
Our Blind Arrangedmarriage

As I stepped my left foot in the house I found two pairs of eyes glaring at me like the lasers. Auntie and Unnie were staring at me as if I was doing something wrong.

“Hello. I’m home…” I said waving.
“What’s wrong with them, oppa?” I whispered sitting down beside Oppa who reading a book. Uncle was playing with his grandson didn’t even care to look at me. And Jin was coloring his books thoroughly.

“Jing!” Auntie said loudly and I flinched.


“Where did you go all day?”

“I…I tried to find my fiancé and then…I hung out with my friend” I said lowly.

“Is that so?”

“Nae”I quickly nodded my head.

“You hung out with Sehun’s brother, didn’t you?” Unnie asked with her firm face. Aish!


“You have a fiancé, Jing” Auntie said.

“I know…but I can’t find him and…”

“You and Taejun are dating?”

“I can’t say it’s a date…I told him that I have a fiancé already and we’re just friend…for now…”

“And you like him?” Unnie asked softly. I blinked my eyes sheepishly.

“Jing, you can’t love anyone else besides your fiancé!” Auntie said a bit yell.

“But Auntie…I don’t love him plus we never know each other before…I wonder why you guys would make this blind arrangedmarriage up? I hate it!” I said pouting. Unnie shook her head at me. I let out a big sigh and went into my room. They didn’t understand me at all.




The next day, it was Sunday and I didn’t know where to go either. I was in my room reading some books. 

“Jing!!” Unnie called me from down stair.


“Come down”

“Coming!” I put the book down and ran to the kitchen. Unnie was putting a box of food in the bag.

“What are you doing unnie?” I asked looking at her.

“I want your accompany”

“To where?”

“Sehun’s house”

“That jerk again? I don’t want to see him”

“He’s sick. And I’m bringing these foods for him. Come on, bring the box!” She said taking a box and I took another one. I pouted but followed her.

“Where is Baek oppa?” I asked walking behind her.

“He takes Baeksoo and Jin to visit my parent”

“If I know, I would go too. Why don’t you tell me?”

“Because you’re going to Sehun’s house with me”




Finally, I came to that Jerk’s house again. I hate seeing his face. The guard opened the door for us and we got in the house. And then the maid welcomed us warmly. I looked around to find Taejun if he also around.

“Where is Sehun, Auntie?” Unnie asked softly.

“He’s in his room, Agassi. He’s been sick since yesterday” The maid said politely. That jerk’s sick? Yesterday? He was ok when I saw him yesterday though.

“May I see him, Auntie? I have some food for him”

“Yes. But I have to inform him first”

“It’s ok, I can go to his room. It’ll be tiring for him to get down”

“I’m sorry, Agassi. No one is allowed to go into his room even Master. I’m going to tell him. Please take a rest in the living room”

“Ok” Unnie nodded and walked into the living room with me behind. That jerk was very a weirdo.

“Don’t you think he’s such a weirdo? Who would never let anyone get into his room? I bet, he’s doing something bad behind us…” I whispered. Unnie shook her head.

“He’s a jerk…”

“Shh” Unnie hissed and I shut my mouth as I saw Auntie came back.

“How is he, Auntie?” Unnie asked.

“I’m sorry, Agassi, I didn’t get any word from him. I’m afraid thathe could…What to do now?” Auntie said worriedly.

“Do you have spare keys?” Unnie asked quickly.

“Yes, I do. But…he’ll be angry…he never ever let us gets into his room…”

“It’s not time to think about it, Auntie. What if something bad happen? Come on!”

“Yes. Wait a second. I’ll be back” Auntie said and ran into a room.

“How is he now? Aish! That stubborn kid! I never think that Sehun is way too stubborn like this”

“He’s not only stubborn but also Jerk, monster, evil and blah blah blah…Ouch!” I got hit hard on my shoulder. Ouch! Unnie I’m your sister, ok. That jerk was just a friend. Tch!

“It’s not time for you to say like that, alright?” Unnie said. She looked worried.

“Aish! Sehun-ah, you’re ok, right?” Unnie mumbled.

“Here, Agassi!” Auntie came back with keys and she leaded us to Sehun’s room. His room was at the last of the way.        

“Sehun-ah! Sehun!! Are you ok? Open the door, sehun-ah!” Unnie shouted knocking on the door loudly. But there was no any respond at all.  

