On The Plane

Runaway Daughter

Half an hour after they had left the ground Seul Mi was fidgeting with her fingers. She was bored and she hated it. She pressed the call button for the flight attendance. Within minutes Jessica was by her side.


“How may I help you?” she asked in a cheery voice. Seul Mi wanted to puke. There was nothing cheery about being bored at the back with nothing to do!


“I’d like an apple juice, please.”


Ten minutes after that she pressed the button again. “How can I help you?” Jessica asked. Her voice wasn’t as cheery as the last time.


“I’d like to listen to some music…”


Ten minutes after that. “Is there anything I can help you with?” Jessica asked this time her voice was not cheery at all but annoyance could be detected.


“I’m hungry…”


Ten minutes after that she pressed the call button. “What is it now?” Jessica snapped not caring if she was being impolite.


“Can I have my bag please?” she gave an innocent smile.


Another ten minutes after that she pressed the button again. But instead of Jessica in front of her, it was Hyun Joong.


“My flight attendance was complaining that you keep asking things exactly ten minutes after,” he said sitting himself next to her. “And I had been timing you.”


She smiled wryly. He stared at her. “Okay, I’m bored at the back of the plane of some guy I don’t even know.”


“You should have thought of that before you boarded the plane,” he told her not at all showing any sympathy for her. “And someone you kissed couple of hours ago doesn’t seem like stranger to me,” he added just for the sake of it.


She was put on her place for sure. “I’m sorry for that,” she guiltily said.


“How about we go in the front and talk a little?” he suggested. “I need a break from all the work I’m doing.”


“But that will be breaking your rules,” she pointed out.


He frowned. “True, but I’m letting you break them.” He gave her an assuring smile.

She laughed and followed him at the front taking her things with her. She settled herself on the seat opposite him. She had so many questions she wanted to ask him. And they were all personal!


“So, how old are you?” she asked getting down with her questions.


“25. You?”


“21. Are you thinking of getting married?” she bombarded him with another question.


“No, but my mum is pestering me to marry.”


“What about that girlfriend of yours?” she was thinking of the angry mad woman who caught her kissing Hyun Joong. She couldn’t blame the woman. If she was in her position she would scratch the eyes of the woman and burn her lips to crisp.


“She’s not my girlfriend anymore,” he answered.


She smiled happily. Then, “Oh! I am so sorry. If you’d like I could tell her it was my fault,” she offered even though she didn’t really want to.


“No need,” he quickly informed her. “I was going to dump her anyways.”


“Why? Because you want me?” she could not help but ask with a teasing tone.


“No,” he said making her hopes of them ever getting together go down. “I thought we’ll never meet.”


“You are so mean!” she pouted.


He chuckled at her. “If it makes you feel any better you’re a great kisser too.”


She blushed. She remembered what she told his ex girlfriend back at the limo and quickly moved on to another question. “Do you like me?” she didn’t let him answer that. “What do you think of me?”


He laughed finding her cute. “You’re cute but that mouth of yours keeps opening and shutting. You are annoying but funny. You’re irritating but beautiful.”


“If you are going to answer then please next time answer only the positive ones,” she muttered. “What kind of women do you prefer?” she moved to another question.


“That’s not relevant,” he firmly warned her not to pursue it.


“Fine. Am I one of them?” she wasn’t hiding the fact that she likes him. He was and she didn’t like it one bit.


“Don’t you think these questions of yours are going too personal?”


“How many kids do you want?”


That’s it!” he burst out. “I made a huge mistake asking you to break the rule.” She shut tightly.


“Sorry,” she whispered. “I was just having fun.”


“Let me ask the question this time,” he lowered his voice feeling a tad guilty for shouting at her. “Are you a reporter?” He raised his eyebrow questioningly but his eyes were teasing her. She shook her head. “Then stop asking question like one,” he teased.




“You’re worse than my mother,” he muttered as he got comfortable on his chair. He leaned back and stared at her. “What do you do for a living?”


“I’m unemployed but I have the qualification for a receptionist.” She didn’t mention she had qualification as a secretary as well. She worked as a receptionist in another company. She worked as a secretary in her fathers’ company.


“Okay,” he bit his bottom lips trying to think up some questions. “How many brothers and sisters do you have?”


“None,” she replied with sadness. She felt uncomfortable with the question but it would not be fair on him if she was reluctant answering personal questions since she made me answer her questions. “I’m an only child. My mother died giving birth to me.”


“I’m sorry to hear that,” he whispered. “I’m afraid I come from a big family.”


“Really?” she asked with interest. She didn’t have anyone but her father.


“Yeah, two older sisters and two older brothers,” he said but not too proudly. “I have no privacy because of them. And not only do I have my brothers and sisters but I have my aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. So I’m sure you’re lucky to be the only child.”


