More Family Members

Vampire Palace


“You okay?” L.joe asked.

“Yeah.I’m good. I just don’t know how I’m going to tell them that we’re expecting. I mean we just turned 18 and just got married, plus the coronation is in two months then we’d be King and Queen and all this reponsibility on our shoulders. I don’t think I could deal with the stress.”

“Hey. You have me, I will make sure that you are not too stressed out. I will deal with everything. You just do what you normally do. Don’t worry we will deal with this. Together. Okay?” You smiled and nodded. Just then there was a knock on the balcony door. You both turned to see Bekah knocking on the door. You sighed when you realized L.joe had closed the door. You looked at him as he grabbed your hand and he gave an assuring smile. You smiled and went back inside.

“So, what did you have to tell us?” Bekah asked as L.joe sat and pulled you on his lap. You looked at L.joe and he nodded.

“Um. Where’s Appas?”

“They couldn’t make it right now their busy preparing for the coronation in two months and there doing a surprise for you two. They said they were really sorry for not being able to come but they promise that they will have time tomorrow to spend with you. Plus they have a surprise more like a wedding present that they couldn’t give you at the wedding.” Gina said

“Um, I don’t know how to say this but me and L.joe are expecting.” Everyone looked confused execpt for Gina, Doojoon, Minyoung, L, Chunji, and Minki.

“Really?” Gina asked excitedly. You smiled, touched your belly, and nodded.

“For a month and a half. Found out two weeks ago when I went to the hospital. The doctors said I had a very curable illness and that the babies would be fine. In fact, they’d have really strong immune systems.”

“BABIES?!” Everyone yelled including Minyoung, L, Chunji, and Minki. You held up three fingers. “THREE!? TRIPLETS?” You laughed and showed them the picture the doctor gave you on your first scan. Only L.joe was there when you had your first scan and you wanted to tell everyone the surprise together.images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRvH9nBDcRDGpmXpFXSwdC

“How come we didn’t know of this before? Plus I was your nurse there?” Minyoung said.

“Well, it was after your shift was over and the boys were doing something, I don’t remember what though. But anyways since none of you were there we decided to keep it a secret till everyone was around. So…” L.joe said.

“We’ll just have to tell Dads tomorrow when we see them.” L.joe nodded. You yawned. “God, I’m tired.”

“I’ll take you to the room. Chunji can you show Minyoung and Minki where they’re sleeping.”

“I want to stay longer, though.” You said. L.joe let you stay a little longer.

“What about Soomin? All her stuff is at Aron’s house. Which reminds me I have to call him so he can send our stuff over.”

“Well, I already have my nursery ready. Yeah, it’s meant for a boy but you could use it for now ‘til Myungki comes. But the closest rooms are mine and Doojoon’s or L’s. And I’m sure you do not want to share a room with a pregnant woman and her husband.” Gina smiled. Minyoung smiled and shook her head.

“Not really. I had to deal with my mom though I was with Aron at the time. I still had to deal with her since I was the only one who could stand her.” Minyoung looked at L who had walked to the balcony after you yawned.

“So what’s your story with L and this Aron guy?”

“Well, Myungsoo was my boyfriend for…” Minyoung started. You didn’t hear the rest since you fell asleep right away. Plus you already heard the story. L.joe looked at you and saw that you fell asleep on his shoulder. He chuckled and monuvered you so he could carry you to your guys room. He turned and looked at Minyoung.

“Are you sleeping in L’s room or your room?” L.joe said.

“I’ll sleep in the guest room while she sleeps in my room next to the nursery.” L said.

“No. We’ll share. We still have things to catch up on.” Minyoung said. L.joe nodded and left with you. “And I don’t like being alone in places I’m new at, you remember?” Minyoung mumbled the last part.

“Oh, right. Sorry, I forgot.” L said. “Come on. Soomin’s already asleep. Let’s go put her down. And I’ll show you where my room is.”

“Oh, Minyoung. I’ll put some clothes in L’s room tomorrow morning so you could change.” Yuri said. Minyoung nodded and thanked her.

