Chapter 7

The One Who Became My Family.

Tiffany did not know how much time passed before she opened eyes, She estimates that she fell asleep at some point where she waited.
This could explain the fact that she had not seen Jessica who comes and leans before.
"Are you asleep?" Jessica asked quietly and quickly stood when Tiffany narrowed her eyes.
Tiffany has reduced several times and look up to Jessica.
"Have you finished doing everything I told you?" She asked, still dazed from sleep and examined the dress clean.
Jessica nodded vigorously, satisfied.
"Good job." Tiffany stated and smiled.
Jessica smiled too and Tiffany stood up and rubbed her eyes once.
"Let bandaging the scratches." Tiffany said and Jessica nodded again.
Tiffany's phone vibrated for a second and she raised him distractedly.
'Tiffany are you dead? If you do not answer I came to Jessica's house to rescue you!' Gosh, Yoona.
Tiffany shook her head in disbelief.
'Stay out now.' Tiffany sent the message and then looked back at Jessica.
"Jessi where do you have a first aid?" Tiffany said.
Jessica hurried softly to the closet at the entrance and Tiffany after her.
She searched for a few seconds and then pulled out the first aid.
"Fine, let's go to sit in the living room." Tiffany said gently and grabbed Jessica's wrist.
Jessica smiled for a second and Tiffany led her into the living room.

"It looks like this is your home." Jessica noted quietly while Tiffany disinfecting one of her hands.
"Yes, miane." Tiffany murmured and smiled apologetically.
"No, it's fine." Jessica muttered while tracking the movements of Tiffany's hands.
"Jess why did you break any of these things?" Tiffany asked quietly and stopped a second to bandage for look at her.
"Because it was easy." Jessica said weakly and moved to stare ahead. "I was angry, I felt I was falling apart, so I took apart everything around me."
Tiffany return to bandage Jessica's hands, finished them and moved in silence to the legs.
"So if everything around me is broken, who will notice to me?" Jessica let out quietly.
Tiffany finished bandage the legs and straightened.
She looked at Jessica, tears began to trickle down Jessica's Cheers without she would feel.
Tiffany sat down next to Jessica on the couch and hugged her gently.
"Fany-ah I'm not the queen of ice." Jessica spoke in a trembling voice. "I'm not ice queen."
"I know, it's okay." Tiffany murmured gently and tightened the hug.
"I thought I was okay but everyone mad at me, why?" She purses and trembled.
Tiffany nodded without saying anything.
"We need to protect those who need it, no?" She asked, raising her gaze to Tiffany, still crying.
"We need to protect those who need it." Tiffany agreed quietly.
"But people are hurting without realizing it," Jessica murmured distractedly. "So I tried to stop it."
"It's okay." Tiffany said quietly. "Now no one got hurt."
"But then they were mad at me." Jessica continued disconnected.
Tiffany nodded quietly.
"Miane." Jessica let out in a quiet voice. "I wanted to help you. I wanted that no one will hurt you, but after less than an hour I hurt you as well."
Tiffany moved to look away when her eyes filled with unwanted tears.
"Miane." Jessica let out a faint voice, wiping her face distractedly.
Tiffany placed her head on Jessica's shoulder and closed her eyes in silence.
"I'm sorry that I hurt you."
If only more people would know to say it.
Tiffany breathed deeply a few times and slowly fell asleep without feeling.
Jessica fell asleep a few minutes later.

"They're dead?" Yoona whispered, wide-eyed.
"Both of them?" Sooyoung asked doubtfully. "Yuri, Jessica was also bandaged before?"
"No ... what the hell happened to her?" Yuri muttered shocked.
"Forget it, Jessica is kicking anyone who embraced her." Yoona noted with raised eyebrows.
"Your friend drugged her." Yuri determined shocked and Sooyoung pouting.
Tiffany blinked a few times, opened her eyes and sat up quickly.
"You drugged her, right?" Yuri asked with raised eyebrows.
Jessica woke up too, sat up and moved to stare at Yuri colds looks.
"No." Tiffany mumbled and frowned. "Why are you asking?"
"Because you hugged her without dying." Yuri noted and folded her arms.
"So?" Tiffany let out a faint voice, and blinked a few times.
Her head hurt.
"So the Ice Queen likes to keep her private space!" Yuri called mad.
"Och, they start saying nonsense." Tiffany murmured and sighed.
"Yah! What do you think to yourself that you allows you to call my talk a crap?" Yuri shouted angrily and grabbed her hair by force.
Tiffany let out a whimper of pain and Jessica quickly removes Yuri's hands from Tiffany's hair.
Tiffany let out another whimper and buried her head in the shoulder of Jessica.
Jessica rushed to hug her to the surprise of the three girls and let out a unclear curse in English.
"If you hurt her I will hurt you! Understand?" Jessica barked angrily and Yuri widened eyes.
"I asked if you understand!" Jessica screamed and tightened the hug.
Yuri mumbled something unintelligible shocked and Sooyoung hugged her gently.
Tiffany clung to Jessica and mumbled all sorts of things while crying.
"It's okay, it's okay," Jessica let out softly and tightened the hug.
Sooyoung led Yuri and Yoona out and. All the three were still surprised.

"Fany-ah it hurt?" Jessica asked and gently rubbed the spot where Yuri hurt her.
Jessica moved to her hair until her crying stopped and she returned to breathe deeply.
"Everything is fine." Jessica said gently without releasing the hug. "It's okay, no one will hurt you."
Tiffany nodded slowly and lifted her head from Jessica's shoulder.
"You do not have to cry." Jessica said softly, wiping Tiffany's face.
Tiffany nodded slowly and took a deep breath, relax.
"Now let's eat." Jessica said in English, and stood up.
Tiffany smiled, nodded again and stood up as well.

