Chapter 3 (Really...)

Story of the Day I Died

Taemin's POV~

Another century has passed. I have been having very strange dreams lately. Maybe I'll finally know the name of the man who doesn't want me to remember my past?

Jinki's head was on my lap. I his dark brown locks, continuing my train of deep thought. I couldn't stop thinking of that man... I held onto rose that grew near me and pulled it out of the ground. Immediately, a rose bush began to form in its place. I twirled it in my fingers and sighed. When would the day come? Every day I roamed Heaven restlessly. No matter what, I could not stop my dire curiosity to know my past... to know him.

Jinki slowly awakened, fluttering his eyelids and rubbing the back of his head. He sat up and gave a lazy smile. "What's wrong, yeobo?"

"Those dreams keep coming, Jinki hyung..." I answered.

He frowns. "Aren't I enough to think about? You're enough for me, Minnie~"

"Because your brain is smaller than the average human being's. And much smaller than an angel's."

He laughs and pecks the top of my forehead. "Well, I have to go somewhere, Taemin. I'll see you later, okay?"

"Miss you~" I replied, though I really wasn't. I had other things to occupy my time with. He chuckles again while flying East.

I walk my own way, and decide to take a nap near one of the apple-bearing trees. I rest my head on my wings and sleep.

"Taeminnie~" a man says, his hands covering my eyes. I see myself smiling and saying, "Stop it, yeobo~" Yeobo?

He lets go and in front of me is a chocolate cake decorated with pink frosting and strawberries. As my face lights up with joy, the man's smile widens. His eyes were sharp and feline. He wore his pink and decorated pajamas. His hair was blonde and angelic -- almost as angelic as many people thought of me. He looked like he just woke out of bed after a busy night. I looked the same.

"THANK YOU YEOBO!" I shout as I pounce onto the elder's back. He carries me to the couch and softly pecks my forehead. Then my nose... cheeks....lips. His lips are extremely soft. The man wraps his arms around my waist and begins to cry. 

"What's wrong?" I ask.

He tries to hide his tears. "Nothing, Taemin."

"Tell me." I say, in a commanding voice that I've never heard myself sound like. 

"You'll be mad at me, Taeminnie."

I press my one hand under his chin and force him to look into my eyes. "What is it?"

His eyes are red are teary. His temperature seems to rise, creating a pinkish tint that colors his skin. "I can't, Taemin. Not now."

I'm about to give up, but choose to find another way to get it out of him. With my thighs between his legs, I slowly topple him and smirk. "Tell me."

He squeezes his eyes shut. "No."

"No?" I say, sliding my hand up his lose shirt, squeezing his hard s. He shakes his head. I his wet face and begin to kiss his lips,gnawing at them as a way to ask for entrance. After a long while, he gives in, allowing me to dominate, as always. He couldn't beat me. I was stronger than him. I begin  to strip myself of clothing and see him blush as I try my best to do it as slowly as possible. After myself, I reveal his own milky white skin. Taking off the thin shirt and ing his loose pants. Then there were his briefs. I frowned. 'Why did you wear these to sleep?"

"No reason..." his lips are quivering and his body is shaking like mad. I poke a finger into them, one by one, and reveal his hard . Mine was bigger. Good. "Turn around, love." I say, and help him. 

He's still trembling as he does so. I my fingers and enter them in, one by one. "A-ahhhh.... Taeminnie.... Minnie... p-please... st-stop... AHH!"

I can feel the intensity building up in my chest as his moans unknowingly increase. I love every sound. Soon, I forget what we had been previously talking about as I finally enter myself into him. The man shakes violently and tries to push me o his back. I refuse to do so and stay firmly in place. His nails are digging into the fabric of the sofa. I notice he's trying to keep his mouth shut. I enter again, harder. He throws his head back, whether it was in ecstasy or pain -- I didn't care. I needed the pleasure. "Can't this me by birthday present instead?"  whisper into his ear.

He gives me a pleading cry and shakes his head. "Stop Minnie..."

"No." I reply, trying to sound as dominant and demanding as possible. He seems to by crying his eyes out into the sofa and I'm beginning to feel bad. Yet I don't stop. Not yet. I hammer myself into him again.

He's whaling now. I do it again. And again. And again. Until I'm panting with sweat, not knowing when to stop. It just felt too good to be true. I was in a dream.  It was wonderful.

"Hah-hah-hah..." he pants. "Please... it... please." he cries. His face is red and burning, with hot tears running down his cheeks. But I can't stop. I just can't. I press my hand onto his , pumping it slowly. A smile crosses my sweaty face and I can't help but smile even more. I could hear his moans increasing. It was a whimper at first. 

"Yeobo... ahhh..... can i go on?" I ask.

Through his moans, he shakes his head no.

It made my unhappy. I began to squeeze harder and shove my into his with as much intensity possible. I've never been so happy and guilty. He was all mine. "TAEMIN!" he screams. Oh how I love to hear my name. "AAAhhhhhh... stop... please. It hurts..."

I his soft hair gently and brush my lips over his ears. "Only if you make it that way, love. Think positively."

He's clenching his teeth together, and his hands and balled into fists. His body is covered in sweat and I can't help but have the urge to it. I kiss the back of his neck sweetly and hug his waist. It's okay, yeobo~ It's fine. You're going to be fine."

"I would be fine if you didn't do this, Taemin-sshi." he replied, choking on tears. This made me very unhappy. I gave him one last shove and left to go take a shower. 

"If you don't love me, then leave, Kibum."


The dream ends. Kibum.

That's his name. He's the one that doesn't want me to remember my past. But why? He was my lover... what's going on?




Iwkeylove here~

Enjoy the chapter? I'm trying to loosen myself up a bit, and make it a bit more modern. Sorry if its cheesy. I love . I didn't plan on writing it in this story, but I guess I just had the feeling for this one. If the memory doesn't explain enough to you, here is some things I planned for you guys to notice.

1) Kibum -- Taemin knows his name now. 

2) Taemin was a in his past life.

I would also like to recommend a book to you. It is called "Rediscover Catholicism" by Matthew Kelly. IT's really good, and super inspiring. Its even a great book for non Christians -- it just teaches us a lot about moral, so I just wanted to help lead you guys into the righ path of life. Again, I hope you enjoyed this chapter that took forever along, and see you soon! (I hope.)



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so interestinggg!
Chanyeolized #2
this story is like
Please, updaaaaaate ;;_;;
joleen8899 #4
Update soon please, it's so good and sad!!!
Please, update this story as soon as possible.!! It was like.. love at first chapter.? :DD I love your stories, you're such a great writer!!! <333
I feel so sad for Kibum D:<br />
Omg the hounds...*shudders*<br />
And 300 years...that's a long time xD<br />
I guess time flies by really quickly in Heaven and Hell ><<br />
Please update soon! :))
Love your Story! Please update soon! Fighting!
RavenRage #8
I call myself an atheist, but I´m always open to any possibilities...<br />
I´m definitely going to read this, I just...yeah...