“I’ll show Minki his room later. After we’re done playing this game.” Zelo said. Minyoung smiled as she saw how happy Minki was with his new friend. Their mother never let him play outside or go anywhere unless it was school, so he never really had any friends execpt for a group of gangster that would protect him and you which Aron was a member of but their mother never knew about that. They left the same time L did except Aron of course. Minyoung nodded and L led her to the nursery so she could put Soomin to bed. Then he led her to his room and they talked a bit and went to bed.

*The next day, everyone went to the lounge like usual. Minyoung came in with Soomin and L. She saw Gina, You, Doojoon, and L.joe playing with Aeyoung, Youngmin, Suk Chul, and Eunhye. You looked up at her and waved her over. She sat next you and smiled.

“Minyoung Unnie, this is Aeyoung, Youngmin, Suk Chul, and Eunhye. Aeyoung and Youngmin are Brian’s and Youngmi’s kids. SukChul and Eunhye are Bekah’s siblings. Kids, this is Myungsoo’s girlfriend, Minyoung. And this cute baby is her sister, Soomin. Can you four promise me something?” You asked. They nodded and you smiled. “Promise me, you will protect Soomin and take care of her like you do for each other. Promise?”

“We promise, Auntie ------.” They said at the same time. Gina came and asked if she could hold Soomin. Minyoung nodded and handed her Soomin. Minyoung looked around and saw Minki playing video games with some boys. Gina and Doojoon were sitting on the couch holding Soomin. Some were playing with the kids. Everyone else were sitting and joking around. Minyoung only knew them for only half a day but she already felt like she knew them for years.

“Thanks for being so kind to us though we just met.” Minyoung said. Everyone stopped and looked at Minyoung. Doojoon went to you and Minyoung and drapped his arms on your shoulders and hugged the both of you.

“A friend of ------ is a friend of ours.” Doojoon said. You smiled and nodded. “The more protection for her and the kids.”

“Apperantly, I’m the sister that needs protecting.” You said.

“Especially after what happened over four months ago.” Yunho said.

“And plus your L’s girl. If we aren’t nice to you L will kill us in our sleep.” Sungjong joked as Sungyeol pretended to strangle him in his sleep. Minyoung laughed at his action.

“Still the same Sung brothers from two years ago. You guys haven’t really changed, have you?”

“Not really.” Sulli said.

“Sunggyu’s still the ‘Caring Leader’, Dongwoo’s still the ‘Protective Mother’, Woohyun’s still the ‘Bad Boy Player’, Hoya’s still the ‘Dancing Machine’, Sungyeol’s still the ‘Childish Prankster’, Sungjong’s still the the ‘Cute, Diva-ish, Maknae’, and L’s still…or well, he WAS the ‘Emotionless, Poker-Faced Gangster’ he always was. Until he met ------ and you returned to him, Minyoung.” G-Dragon said. Everyone nodded in agreement. “I should know our groups are connected by family. Sungyeol and Sungjong are Seungri’s cousins. And they are connected to ----because they are her cousins as well. I guess, you could say all these groups are connected by blood or really close friendship that we consider ourselves as one big family. Anyways L has changed a lot. He must really like you, Minyoung.” L looked away and cleared his throat.

“Come on. Let’s go for a walk.” L said as he walked out of the lounge. Everyone laughed as they noticed his face and ears red. Minyoung could hear them teasing him with ‘awww, He’s blushing~’ Or ‘Hey, L. Why’s your face so red? You must really like her or something~’ L stopped and turned around. “No. I don’t like her.” Minyoung looked down. L looked at her and smiled at her. “I love her.” He looked back at the others. “Now shut up.” He grabbed her hand and gently pulled her away leaving the lounge full of his friends stunned at what he had just said. Sunggyu was the first to speak up after about ten minutes of dumbfounded silence.

“Yep. Everyone is still the same. Most of you might not believe this but L is actually back to normal. Or, at least he’s back to the ‘Myungsoo’ he was when him and Minyoung were together the first time. Then she left and he became the emotionless ‘L’, you all met a year ago. I’m glad to be seeing ‘Myungsoo’ again and not ‘L’.” Sunggyu smiled a fatherly smile.

“What’s the story behind he’s emotionless face?” Changmin said. The rest of DBSK slightly nodded.

“Well, you remember how ------ treats him and how different the other girls treat him right?” Sunggyu asked. Everyone nodded.

