Chapter 14

The One Who Became My Family.

"I turn first! Heads of the bottle it who asks the question!" Sunny announces with a big smile.
She takes the empty bottle and rotates with enthusiasm.
"Taeyeon ask! Yuri the victim!" Sunny calls when the bottle stopped and Yuri sighs.
"Yuri! Truth or dare?" Taeyeon asks happily.
"That depends, your dares disturbing?" Yuri asks, raising his eyebrows.
"Maybe yes, maybe not?" She asks innocently and Yuri stares.
"Look, Sunny here so she probably will not ask you to kiss her." Hyoyeon indicates lightly.
"Taeyeon, without such tasks." Sunny says, looking at Taeyeon seriously.
Taeyeon moves to look at her and stares.
"What? you belong to me!" Sunny calls and stares as well.
"Just ask her a question, ert girl." Jessica mumbles amused.

"Yuri! Who do you love more? Jessica or Sooyoung?" Taeyeon asks and stares.
"Oh, stupid girl." Hyoyeon grunts and sighs and Yoona moves to look at Yuri curious.
Yuri silent for a second, take a deep breath and moved her gaze from Jessica to Sooyoung.
'Which person she loves more? The one that was protecting her all this time, or the one who chose to accept her completely- The one who forgot the bad stuff and agreed to move on even though she hurt her? The childhood friend? who?'
"Jessica I'm sorry I maddened you all the time." Yuri muttered and took a deep breath, "Sooyoung I'm Sorry I was not consistent. Sorry."
"You're the most important people to me." She says and moves to stare at her hands.
"You still should select someone." Taeyeon notes and Yuri moves to look at her.
"Sooyoung." Yuri sets and most of the girls in the room raised their eyebrows in surprise.
"God, you're stupid." Hyoyeon murmured in surprise, "You just had made to yourself problems."
"Yes. I'm stupid." Yuri muttered and went to look at her, "At least now I'm aware of that." She says coldly.
Hyoyeon raises eyebrows and Yuri moves to bury her head in the shoulder of Sooyoung.
"God, Crazy girl." Hyoyeon muttered shocked and Sooyoung gently hugged Yuri.
"So the puzzle is finally solved." Taeyeon set a little disappointed and wrinkled her nose.
The girls moved to look at Jessica who was concentrated in her nails - too many concentration.
'....... So she overcame Yuri or not really?' Yoona thought to herself and took a deep breath.

"Next!" Sunny exclaimed excitedly, turning the bottle for a second time.
The bottle stopped and the girls were silent.
"Yuri-ah, I understand you're not at your best, but you the one who need to ask." Taeyeon noted lightly and Yuri went to look at her coldly.
Taeyeon smiled, and Yuri went to look at the bottle.
Yuri - asks. The victim -?
"Kim Hyoyeon. Truth or dare?" Yuri asked, raising his eyebrows.
" Dare." Hyoyeon reply, Yuri blink a few times and nodded slowly.

"Kim Hyoyeon, I dare you to apologize to all those who've you have hurt it today." Yuri meets cold and Hyoyeon raises eyebrows.
"Would I helps you and tell you who to apologize?" Yuri asked still raised eyebrows.
"I'm fine." Hyoyeon responds in cold and moves to look at Tiffany.
"What was her name? ~ It would not interest me much.' Hyoyeon thought and took a deep breath. 'Apologize. Kwon Yuri I will hang you from the nearest tree at the first opportunity.'
"Hey, you." She shoots and Tiffany moves to look at her.
"I apologized very nicely before, you think you deserve an apology?" Hyoyeon ask, and Tiffany clenching her hands distractedly, and you open them, clenching and opening.
"Hey, Hyoyeon-Unnie." Yoona murmurs and gently touching her hand.
Tiffany takes a deep breath several times without reply.
"You think you deserve an apology? Well, then move Yuri." Hyoyeon spits, and Tiffany shrinking.
"Kwon Yuri, I'm so sorry you're stupid like I'm so sorry that this girl came even though I said clearly to her friend that she should come alone." Hyoyeon says coldly and all the girls are raising eyebrows in surprise.
Tiffany blinked a few times and Jessica quickly grabbed her hands.
"It's okay, I'll fix everything, do not worry." She murmured softly to her in English and stood up.
"Mrs. Jung is angry." Taeyeon notes lightly as Jessica approaches to Hyoyeon, pulls her shirt to compliance.
"Do me a favor and go away." Jessica mumbles and Hyoyeon raises eyebrows.
"Dear Hyoyeon, if this child is crying now I will hurt you." Jessica notes and Hyoyeon chuckle of disbelief.
"What is your relationship to the dear child, huh Ms. Jung?" Hyoyeon asks, raising eyebrows, "your new girlfriend?"
Tiffany stood distracted and Jessica kicked the leg of Hyoyeon powerfully.
"Hey, hey, hey, no one is going I have a new question!" Taeyeon calls, and sits her Tiffany quickly.

