Help Me

Misguided Ghost

Chapter 5

Help Me




"Why are you even forcing yourself to help me? It doesn't mean that you can see me that you have to feel obligated to do something."


"I know, but I want to. I'll admit that I wasn't really friendly with you because of… that but, I mean there's a reason for everything, right? There's a reason that I'm the only one that can see you, so maybe it means that I'm the only one that can help you"



I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He actually wanted to do something about whatever was happening to me.


He actually cared.


I was left speechless as all I could give him as a response was a simple nod. It was the first time that I was experiencing this and I guess what I was feeling right now was happiness, because all I could do was showing him a smile that was slowly spreading across my lips. "Thank you"


That one corner of his lips went up, showing me one of his smile and I couldn't help myself but stare at it. It was beautiful and tempting. I don't know what has gotten into me but I noticed that I was closer to him as if I was drawn to him, having the sudden urge to kiss him. I knew that it was impossible to do and it broke my heart a little bit, thinking that I won't ever have the chance to know how it feels to have a first kiss.


I breathe out and back away, looking at the scenery behind him. I saw him turn around to see where I was looking and turned back to face me. I knew his smile disappeared because my eyes shifted back to him and I couldn't help but feel something ache in my heart once again.


"I - got to go…"


Before I gave him the chance to answer, I out, finding myself back in limbo all alone.



x    x    x



"What just happened?"


He looked all around trying to figure out where the girl went off to. Seeing that she wasn't anywhere near him, he gave up and walked back to join the rest of the members to finish off one of their photo shoots for the day. Barely being able to concentrate on his work, he let his thoughts take over to the ways he could help a ghost come back to life. To him, she wasn't technically a ghost since she was still alive, just not awake, so he thought that it could be easy to bring her back, he just didn't know how.



His schedule was finally coming to an end and she was still no where to be seen. After looking around for a few minutes, he was called back by his manager, making him give up on ever founding her.


Because I'm thinking of her, I thought that she could appear… where the hell is she?!


Once he steps inside the van, he closes the door as the manager was bringing the boys back to their dorm. Along the way, all he did was to stare outside the window, losing himself in his thoughts until something caught his eyes. He solely stared until it was completely out of sight, following its movement until he turned his head to the back, catching the others attention. "Yah, Mir-ah, what are you looking at?"


"Huh?" He quickly turned back around to found his friends staring back at him, curious to see what caught the younger one's attention. "What were you looking at?"


"Oh, hmm, nothing"


"Okay~ If you say so…"


Left alone once again, he turned back to face the window, looking back at the scenery that was passing by in front of his eyes as he let his thoughts wander to the ghost while trying to come up with a plan to help her.


Hopefully, she'll go with it and it will work… I can't let her lose hope like that, I just can't.



x    x    x



"A psychic Mir? Really?!"


 "I thought she could help us with your situation."


"And I'm really thankful for what you're trying to do but I don't believe in that kind of crap. Who says that she might tell us the truth? Or that she does have those psychic powers?"


"Can you just trust me on this, please?"


I looked at him, completely startled by his words. I don't know why, but a small part of me wanted to agree at his request, but deep down that same part wanted to trust him. But I didn't want to, because once I put my trust into people I was the one that ended up being hurt.


I looked him in the eyes, trying to see if there was anything that screamed dishonesty but there wasn't anything of that sort. Instead, he looked at me with a pleading gaze, simply hoping that I would say yes.


And I did.


"Thank you."


I gave him a smile and turned back to face the entrance, giving it a last look and breathing in before stepping inside. I didn't really know how those things work so I simply stood by the entrance while Mir walked further inside. We looked around and the lady wasn't anywhere yet. "Do you think she's here?"


"I told her that I would come here later… I hope she didn't forget"


In just a few short seconds, the psychic came out of behind some curtains with a sweet smile on her face. It suddenly made me relax and comfortable something that I might be grateful for with all the stress I've been feeling lately. "Hello dear, how may I help you?"


The strange thing was that… she was looking at me. I knew that since Mir wasn't even standing in front of me and her eyes were staring at my direction, straight through my eyes. "M-Mir? Can she see me?" I saw him turning around to face me and quickly looked back at the old lady, calling her out. "Hmm, miss?" She turned her head as if she was trying to follow the sound of his voice.


"I'm so sorry dear, I'm close to being completely blind." She lets out a chuckle which took both of us by surprise since she seemed to take this matter so lightly. "You brought me to a blind psychic Mir?! What the hell!"