If only he knew how she wanted brothers and sisters to , protect her and fight with. How she wanted cousins, uncles and aunts. And how she wished her mother was still alive. Things would have turned out differently. She wasn’t going to tell him that. She didn’t want pity. She smiled at him wryly.


They talked a little more. Seul Mi insisted he tell her about his family. She felt tired but she wasn’t saying anything. She wanted to hear the stories about his family.


Hyun Joong stopped talking when he saw her fast asleep. He smiled at her angelic face. She was a terror but she was pretty as well. He asked Jessica to bring a blanket. He covered her with it. He flipped open his laptop and started work on his spreadsheet.




Seul Mi woke up soundly, waking to find that they’d landed and the sun was shining. Groggily she struggled upright, moved the blanket that had been over her and looked around for Hyun Joong.


He appeared from the back of the plane, freshly shaved and immaculately dressed in a navy blue suit and white shirt. “You’re awake,” he seemed surprised. “I was just about to wake you up. Feel free to freshen up,” he suggested pointing towards where he had just come from.


She remembered that she fell asleep while he was talking to her. “I can’t believe I’ve have fallen a sleep in the middle of our conversation,” she apologized. “And I wanted to ask you more question,” she moaned.


“Thank God for that!” he muttered.


“What was that?” she asked getting up and stretching.


“Nothing,” he quickly replied, and then he looked her up and down. “You could change into something if you want.”


“That’s okay, I didn’t bring anything to change into,” she said.


“Select what you wish.”


She wanted to ask “select what?” but he disappeared in the front of the plane.


She stared suspiciously behind him and then walked to the back of the plane, pushing open the door that led to an amazingly well equipped bathroom, complete with a dressing area where several outfits hung from a rail.


She took a quick shower first and then selected a blue summer dress from the long rail. It was a perfect fit for her. She could not wear her trainers with the dress so she helped herself to the strap sandals. She combed her hair and gave a once over look at herself before walking to the door.


She emerged out of the bathroom just in time to see the doors of the plane open. Realization struck her as she watched Hyun Joong talking to his pilot. They would be going their separate way and she didn’t like the idea. First reason was that she didn’t want to be alone. The second reason was that she liked him. He was the first guy she truly liked.


“Well, you clean up nicely,” he commented. “Nice dress.”


She glanced down at herself self-consciously. “It fits really well.”


“Glad to hear that,” he smiled warmly.


She didn’t speak any more. She picked up her bag and slung it on her shoulder. She slowly dragged her feet and followed him off the plane. At the airport terminal building he stopped to face her.


“So...? He began.


“I know,” she interrupted him. “Rule number three: we go our separate way,” she said sadly.


He fidgeted with his fingers. Someone else was taking he’s briefcase to his limo. He didn’t have to carry any luggage. She found that a bit too rich of him. “I could drop you to you destination if you want,” he offered.


She declined not wanting to be a burden as she already was. She only wished that they meet again which would be a waste. America is a large place that anyone can be lost in. It was one of the reasons she chose this place.


“So… I guess this is goodbye?” he whispered.


“Yeah, I guess so,” she agreed with him. Both of them didn’t move. She looked around herself then back at him. “Bye.” She waved at him and backed away slowly.


She then thought of something naughty. He looked at her oddly when a smile crept up on her face. She rushed over to him and kissed him fully on the lips. He was surprised at first but kissed her back. She then pulled back.


She made a run for it before he could come around to what had just happened. “Bye,” she called out happily behind her.


He laughed touching his lips. He sure would miss her.


She made a total utter fool out of herself. Again! Why did she have to do that? She scolded herself. That was twice in one day now! Now she hoped she never meets him ever again!

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sgillan #1
Chapter 14: Um, is there going to be a continuation to this story? I really do hope so, it's been awhile since your last update and am really looking forward to reading more, it's such a cute story, would love it if you would continue with it!
horrormovie #2
Chapter 13: interesting...
ramesh #3
Chapter 14: nice chapter..loved it!!!!keep updating please....
Chapter 13: Things are getting complicated..poor girl
Chapter 13: Ahh its getting interesting!!!
Update soon!!
sgillan #6
Chapter 12: Finally an update! This story so far is just.... Great!!! I get goose bumps when Hyunjoong shows his flirty side in the story... can almost feel the awkwardness myself. Please don't leave us hanging so long for the next chapter, this story is too good to wait for!!!!
papazzy #7
Chapter 12: I'm Hyun Joong's fan and really love your story. Wait for updating ^^
Chapter 12: Nice sorry you got!!!
Update soon!!
Chapter 12: OH thank you for an update at last!!Missed this story so much! Hope you will update soon...
SakiKHJFan #10
Chapter 8: oh hyun joong-ii! why did you call her name out at that moment!