Sunny rushes to separate Jessica and Hyoyeon and Taeyeon twisting the bottle and stop him face her and Jessica.
"Ya! Kim Taeyeon you're not supposed to stop him!" Sooyoung exclaimed wide-eyed.
"Quiet you, the game is a means to fulfill my questions." Taeyeon notes lightly and moves to look at Jessica.
Jessica stares in Taeyeon in disbelief and then moves to look at Tiffany, grabs her hand gently.
"Fany-ah~" She whispered softly, her hands until she opened them. "Everything is all right, do not worry." She said softly, pressing her hands.
Tiffany mumble something unintelligible but nods and moves to catch Jessica hands distractedly.
"Jessica." Taeyeon said and Jessica went to look at her impatiently, "Jessica pick out the truth."
"Just because you told me to choose the truth I will choose the dare." Jessica shoots cold and Taeyeon grinning.
"I'll tell you to kiss me. Are you still chooses dare?" Taeyeon asks, raising eyebrows, ignoring the stares from Sunny.
"Truth, please." Jessica mumbles quickly and Taeyeon nods in amusing seriously.
"Do you like Tiffany?" Taeyeon question quickly and the other girls moved to look at Jessica interest.
"Lord, You are quite silly." Jessica mutters in disbelief and Taeyeon shrugged.
"You told true, then you have to answer!" Sunny happily calls and Jessica blinks a few times.
"Get lost, you and your stupid game." Jessica shoots and Taeyeon grinning.
"Tiffany, what about you?" Taeyeon asked curiously, stands up and rushes lean in front of Tiffany.
Tiffany blushes and recoils.
"She's blushing!" Taeyeon calls amused and Jessica pushes her back.
"Get away from her, girl ert." Jessica shoots and Taeyeon moves to look at her.
"Sunny-ah, should we check if the girls have feelings to each other?" Taeyeon ask lightly and goes to Sunny.
"How?" Sunny mumbling surprised and Taeyeon whispers something in her ear.
"Yah, Kwon Yuri. We are fulfilling a dream to you now." Sunny notes, places the Yuri in attraction.
Yuri blurted out something unclear surprise, and Jessica was quick to stand with raised eyebrows.
"Ya, Sunyeon What do you want to do with her?" Jessica mumbles with raised eyebrows, and Taeyeon pulled her and put her in front of Yuri.
"It's because we do not buy your show." Sunny notes and pushes Yuri on Jessica.
Jessica rushes to stabilize Yuri who begins to tremble without feeling.
"Yuri," Jessica said softly and Yuri went to lean on her lack of concentration.
"Our Yuri still shocked when we touch her ​​without her ready." Sunny notes with a sigh.
"Our Jessica continues to jump to the rescue." Taeyeon responds with a sigh.
"What a shame that Yuri is not stupid enough to kiss her, it was clarified enough stuff." Sunny notes and Taeyeon sighs.
Yuri clung to Jessica that hugged her and closed her eyes.
Sooyoung stood distracted and moved to stare at the two girls while Tiffany walked quiet from the apartment.
Jessica breathed deeply several times and when she felt that Yuri stopped shaking she released her embrace.
"It's okay Yuri, no one will do anything to you." Jessica let out a whisper and Yuri nodded distractedly.
"And right now we have proved that Tiffany has feelings for Jessica." Taeyeon announced amused and Jessica went to look at her.
"What do you mean?" She muttered distractedly and Hyoyeon stood up, stretching her legs.
"It means that your friend walked away." Hyoyeon notes lack of interest and shrugs.
"What?" Jessica let out and hurried to move her view in search of Tiffany.
That's right, she went. How do you feel about this Jessica?
She did not like it. She does not want the girl go, she wants her to stay with her, she wants to protect her, she wants that no one will gets close to her, she wants the girl to herself.
Jessica took a deep breath and hurried out of the apartment following Tiffany.

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Thea050713 #1
Chapter 14: Didn't you all notice their friendship are toxic.. all of them don't really care with one another. Most of the friends are selfish... I hope you can put some flashback so that we will know what's the reason y they have that kind of attitude. I hope you can make Tiffany die in this story... Since no1 try to help Tiffany and understand her.. even her cousin and friend sooyoung..only the strange Jessica will to help her.
Chapter 14: Tiffany start to feel jealous, no??
And Jessica??? hhmm, it's time for you to think about your feeling again towards Tiffany..
Please update more about JeTi moment, suki.. ^^
I almost forget about the last thing happen before this update.. ^^
Chapter 14: update soon please
Chapter 14: waw, jealous tiff
dont be jealous tiff, jessie is yours hahahahaha
Chapter 13: please update soon
I really miss this story of your Suki~~ :D
This is really a great update, I LOVE IT..!!!
She always be there every time Tiffany need someone to lean on..
She kept her promises just to take care and be with Tiffany.. *sob*
My JeTI heart <3 <3 <3
Please be strong Tiffany, you should know and start to comeback to yourself again AND see that Jessica is always with you..
Thanks alot for the update, Suki~~
Have a great noon for you in there~~ ^_^
Chapter 13: Jessi the Hero :))

Mode on .
foramorabe #8
Chapter 12: jessie hero!!
Chapter 12: Gosh..!!! That was so close!!
It's pretty sure they way she feel so scared, worry, etc towards Tiffany.. She already blamed herself everytime Tiffany get hurt.. And to think about that,, I can't even imagine what will Jessica do if that guys start to something far than he already done towards Tiffany...

You get what you deserved, you stupid Jerk..!! You should thank Jessica cause of she still let you alive that night.. You didn't know what will happen to you if you goes with your hormone on Tiffany that night..

Everything will be alright Tiffany, that Jung will always be with you.. Especially when she already promised herself to take care of you, and be at your side everytime you need someone to lean on.. :)

Thanks a lot for updating, suki~~
I've fun to read the update.. ^^
FIGHTING..!!! ^^
Chapter 12: Heol~~ daebak!!