Chapter 2

Story of the Day I Died

Taemin's POV~

It has been another three hundred years of my life in heaven. And still no solid memory of my human past. I was getting frustrated, and I thought it time to ask my God for help.

Climbing the mountainous rocks that held treasures beyond human belief, I found my way to yet another Cathedral. "Hello?" I asked. My voice echoed throughout the empty hall. A fire erupted at the altar, and God's invisible image, in a way, appeared. It's not words that could explain it, but if you truly believed in this holy being, you could imagine it within your own mind. I couldn't see Him, yet I could. His presence was there.

"Taemin. What brings you here?" He asked me.

I gulped. "Lord, I want to know of my past."

He chuckled. "You past?"

I nodded. "Why can't I remember?"

I could feel His aura darken. "It is not something you want to remember. It will only pain you, my child. For it is another man's wish that you do not remember."


"Taemin. You know that what I say is for the best of you. I do not think that is it time for you to know your past. You are not ready."

"Why not?" I complained.

"Come back and ask me the same question when you remember the man's name. Good bye Le Taemin. I will always be with you. Don't forget that." And He disappeared.

As much as the Lord is great, He was so confusing. Even as long as I have lived in this paradise, I still wasn't as knoledgeable as He.

I left the mountain unhappily, slumped and disappointed. Who wouldn't be? After all, I was the only one who didn't have the memories of my past. It wasn't fair. My wings limped at my sides as my feet dragged across the jagged hard rock. I didn't recieve any cuts or wounds on my feet though. (I was in heaven!) But sometimes, I wish I did feel physical pain. Just to escape my confusion. But it's impossible here. The only way to feel it would be if you were tormented my the demons, and their master. The devil...

I erased the thought and began to think about my lover. Jinki...since heaven he's been beside me. He's been teaching me, guiding me, giving me what I needed. He's nurtured me with all the love in the world. He's made me whole. Almost.



Kibum's POV~


I sighed. My throat had gone dry after screaming for the past centuries. The souls beside me though, continued to scream. It went on and on and on. Then suddenly, after so many years of falling, I felt...the floor. I had finally fallen the full length of Sheol. And again, that same voice echoed.

"CONGRATULATIONS, GUYS!" the voice boomed. "I guess I should bring you to the next stage, huh? Har Megido, my dear friends. Here's a fun fact. DId you guys know that it was the Ancient Battle field where God and his oh so awesome angels lost to us?  AHAH! The dogs will do the rest. I'll see you guys!"

Another obstable.


I saw the hounds. And so did the souls surrounding me. I tightened my grip on my arms in fear. Their eyes were a glowing bloody red and their teeth bared, viciously dragging souls away to the next stage. They were so fast. I could barely see them as they blurred from place to place. It was almost as if they were teleporting from place to place. Soul by soul, they took. Until there was only ten left. It included me.

But in a few moments, I would be screaming for mercy like the rest of them. Feeling my insides being ripped out again and again. As if I healed forever, only to die again. That was hell. That was what I was going through. If only I could see my Taeminnie again. I miss him... I miss him so much.

A jaw tore at my side, as was my arms and legs. I was being dragged... again.




I'm not very big on updating, am I? Sorry guys. I'm becoming a Update Once a Month person. But I have tons of stories, and sometimes... most of the times.. I'm not feeling it. I have to be in the mood. I hope this chapter was okay. Again, sorry

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so interestinggg!
Chanyeolized #2
this story is like
Please, updaaaaaate ;;_;;
joleen8899 #4
Update soon please, it's so good and sad!!!
Please, update this story as soon as possible.!! It was like.. love at first chapter.? :DD I love your stories, you're such a great writer!!! <333
I feel so sad for Kibum D:<br />
Omg the hounds...*shudders*<br />
And 300 years...that's a long time xD<br />
I guess time flies by really quickly in Heaven and Hell ><<br />
Please update soon! :))
Love your Story! Please update soon! Fighting!
RavenRage #8
I call myself an atheist, but I´m always open to any possibilities...<br />
I´m definitely going to read this, I just...yeah...