Chapter 2

Me and You

It was an ordinary day like any of the days I had when he appeared in my life. It was my clumsiness that brought me to our meeting. I was on my way back home then and that little fall of mine brought me to him. Yes, I was extremely humiliated because I have no idea how and why I would fall and man, so many people is looking at me.  To be honest, I wasn’t a little bit worry about the bruise or cut I had, but the I.pod that I was holding. I’m so going to kill myself if anything happen to it! And there it was, scratched up cover of my dear i.pod in the hands of a stranger. I was just so happy that it didn’t fell down the drain or being run over by the passing car that all I can say is ‘thank you’. I raised my head to see who was this saint that saved my dear i.pod and that was when I saw his face. Let’s be honest here, he looks like a gangster and I’m actually quite terrified by him, but my instinct tells me that he’s no harm. Like the lady my mom preached me to be, I say my thanks to this man who saved my i.pod and proceeded to continue my journey back home.


 But my wrists were being held by a strong and firm hand and that was the point I beginning to panic. Don’t tell me he is trying to kidnap me or something? Like, how can such happen to me???? Oh my lord! ! I need to calm down and ask for help or something. WAIT! I need to turn and see what he’s trying to do to me first. Then, I heard a rough and husky voice asking me if I would like to join him on a walk. I pick up all my courage and turn my head to his direction and I really don’t know what I am doing but I say yes. The next scene I saw will forever be carved inside my mind because I just saw an angel smiled at me with his gummy smiles.


So we took a walk in a nearby park around my house. We did not make any conversation on our way to that park and it was definitely an awkward situation to be in. How can it not be awkward since both of us were stranger? And then he spoke and said,

“I saw the song in your i.pod when I rescued it. Got to say, you got quite some awesome track in your playlist.”

Grateful that he is the one that broke the thick ice between us, all I can say is “thanks”. And then the ice between us started thickening again. We look like stranger walking alongside each other. Unaware of each other’s existence which is true at that time. We walked around the park in that format we formed until twilight reminds me that I have a home to go back to if I don’t wish to be screwed up by my own parents. So, I said my goodbye to this stranger and he told me to wait. I waited in curiosity as I don’t really know what he’s trying to do and I saw that he was mumbling something. I was trying my best to read the movement of his lips, but all I can read is just a messed up jumble of words that doesn’t make any sense. So all I did was stare at him, waiting patiently for the words to form on his lips.

“You have beautiful eyes ……. Can we meet again?”

I was shock to the core at what he says that I need a few seconds to actually process what he just said.

“Sure …… We can meet at this park again……”. Again, I don’t know what or why I’m saying this.

“So…….. I will meet you here again at 5?”.

“Yeah …… here … at….. five…….”.

“So…. See ya?”.

“Yup….. see ya….”. That was the first set of our conversation and sure enough, it was awkward as hell.

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