kept talking to himself even though he knew no one was listening. Sometimes he would wish someone could answer him, instead of inflicting himself pain of the echo in his room. His own voice would ask the same question that slipped his mouth.

He let his eyes travel around for a bit and viewed his backyard. Even his backyard was too big for his own good.

While people were wishing for a butler, Jongin would always send his butlers somewhere only to get rid them, because having a butler is weak. Having a butler means that you can’t handle anything by yourself, which in this case Jongin definitely could.

He had long time ago moved out of his parent’s mansion, and bought a cozy house for himself. It was a beautiful place even though it was quite small. It didn’t show any sign of luxury at first until his father nearly threatened him to get a huge back yard. It definitely looked more like a park than a backyard.

‘’I refuse letting the media find out my son lives in a crappy place like this’’

 Even though this irritated Jongin, he felt himself enjoying the space out there as he was quite fond with flowers.

He would buy food ingredients by himself, and by the next morning he would find out that his father sent out maids to cook him food.

He tightened his grip on the railing and closed his eyes.

 ‘’I can live just as fine, by myself’’ he whispered and let go of the railings.

He walked into his room and lay down on his bed, closing his eyes as he felt his body sink down on the soft mattress. The covers lay right before his feet, but the idea of waking up in the middle of the night due to the heat made him shake his head and gently kick the covers away for more space.

His clothes were sprawled all over the floor, but Jongin didn’t really mind at this point as he tossed his t-shirt somewhere near his bed. He needed to get some sleep already as school was starting the day after.

Laying in a comfortable position he slowly drifted off to dreamland, where everything seemed to be more perfect than reality would ever be.


The sound of soft knocking stirred Jongin awake. He furrowed his brows and squinted at the digital clock at his nightstand. He had one hour till school was starting and felt a tinge of anger building up as he stood up and reached for his bedroom door only to find a short woman looking at him with wide eyes.

Jongin raised his brow before the woman cleared and spoke,

‘’Young master, Mr. Kim sent me here to check on you. Your breakfast is ready set on the table’’ as she spoke she would take a few glances at Kai’s well-toned body, and blush noticeably. Jongin couldn’t help but feel a bit disgusted but he kept quiet as he eyed her head to toe.

‘’Fine’’ He spoke and closed the door maybe a little too hard. Maybe.

He faced his room and sighed angrily. All of his clothes were neatly folded and placed on the small sofa in his room. The corner of his lips twitched as he walked over to it and scattered the clothes around the room again, only to stand up and fold them gently all over again.

‘’I can do everything perfectly by myself’’ He said repeatedly and prepared himself for school.


After eating breakfast he swung his bag over his shoulder and made his way out, only to have the same short lady call out to him,

 ‘’Excuse me, your father has sent you a driver, if you could patiently wait for the driver to arrive – ‘’ She started nervously.


‘’I’m walking’’ He rolled his eyes and zoomed out from his house at a steady pace. His hands were in his pockets and he wore his earplugs but didn’t bother to turn music on. Just in case people wanted to talk to him, they would notice how he wouldn’t be hearing them and back off immediately.

See, this was one of the small things he would do to shut others out. He didn’t like to socialize, it wasn’t his style. Or rather he didn’t want to because people were simply put, annoying.

He finally arrived at school, and people, much to his dislike, made space for him to walk through.

Whispers and giggles were heard but quickly dismissed. He ignored them and walked into his classroom and made his way towards his seat at the far back at the end corner of the room.

His classmates were rather loud when he came in, trying to get some attention even if it was only a small glance from the females, just anything. The way they were acting was quite similar to the way chimpanzees would act before mating. Disgusting.

He closed his eyes and rested his head on his desk sensing a small headache acting up.

The teacher came in after 5 dragging minutes, and Kai finally looks up at the front of the classroom.

Their teacher, Mrs. Song was standing beside a rather short boy who almost reminded him of a lost puppy. The puppy’s eyes wandered over the class, and made eye contact with Jongin for 2 seconds, before glancing nervously at the teacher.

‘’Attention, class’’ She spoke loudly, making everyone turn quiet.