He flinched as I raised my voice at him, taking a little step backwards as I shook my head, a little bit annoyed by everything. "So, where were we?" I turned back to the lady and walked closer to her, eyeing her from head to toe. Nothing special caught my eyes until I saw a strange necklace. I slowly reached out to it only to find myself getting a small electric shock from touching it, sending me backwards. "Damn it! Mir! Ask her about that stupid thing!" I saw her placing her hand over the object, covering it in her palm as she closed her eyes, looking as if she was concentrating on something. "You're not alone boy, are you?"


"Wh-what do you mean?" With his eyes wide open, we were both completely shocked that the old lady knew that he wasn't alone. I guess that necklace of hers has to do something about it. "Someone else is with you… A spirit perhaps?"


"I need your help to save her, please? She's dying right now and I need her alive, can you help us?" She opened her eyes and walked towards him until she was gently cupping his cheeks having her looking straight through his eyes.


The woman is freaking blind! What can she see?!


"I may be blind but it doesn't mean that I can't see young lady"


I froze.


You can hear me?






"Through the boy. You two hold a connection and we are going to figure it out together."


The gentleness in her voice made me let go of all of my worries and anxiety. The soothing tone made me close my eyes and simply breathe out, calming myself. I looked back at Mir who seemed to be completely lost about what was going on. He turned back to me and then back to the lady who was walking back towards the curtain from where she came from. "Aren't you guys coming?"


He nervously nodded and we followed her, bringing us to a more secluded part of her little place. So cliché but true, there was a little round table just in the middle with three candles placed in the center of that same table. "Come and sit dear"


He did as he was told and found himself a seat right in front of her, while she was sitting across the table. He looked a little bit nervous as he eyed out the place from left to right until she got his full attention with one simple word.


My name.


"Hea Jung."


"How d-did you  know?" His tone showed that he was nervous but also taken aback by her sudden knowledge even though he hasn't said a word about me yet.


"I'm a psychic dear, there is a lot of things I know"


I seriously didn't know if I should be freaked out or kind of relieved that Mir found a legit clairvoyant. "And your name must be… Bang Cheolyong, am I right?"


Bang Cheolyong? Why does that ring a bell?


I looked at him while he simply nodded, still looking quite shocked about what was happening. "Do you know me?"


"I don't know who you are, I simply know your name, young boy. But I also know the reason why you are the only one that can see this young girl next to you. Is that why you came to see me?"




"I'll tell you anything you want to know, but first tell me why is your heart seems so conflicted about something. About the girl in particular…"


I looked at him, trying to comprehend what the lady was talking about. He scratched his neck, avoiding looking my way which started to make me mad just a little bit. "What is she talking about Mir? What is it about me?" I know he noticed the sudden annoyed tone in my voice since I saw him lightly flinch when I got closer to him, something that didn't go unnoticed by the psychic. "She wants to know too it seems… Come on boy, I know you want to let it out. You're afraid about something, something regarding the girl… Do you want me to go any further or are you going to talk?"


"What are you afraid about Mir? I want to know, please…" I suddenly got desperate to hear his answer since a part of me somehow knew what he was afraid about, because I was afraid about the same thing.


"She's going to die and you're afraid that you won't be able to save her, is that right?"


He nodded as he looked down, while playing with his fingers. It looks like I was right.


"Is that true Mir? Why do you even care that much?"


I finally got to hear him speak while he looked back up at the woman, trying to find his words. "I just feel like I have to do something to help her… because if I can see her that means that I get to do something to bring her back…"


"I see…"


She looked up at me and then back at Mir while she gently grabbed onto her necklace. That thing must have something to do with the fact that she can hear me if she is constantly grabbing onto it…


"If you're here to know about the future, this is something I can't help you with. You will have to live it on your own. All you have to know is within her heart and yours only."


"What do you mean?"


"The connection. The reason she is still here and why you are the only one that can see her and speak to her."


"And yet I can't… touch her."


"It doesn't mean that you can't feel her."


"Why is there a connection? I haven't even met her until one week ago"


She looked at him and I could see a small smirk appearing at the corner of her lips. Something was up and it looks like we were going to find out something that might take us by surprise.


And I don't know how to feel about that…


"Are you sure about that, dear?"



Next: Hello Daddy

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14/12/28 - New poster! :)


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Dalily #1
Chapter 10: owwhh..they're not together at the end...its so sad..dear author, i will wait for your next sequel for a must..kekekeke
weirdoizm #2
Chapter 6: Omg. I cried a little on this chapter. ;-;
1st time to happen here on this website. Lol.
I really like your writing style! And this story! x3
Please update soon. <3
Weee I'm really liking this ♥ keep it up!