“Well, ------ treats him as if he’s actually someone worth caring for, loving, or even worth protecting. Minyoung was the first girl to ever treat him like a person and not some gangster and his ’s son. The guys treated him like he was his father or something. The girls would throw themselves at him. But he hates those types of women. Then one day he bumps into the new kid. Turns out the new kid was Minyoung. They shared every class together. The only empty seat was by L and so the teachers would apologize for asigning her to that seat. She never got what they meant by that. She tried talking to him but he’d always ignore her. Since they were desk partners the teachers told him to help her out. Then about a year later they still weren’t in the friend-zone yet till the teachers asigned him a tutor who was Minyoung. Then they would always be together after school and she’s try to tutor him but him being him it was hard till she found something to get him working. Bets. At every tutor session she would make a bet with him that if he got all the answers right by the end of the session, the next day she would do something or buy him something. And from then on he started to notice her as a friend or so he thought. The first thing he noticed was she was not like the other girls. She was innoccent and pure and she doesn’t know who he really is. She didn’t even know he was a gangster until after her wedding with Aron was when her perants told her why they left so suddenly. But anyways they were friends and then he realized his love for her and he realized he loved her since the first time he saw her. A year after she moved there, they went out and still used the tutor sessions as a cover since she realized he actually knew everything. Plus her mom would have never let her out of the house unless it was for school or something her mom thought was improtant. She would have never approved of L especially once she realizes what he does for a living. That was why they left. But anyways they dated for 9 months. Even tn that short of time span she became his whole world. So when she left, he felt like his whole world crashed down and he was just like his father afterwards minus the women. He still never liked how they threw themselves at him, he was never like his father in that department. He always hated his father and mother. They were both sleeping around with different people. He has so many half siblings that he cant even count that high. But anyways We were his only friends there. We’ve known each other since we were in elementary school. We protected you, CL, Chunji, and all your other friends together with the rest of infinite and bigbang. We are brothers.” Sungyeol said.

“I never asked but how did you guys met?” You asked.

“Oh, We met in elementary school. I was already friends with Bigbang and the rest of infinite other than L, Sunggyu, and Dongwoo. Well one day we were walking in the halls heading to our classes, Bigbang weren’t with us they were ditching,when we heard a commotion in the boys bathroom. We checked it out and we found 8 7th grade boys harrassing them. By the way, Sunggyu was in 5th grade, Dongwoo was in 4th, Hoya, Woohyun, and I were in 3rd, L was in 2nd, and Sungjong was in 1st. But man could the young ones fight. They were naturals. But anyways, we couldn’t let the oldersboys bully those younger then them so we intervened. Plus they were punching and hitting them. We didn’t know who they were bullying all we knew was that they were younger then the 7th graders. When we joined them, they got up and started fighting back. After we finished them off we introduced ourselves and we found out they were the children of the famous gangsters and .They told us to leave and act like nothing happened. We were set on making them part of our group so we introduced them to Bigbang at lunch and from then on we became closer and closer till we were inseperable til of course Minyoung came but we didn’t mind. We saw how happy he was with her. When we went to go visit you for the spring one year when you three were in 5th grade, remember?” You nodded. “Well, that was when we found out ------, CL, and Chunji were being bullied. That brought back memories for L, Sunggyu, and Dongwoo and they did not want that to happen to you. You were the first girl ever to treat them like they were somebody. Anyways they thought of a way to protect ------. Then L came up with an idea and we went with it. If it weren’t for L we would not have been able to protect them like we did.” Sungyeol said.

“Sorry but I have to go. I need to go talk to my Dads.” The others nodded. “You want to come, L.joe?” He nodded and followed you. He caught up with you and wrapped his arm around your waist

“Where do we have to meet them?”

“We’re meeting them in my garden.”  You two walked to your garden and saw Minhyuk and ung sitting under the gazebo. You were about to go to them but L.joe stopped you.

“What’s wrong, Babe?” He asked worried.

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elliptical #1
congrats x
Hey there, I was wondering if you were ever going to update this fic again? Because I'm clearing up my subscribed list, and I'd really look forward to another update for this story. ^^
yuxuan #4
Update soon
Isn't that Dara of 2NE1 for CL's picture?
I hope hyena-- I mean, HYUNA-- dies! >:D
mysteriousaura209 #7
her sis hyun-ah is a !