Date and...OPPAS!?

Vampire Palace

the boys woke up around 8:00. they went back to their rooms to give you girls some privacy. Sulli went and woke you up. The girls found the outfit, did your hair and makeup.

Your outfit (instead of boots you wore red flats)

     images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSO8EmzaSaUDDCjOYRUfCe   images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQSzMMW8eEWnuuemEeRZmM 

 your hair


when they were done it was 9:59. the boys came back ten minutes ago. you went out and L.joe walked  to you and wrapped his arms around your waist and gave you a small kiss on the lips. "Hey, Oppa." you said.

"Hey. You ready?" L.joe asked. you nodded.

"Bye, Guys." you said as you left. you heard everyone shout 'Bye.' you went in the limo with L.joe. When the car stopped you got out. You were at the amusement park. you went on many rides. L.joe won a big stuffed teddy bear holding two hearts together. when it was 12:00 you left the amusement park and L.joe put a blindfold over your eyes and helped you in the car. minutes later the car stopped and L.joe helped you out and led you somewhere. You could hear a waterfall. L.joe stopped and pulled the blindfold off. you looked around at the stunning scenery before you.



L.joe led you behind the waterfall where there was a cave. "No one knows about this cave except Chunji. He told me about it and that you wanted to have lunch with your mother behind a waterfall." L.joe said as he sat against a rock. he pulled something out of a basket you didn't notice he had until now. " I know it's not the real thing but this would probably make you feel closer to her." he said as he handed you a small box. You opened it and your eyes widened. "ung said your mother would have wanted you to have it. He said It was given to your mother by Minhyuk the day he left. "


"That's why she cherished it more then her wedding ring. It was given to her by the one she loved and never forgotten." you said as you slipped it your right ring-finger. you smiled. It fit your finger perfectly. L.joe handed you a sandwich. you two talked and laughed as you ate the lunch L.joe brought.

"Are you going to sing in the talent show?" L.joe asked.

"I have to. Hyunseung and Sulli are making me do it." you groaned.

"Would you like it if i sing with you?"

"You sing? i would love that. can you sing for me?" you asked. L.joe nodded and cleared his throat. he started singing 'Back at One' by Brain McKnight.  When he was finished you leaned on L.joe as he wrapped his arms around you and leaned his head against yours. He takes something out of his pocket and holds it in front of you. you looked at it then at him. you grabbed it and opened it. "Oh My God." you looked at L.joe in shock. he smiled. it was a ruby necklace with matching earrings, and ring.


"L.joe, you shouldn't have done this." you said.

"I wanted to get you something that reminded me of you and these reminded me of you the most but its not close to matching you." L.joe said. L.joe took the box and put the jewelry on you. It matched your outfit perfectly. you looked at him, speechless. you were still shocked by the gift. "---------? You ok-" L.joe started but was interrupted when you pressed your lips against his his. he was shocked by your sudden action. after a second he kissed you back passionately. you two broke apart after a while.

"Thank you. you have no idea what this means to me. what YOU mean to me." you said as you kissed him again. "I love you, Lee Byunghyun." You said as you leaned against his chest.

"I love you, too, Lee ---------. Oh, there's one more place to go. come on. lets go." L.joe said as he cleaned the mess and helped you up. he led you to the car. after a while the car stopped and you and L.joe got out.

"The mall?" you asked.

"Yup. Come on lets go buy you a dress for the talent show." L.joe said as he led you to a store. he grabbed several dresses and handed you them and pushed you towards the dressing rooms. you went in and tried them all on. they all looked good on you but you only wanted to buy one. The last two you really liked. you walked out and L.joe's eyes practically popped out of his head for both of them. The dresses looked like these:

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the both of you couldn't decide which one looked better on you so L.joe ended up buying both. Now you need shoes. and other accessories. You looked for shoes to match you and found two pairs.

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L.joe bought them. then you guys went to get the accessories.When you were done you guys just walked around the mall until your stomach started growling. L.joe laughed and dragged you to the foodcourt. Before you sat down you heard someone yell you name. you turned around to see 12 familiar guys walking towards you. "Oppas? OPPAS!?" you said as you ran and hugged them. "I have someone i want you to meet. Oppas, meet my boyfriend. L.joe. L.joe these are Bigbang oppas, Taeyang, TOP, G-Dragon, Daesung, and Seungri. These are Infinite oppas, Sunggyu, Dongwoo, Hoya, Woohyun, Seongyeol, Myungsoo but everyone calls him L, and Sungjong. Seungri is my aunt's son. Seungyeol and Sungjong are my uncle's sons. Their classified as commoners becuase my aunt and uncle married commoners and had them. But they're all princes to me."

"Come join us." L.joe said. They brought tables and chairs together. "I'm going to get us some food. you guys want some?" Seungri and Sungjong got up and went with L.joe.

"Sorry if we ruined your date." Sunggyu said. everyone nodded in agreement.

"It's okay." you said. L.joe, Seungri, and Sungjong came back with food and drinks.

"Sorry about crashing your date, L.joe." L said.

"No problem, Hyungs. As long as ---------'s happy I'm happy." L.joe said smiling as he looked at you. you looked at him and kissed his cheek.

The 14 of you talked for a while. "Shoot. We have to go or they'll kill me." L.joe said as he looked at his watch. You saw the time. it was 10:58.

"Want to come with us. the others are in my room." you asked as L.joe grabbed the bags and your hand. the boys nodded and followed you they got into the three limos and went to your room. the others were there and they were wide awake. You introduced Teentop and Block B to Infinite and Bigbang. you guys talked about what you missed and everything. you fell asleep leaning on L.joe. he rested his head on yours and fell asleep also.


Morning. 8:15

You woke up to poeple talking. you tried to sit up but something was stopping you. you looked down and saw arms around your waist. you followed the arms and saw L.joe's handsome face right next to yours. you smiled as you looked at his peaceful sleeping face. you moved the strands of hair in his face away and kissed his cheek. you snuggled closer to him and went back to sleep. 

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elliptical #1
congrats x
Hey there, I was wondering if you were ever going to update this fic again? Because I'm clearing up my subscribed list, and I'd really look forward to another update for this story. ^^
yuxuan #4
Update soon
Isn't that Dara of 2NE1 for CL's picture?
I hope hyena-- I mean, HYUNA-- dies! >:D
mysteriousaura209 #7
her sis hyun-ah is a !