“What’s going on here?” Meanwhile, Taejin came out from his room which two doors next to Sehun’s room.

“Oh! You again? What are you doing here? And who is this noona?” Taejin asked looking at Unnie.

“Hi. She’s my sister and we’re here to visit Sehun”

“Oh! Hello, Noona, I’m Taejin, Taejun hyung’s brother. I think, you know Taejun hyung, right?”

“Yes, but it’s not time to talk about it yet. I need to see Sehun now”

“I heard he’s sick, right? But…don’t tell me you’re going into his room?” He asked looking at the key in Unnie’s hand.     

“We have no choice” Unnie said.

“I see it’s not a good idea at all. He never ever welcomes anyone to get into his rom at all. I once got in and I got kicked out immediately he finds out. I think you should not…”

“Who cares?” Unnie said unlocking the door.  

“Sehun!!!” Unnie yelled out his name as soon as we got into the room. We found a big neatly gray room with luxury things. A big shelf full with books (I wonder how could a top weak student like him had a lot of books), a set of couch, a desk beside the shelf full with books and papers located at the lower part of the room. And another part, there’s a bed with a nightstand, a closet, a TV on the wall, a fridge at the corner, and a lot of photos were on the wall. I became Wow, it’s my dream room. This is just perfect, big and neat.

“Sehun!!!” I took my eyes off the things as I heard Unnie cried out. She ran toward the bed and we found Sehun was sleeping on the bed with a blanket covered his entire body.  

“Sehun! Sehun-ah, Wakie! You make me worried, you know?” Unnie said shaking his shoulder but he didn’t even move his eye lids. He looked so pale and lifeless.

“Sehun!!! Shhh he’s burning. Come on, help me. We need to take him to the hospital!”  Unnie said trying to pull Sehun up. I didn’t know what to do but stood still.

“Aish! This kid!!! Jing, call Baek and tell him now!”

“Ye…yes!” I quickly pulled out my phone and dialed to Oppa. Taejin helped unnie to support Sehun up with Auntie.

“Oppa!” I said loudly as soon as Oppa picked up my line.

‘What’s wrong?’

“Jerk…oh! Sehun is very sick and we’re on the way to the hospital”

‘Ok. I’ll be there’ He said and hung up.


On the way to the hospital, I kept looking at Sehun’s face. He looked very weak and pale. And his eye brows were pulled together time to time. Unnie put a wet towel on his forehead. Taejin was driving the car.

We arrived the hospital and the nurses came and brought Sehun into the hospital immediately.

We then sat in front of the emergency room worriedly. Unnie even cried softly. I didn’t say anything but patted her back. Taejin sat quietly beside me.

“What happen?! How is sehun?” Chanyeol, Kai, Suho, D.O and Baek oppa ran toward us and asked worriedly.

“What’s going on?”

“Baek!” Unnie stood up and ran to oppa.

“I heard from Auntie that he’s sick but…I don’t think it could be this serious….So I visited him in the morning with Jing and found Sehun is already unconscious…” Unnie said crying.

“It’s ok. He’ll be alright” Oppa said patting Unnie’s back.

“This kid really makes us worried” Suho said sitting down.

“How are you Taejin? When did you come back?” D.O asked looking at Taejin.

“I’m doing well. I just came back last week. And you, hyungs?” Taejin asked smiling at everyone. Looked like they knew each other already. And we chatted while waiting to hear from Doctor about sehun’s condition.      


Time flew fast and finally, Sehun was sent into another room. He’s going better after the treatment. Doctor said that it’s fortunately we took him to the hospital early so that he’s survived. It almost became a serious time for his death.

Thank to unnie though.

We gathered around the room staring at unconscious Sehun. He’s so weak.

“We can go, guys. He’s ok now. We’ll come again when he wakes up and we can kill him because he didn’t tell us about his condition at all” Chanyeol said loudly and we chuckled.

“Then, who is going to take care of him?” Suho asked.

“I and Jing will” Unnie said.

“But Noona have to take care of Baeksoo…you can’t do this” Kai stated. That’s right.

“Then we’ll take turn to watch him” Suho announced.

“But at least someone should stay with him every time…” Chanyeol said and he moved his eyes to us one by one.

“Jing!!!” And they pointed to me unison. I widened my eyes.

“No! It can’t be me. You know, we’re enemy”

“It’s because we’re all busy…” D.O said.