"Hyoyeon-ah!!!! Jessica knows to hug!" Yoona ran into her girlfriend's apartment, leaving SooRi at the entrance of the house.
"What does that mean?" Hyoyeon asked amused and hugged Yoona.
"Tiffany can hug Jessica without dying." Sooyoung noted lightly and went inside.
"Really hug her?" Hyoyeon asked surprised.
"Unbelievable." Hyoyeon shook her head in disbelief.
"We saw with our own eyes!" Yoona exclaimed and her eyes widened.
"Hyoyeon-ah, do you have food?" Sooyoung asked innocently and sat on one of the chairs.
"Oh! You have food?" Yoona asked as well and started bouncing.
"Oh, you did not eat yet?" Hyoyeon asked and sighed.
"NO! You have food?" Yoona asked again and gave her a pleading glance.
"I will make one." Hyoyeon asked and sighed again.
Yuri finally went in and sat on Sooyoung's lap.
"Yuri-ah are you okay?" Sooyoung asked gently and hugged her contingent.
Yuri nodded distractedly and Sooyoung tightened her hug.
"What is it? The ice queen barked on her?" Hyoyeon asked and raised her eyebrows.
"It doesn't matter." Yuri muttered impatiently.
Hyoyeon shrugged and walked into the kitchen, Yoona followed.

"I love the color of your car." Tiffany determined while strapped belt.
"Thank you, but the downside is that it gets dirty easily." Jessica said lightly.
"But I want a pink car." Tiffany announced, leaning back.
Tiffany nodded quickly.
"Pink is my favorite color." She explained, smiling.
Jessica smiled as well and started the engine.
"But white is nice." Tiffany noted and Jessica laughed.

"Thank you for the food."
The three girls stared at dinner that Hyoyeon access to them. Yuri closeness her plate to her and so did Hyoyeon.
Yoona looked at Sooyoung. they both picked up the chopsticks and waited a few seconds.
"One-" Yuri wisped for herself, "Two-" Hyoyeon noted to,
Sooyoung and Yoona jumped on the food.
Yuri maintained on the plate with one hand and Hyoyeon just stared at the two girls who ate like pigs.
"I'm getting a stomach ache just from watching the two of them eat," Hyoyeon murmured and sighed.

"When you have come to Korea?" Jessica asked lightly.
"Last week." Tiffany murmured and smiled.
"Why did you get here?" Jessica asked lightly and stopped by one of the restaurants.
"I just ..." Tiffany murmured and Jessica switched off the engine and looked at her.
"I just did not want to stay there." Tiffany murmured weakly and Jessica nodded slowly.
"I just didn't want to."
"I see, let's go." Jessica spoke gently and got out.
Tiffany stayed in the car, staring ahead.
Jessica stopped, looked at her for a second and then opened the door of the car.
She leaned over Tiffany released the seatbelt and moved to look at her.
"Fany-ah are you sad?" Jessica asked gently.
Jessica wiped Tiffany's face. only then Tiffany realized she returned to cry without feeling.
"Why are you crying? You recalling something not nice?" Jessica asked gently and Tiffany took a deep breath.
"Everything is all right now." Jessica said and hugged her gently. "Everything is all."
Tiffany clung to her, put her head on her shoulder and stayed that way a few minutes until she calmed down.
Jessica released the hug and they both went together to the restaurant.

hope you keep on reading^^

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Thea050713 #1
Chapter 14: Didn't you all notice their friendship are toxic.. all of them don't really care with one another. Most of the friends are selfish... I hope you can put some flashback so that we will know what's the reason y they have that kind of attitude. I hope you can make Tiffany die in this story... Since no1 try to help Tiffany and understand her.. even her cousin and friend sooyoung..only the strange Jessica will to help her.
Chapter 14: Tiffany start to feel jealous, no??
And Jessica??? hhmm, it's time for you to think about your feeling again towards Tiffany..
Please update more about JeTi moment, suki.. ^^
I almost forget about the last thing happen before this update.. ^^
Chapter 14: update soon please
Chapter 14: waw, jealous tiff
dont be jealous tiff, jessie is yours hahahahaha
Chapter 13: please update soon
I really miss this story of your Suki~~ :D
This is really a great update, I LOVE IT..!!!
She always be there every time Tiffany need someone to lean on..
She kept her promises just to take care and be with Tiffany.. *sob*
My JeTI heart <3 <3 <3
Please be strong Tiffany, you should know and start to comeback to yourself again AND see that Jessica is always with you..
Thanks alot for the update, Suki~~
Have a great noon for you in there~~ ^_^
Chapter 13: Jessi the Hero :))

Mode on .
foramorabe #8
Chapter 12: jessie hero!!
Chapter 12: Gosh..!!! That was so close!!
It's pretty sure they way she feel so scared, worry, etc towards Tiffany.. She already blamed herself everytime Tiffany get hurt.. And to think about that,, I can't even imagine what will Jessica do if that guys start to something far than he already done towards Tiffany...

You get what you deserved, you stupid Jerk..!! You should thank Jessica cause of she still let you alive that night.. You didn't know what will happen to you if you goes with your hormone on Tiffany that night..

Everything will be alright Tiffany, that Jung will always be with you.. Especially when she already promised herself to take care of you, and be at your side everytime you need someone to lean on.. :)

Thanks a lot for updating, suki~~
I've fun to read the update.. ^^
FIGHTING..!!! ^^
Chapter 12: Heol~~ daebak!!