Chapter 4

Me and You

It begins to be a habit of ours to meet each other at this park at 5 everyday. The feeling was mutual at first, like two friends sitting in the park just chatting about what happen to our lives that day while watching the beautiful orange sky blending in with the purple twilight that is taking place in front of us. It was nice to have someone who you could just sit and talk to at the end of a stressful day while watching the sunset. It was nothing romantic or sweet, but it turn out to be exactly that.


Day by day, I crave that meeting. I would be so happy to go to the park at 5 every evening just to be able to chat with him.  It is as if he was the sun shine that I have been waiting for my whole life to see. He definitely brought joy to me. That was when I know that I had a crush on him. Not a crush, but a huge crush. I had fallen for him.


I remember it was somewhere in autumn. It was a Thursday as a matter of fact. Just like every other day, I meet Yong Guk at this park. Waiting eagerly to hear his voice and see that sweet gummy smile of his. Like usual, he was punctual and we proceed to the bench that we always sat on and our conversation starts. It is a very natural process now and there’s definitely no awkwardness between us anymore. We would just enjoy each other’s voice and laugh as if we had gone crazy about the littlest things.  I remember that I was super nervous that day because I told myself that I should tell him how I feel about him. I felt my blood rush to my cheek and it was tinted into this pinkish color. Embarrassment lead me to only stare at the piles of wilted leaves that had gather at my feet while I gather my courage into words.

“Yong Guk….”


“I think I love you…..” I could hear my voice thinning into a whisper when I said those words. My poor heart pound louder than any drum I have ever heard. I don’t dare to look up. Still starring at those piles of brown leaves beneath my feet. I was afraid to look up. Afraid of what he might utter out of those lips. Afraid that he would not feel the same way. I am afraid of the rejection.

“Actually…………. I had feeling for you since the day our eyes meet at the bus station when you fall. My feeling for you had only grows from like to love. I don’t dare to confess to you because I’m afraid of the rejection. I don’t blame you if you wouldn’t like me cause honestly, I’m kinda like stalking you? I don’t even know what I’m saying. But I love you and I want to be with you. I just don’t know how to say it to you without it looking like I’m some crazy stalker since we’re stranger at first. So…… yeah…..”

All I can do is just smile while looking at my shoes. I am happy that my love was not rejected, instead, it got accepted. With a smile on my face, I look at the man that I had fallen in love with. With my chilly hands, I held his angelic face, bringing it closer to mine and kissed those soft pinkish lips on that bench in the chilly autumn evening. 

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