Chapter 5

Me and You

So it was official that we’re both dating each other. Nothing truly changed as we still meet each other at the park at 5 every evening. It was really nice to be able to spend time talking to the man I love while we both snuggle in each other’s warmth and enjoy the beautiful sunset. Just like the sunset, our topic is endless and ever changing. I get to know Yong Guk better through all the conversation we shared and I can see that beneath that badass look, he is a saint. So, I wasn’t wrong when I say that he’s the saint that saved my i.pod. He would always say that he wants to change the world into a better place because there’s just too much that he wants to fix. Doing charity is probably the one of his hobby that he just won’t admit to. Sometimes, I wonder, how am I that lucky to stumble on such a person who have so much soul and love for the world around him. I knew that was the thing that separates us. He would be the savior of this torn up world and try his best to do what he can do put it together again, while I would just be the by stander watching as the tragedy unfolds itself in front of me.


I knew that he really loves music. He’s been involved with the underground scene doing his own thing when he received an offer letter to join some establish music company. He told me that he was hesitating to take that offer as he knows that this music company had a way of controlling their artist and their creative flow.

“I would give up wealth just to do the thing that I love. I want to make music that is true to me, even if no one gives a or appreciate it. I don’t want to make music for the sake of getting cash and making it big. I want to make music that is true to me.”

I know he doesn’t really speak much about his personal live and so on, but when it comes to his goal, he would talk about it endlessly. It’s like a little boy entering the candy factory, being mesmerized by all the candy around him. It’s just so sweet and cute to see him talk endless about his goal. I personally don’t mind the visual and auditory stimulus I’m receiving cause it make me so happy.


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