‘’As you can see, today we have a new student here, and I expect you guys to show him respect. Introduce yourself’’ She gestured for the pup to speak.

‘’Uhm, m-my name is Do Kyungsoo’’ He stuttered and looked at the floor in embarrassment.

Jongin eyed him for some time before he went back to resting his head on the desk again.

Was it even possible to have such big eyes? This was the first time Jongin had seen a Korean person with eyes as big as an owls.

His ears perked up as he heard his name being called. ‘’You can sit beside Kim Jongin, over there’’ The teacher pointed at the seat next to Jongin. He sighed inwardly as the guy made his way towards his seat.

The class had started, and our teacher started to speak again.

Kyungsoo cleared his throat silently and looked over at his new seatmate who was already staring at him.

They stared at each other in silence. Kyungsoo blinked and bit his lip nervously.

He extended his hand out, ‘’I’m Do Kyungsoo’’ He smiled awkwardly.

Jongin glanced at his hand, back to his face, and shook his hand. ‘’Kai’’

‘’I thought your name was Jongin’’ He whispered innocently.

‘’It is’’





‘’I finally spoke to him today’’ Kyungsoo whispered as he held his phone to his ear.

‘’Congratulations owl eyes, you’re in step one out of one thousand!’’  Oh Sehun, his closest friend since middle school spoke on the other line.

‘’Why so negative, I actually managed to have a conversation with him’’

‘’You only exchanged names, it’s not like you’re a couple already’’

Kyungsoo felt his face heat up at the comment before puffing out his cheeks childishly.

 ‘’we held hands too!’’

‘’Kyungie, last time I checked that was called formally shaking hands. There’s a difference you know’’ He could hear Luhan’s ear wrecking laughter in the background and cringed, distancing his phone from his sensitive ears.

‘’Tell Luhan to shut it before I cut it’’ Sehun laughed at the other end. ‘’Don’t mind him’’

‘’Anyway, try to get closer to him like a normal person would, ‘cause you know, that’s the way you actually socialize with people these days, believe it or not ’’

‘’How did you manage to get to Luhan? You’ve never really told me about that’’

‘’Uhm, I-I got to go, see you later, bye!’’ Sehun cut the line without any further words.

Kyungsoo pulled hoodie over his head as he felt the wind getting colder. He observed his surroundings as he walked towards a Starbucks café near the school grounds, and ordered a large chocolate cream chip drink. Looking around the place, he was able to spot an empty seat hidden behind a corner.

‘’Chocolate cream chip for Pororo?’’ The cashier said chuckling. Flashing a shy smile he grabbed his drink, walking towards the empty seat while giggling rather cutely to himself.

Pulling out his phone he snapped a picture of his drink with the name ‘’Pororo’’ proudly written on it and sent it to Sehun.

From: Sehun

To: Kyungsoo

You’re such a girl, Kyungsoo. I bet you’re sitting all by yourself, giggling.

Pouting, he cursed Sehun inwardly. Why was always right?

Taking a sip from his cold drink he looked up only to find a pair of eyes staring at both him, and the name ‘Pororo’ scribbled on the plastic cup. Covering the name he looked away utterly embarrassed.

It was Jongin. He had caught him in the most embarrassing state ever.

Well this wasn’t humiliating at all.


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Chapter 11: the feels ~
cant wait for the next chapter~♥
exoticexoxo #2
Chapter 11: Oh gosh I feel nervous out of all sudden update soon author nim
Chapter 10: this is good :3
Luhanwife #4
Chapter 10: hahaha xD xD poor kyungiie xD ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Lazybumpanda #5
Chapter 9: I think the book resembles Kyungsoo tho o:
Luhanwife #6
Chapter 9: i didnt get the House of Hope thingie?! Is it Kyungsoo or what? but the chapter was good!!!
Chapter 8: hyaaa hyaaa hyaaa >.< beautiful scene~~~
kyungsoo smiling must be really cute :3
lalalolo #8
Kyngsooooooooooooooo!!! sdjsdfhkshf
Chapter 8: This is just beautiful. O. M. G.