Chapter 3

Me and You

I reach home and of course, I was being question like a criminal by my mom. Demanding a reasonable explanation as to why I was this late because I am rarely late going back home. I told her that I tripped and was searching for my i.pod and that is why I’m late. She didn’t say much and just advice me to be more careful and to not listen to my i.pod when I’m walking back home. Seriously, don’t expect me to tell my mom about meeting that stranger because she would freak the out and kill me. All of the parents in this world do when some stranger walked up to their children and say ‘Hi’.


My night ended with me questioning myself why this stranger wanted to meet me again. I obviously couldn’t answer that question because I’m not him, but I’m so darn curious. All he said was that I have beautiful eyes and that he wants to meet me. What is he trying to do? Kidnap me??? Or he just wants to be friends? My God! I couldn’t figure out why and this is definitely taking a toll on my nervous. I am thankful that he rescue my precious i.pod and all, but  the walk that we had on the park was more than enough to be a little ‘thank you’ treatment for him, so what does he still wants from me? The best part is, I don’t even know his name. All I got was his face and his smiles being captured in my memory. Hmmmmm….. I got to admit that he does have a wonderful smile.


Just like what we promise each other, I waited for him at the exact spot we said our goodbyes yesterday. I was surprise he was so punctual. He was there sharp at 5. I thought he was just joking with me and that it was a prank, but I was wrong. I beginning to doubt if I’m more shock that he’s actually here or that he’s dead on punctual. Whatever it is, he did his part of his bargain and I did mine. Again, we stand there facing each other like stranger. Again, in the same atmosphere of awkwardness that has engulf us when we first met. All we can do is just look at each other. Waiting for the other person to make the first move. Just like yesterday, he was the first one that broke the silence and just like yesterday, I was thankful that he was the one that broke it.

“I still don’t know your name, even though I talked to you for a little bit yesterday. Do you mind telling me yours?”

 “I don’t mind telling you mine, but you would have to tell me yours. I only do fair trade.”

He smiled and said “My name is Bang Yong Guk. You can call me Yong Guk.”

“Well, nice to meet you, Yong Guk. I’m Choi Ha Young. Please call me Ha Young.”

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