Chapter 3

The One Who Became My Family.

"So you've been here a week." Sooyoung she gave Tiffany a reproachful look and Tiffany mumbled something unintelligible without stopping to rub the crown of the head which Sooyoung hit him.
"Oh, well, it was not so powerful!" Sooyoung call and her eyes widened in protest.
"It's my head that still hurts." Tiffany murmured without stopping to rub the red spot.
"I promise you that my heart feel more pain when I discovered that my best friends forgot to tell me she was going back to Seoul." Sooyoung said with raised eyebrows and Tiffany contracted for a second.
".... I was going to tell you ..." Tiffany murmured without looking at Sooyoung's face.
"Oh, did you? When?" Sooyoung asked still with her eyebrows raised.
"Soon ..."
"Soon?! Why not to tell me at the moment that you get out of the plan?!" She asked more and more frustrated.
"Sooyoung-ah it's that important?" Tiffany said helplessly.
"What made you come back?" Sooyoung asked, folding her hands.
"I missed Korea." Tiffany mumbled unconvincingly.
""How is your family?" Sooyoung asked suspiciously, "How could you back when they still there?"
After all, Tiffany was connected to her family more than her country.

".... They are fine."
"How is your brother?"
"Your mother?" Sooyoung stopped and pounding her head quickly.
'Stupid, you know that her mother not alive since primary school!'
"miane…Forget the last question ..." She murmured faintly.
'Obvious. Forget. ' Tiffany thought to herself, staring ahead blankly.
"Tiffany miane~~" Sooyoung said And handed both hands toward her friend, trying to bring her back to the reality gently. "Tiffany I'm sorry~!"
Sooyoung held her hands gently and Tiffany moved her looking away.
Sooyoung sighed and went to sit in the chair next to Tiffany, hugging her gently.
"Sorry, I return to speak without thinking," Sooyoung murmured apologetically and tightened the hug.
"I'm sorry." Sooyoung said again and Tiffany nodded an imperceptible nod.
"How is your father?" Sooyoung asked and began to shake.
"Yeh, what the problem?" Sooyoung murmured surprised. "Something wrong?"
'Yes. Something happened.' Tiffany thought to herself still shaking.
"You want to go from here? Should I call someone? Anyone know you're back?" Sooyoung talk so fast and Tiffany Just put her head on her friend's shoulder and closed her eyes.

"Choi Sooyoung. What are you doing?" sound. Sooyoung moved to look at Jessica which appeared out of nowhere. She studied for a second Tiffany and Sooyoung without showing any sign identifying for the girl who took care of her last night, picked up the phone and took picture.
""Last time we talked - it was ... a week ago? You were in a relationship with Yuri." Jessica pointed out calmly and coldly. "Something has changed?"
'The Drunken girl does not remember anything from last night.' Sooyoung thought in disbelief. '….The last time we spoke was last week?'
"I asked you if something has changed." Jessica said again.
"Sica, she's my friend not my girlfriend." Sooyoung and sighed.
"Good! Let's see what Yuri thinks!" Jessica said in a fake lightly and smiled sarcastically.
"Ice Queen." Sooyoung sighed, a second later her phone rings and Tiffany who apparently fell asleep, straightened a little scared and returned to shake and stare ahead.

"CHOI SOOYOUNG!!!!" Sooyoung removed the phone from her ear hoping to keep it functioning ears.
"Hey honey." She said amused, ignoring the curses that Yuri retorted. "How was your sleep?"
"Now! Right now!" Jessica called from the side amused.
"Yuri honey, can you please stop screaming?" Sooyoung asked still amused.
"I can't."
"You just did it baby."
"I didn't."
"Yuri-ah~ Would you go back to think logically for a second baby?" Sooyoung asked gently.
"Do you really think I will cheat on you?" Sooyoung asked amused and Yuri mumbled something unintelligible that sounds like – 'a picture'.
"I know what a picture baby." Sooyoung said and Yuri mumbled again.
"I'm with a friend. Only a good friend of mine. OK?" Sooyoung asked and raised her eyebrows.
"Just a friend?" Yuri asked quietly.
"Yes honey." Sooyoung, " Now you okay?"
"Ne." Yuri said still quiet.
"Fine. I'll talk to you later." Sooyoung said softly.
"Fine. Love you."
"Love you to."

Sooyoung hang out and moved her looks back to Jessica.
"You two a cute couple." