About Me

Hey guys! I'm willing to review your fanfics and or offer constructive criticism. Just pm me or leave a message on my wall! :-)

However, the fics you're sending me to review must fall under these regulations:

- Rated [M] fics are fine (usually I find that those rated [m] are the best, with a more mature audience too) but I will not be including any explict scenes in my review. 

- All pairings (straight, gay, tran) are fine but I will not be reviewing any lesbian/girlxgirl fics. Nothing against lesbians, just personal preference and what I'm comfortable with. 

- The fic does not have to be completed. You can get me to review your freaking foreword for all I care and I'll give you suggestions. 

- Also just putting it out there, I'm kind of EXO/SHINee biased so if yours is revolved around them, you have a higher chance of being reviewed quicker lol.