“End of discussion! Jing take care of Sehunnie!!!” They chanted and I was speechless. How could they?    


And I was left alone in the room with Sehun on the bed. I looked around and then sigh. I didn’t know why I always stuck with that Jerk.

I blew my bang and then laid down on the couch and went to sleep.


After 382348953895893 minutes

I opened my eyes and was a bit surprised when I saw myself on the couch but I relaxed as I remembered why I was there. I got up and walked to the bed. Sehun was sleeping soundly on the bed. I stared into his face and examined thoroughly. He had a small scar on his right cheek, and I felt something strange when I saw that scar, something like sadness. His skin was flawless. This guy is so fabulous.

I could not control myself but reached my finger to touch his scar. It felt like…hurt…

I quickly took my hand off as he opened his eyes slowly. I stepped back, he stared at me with his tired eyes.

“Where am I? Why are you here?” He asked weakly.

“You’re in the hospital. I was forced to take care of you”

“I’m fine now. You can go” He said silently but I could feel the coldness.        

“You’re fine? You’re kidding me? Look at your face, please! It’s like you’re a ghost already!” I mocked.

“I’m not. It's not pale…

With that the door opened and two old people came in. They’re Sehun’s parent, I meant, Sehun’s appa and his step mother.

“Sehun-ah, are you alright? We’re sorry that we visit you late, we’re too busy today” His step mother said taking his hand. But that jerk forever a jerk, he took his hand off her turning away.

“Sehun-ah, you should tell us earlier” His dad said worriedly.

“If you’re here to say that kind of thing, that’s the door” He said pointing his chin to the door. I frowned seeing his attitude toward his parent.

“We’re sorry” Mrs. Oh said softly.


“And Jing, thank you for taking care of my son” Mr. Oh turned to me and smile. I smiled back.

“You’re welcome, Uncle”

“I want to rest, you can go” Sehun said coldly, looked like he’s trying to shoo his parent away. I frowned glaring at him and turned to look at Mr. Oh. He sighed and nodded.

“Ok. Let rest a lot. We’re going” And he walked out of the room sadly with Mrs. Oh behind.

“Yah!” I quickly turned to glare at the Jerk.

“You rude! You should not do like that! They’re very worried about you”


“At least they come to see you…although she’s your step mother but she really cares of you…”

“You don’t know anything! Don’t act like you know everything!” He said a bit yell since he’s still weak. I bit my lip glaring at him.

“She’s trying to be good to you every time…it’s you that never open up to her!”

“Shut up!”

“You’re just into your past life too much! You’re just into your mother and think that no one can be like her…you think that your step mother steals your father, his love for you, his caring, and everything! So that you hate her, don’t you?” I yelled. His frowned became deeper and then he grabbed my hand tight.

“You got fooled, Brat! That what that bastard tells you?” He asked tightening his hand around my wrist till I felt hurt.

“Yes! And it’s true about you!”

“You’re really a fool!”

“Yah!!! Let me go!” I said trying to release my hand from his grip and he let it go. I looked at my red wrist. It’s hurt. I was not sure if he’s really sick. He’s so strong though.

“Tell you…you’ll regret because you believe what that bastard told you” He said turning to the window. I bit my lip sitting down on the couch. He’s really seriously a jerk!

“You’ll regret what you did to your stepmother too, Jerk!”



I’m very sorry that I could not update any chapter past few days. I was joining my sister’s wedding. Sorry again. And here, a long update. Hope you like it. :D

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well, thank again to my lovely readers. Thank million thank for reading, commenting and voting :)


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Chapter 52: Re reading this story, really love it. <3
Chapter 61: Omg aaaa so cute.. but i cannot stand baek being cool hahaha well.. i love this story. Great..
Chapter 61: Another good cute and interesting story..thank you for writing it..finished it in one day too..
Looks Good (:
Superlike your story authornim :-D
dhruva1611 #6
Chapter 61: Yeayyyy Happy ending...
Chapter 61: Absolutey beautiful! My favourite arranged marriage fanfic so far. Wish you all the best with your future work Authornim!!!
murnilan_98 #8
Chapter 42: What do you mean it's a fail??'s not...that's what you call innocent s*x....i like it.
murnilan_98 #9
Chapter 41: Geez.....i have been reading this for the fifteen time.....this is to amazing........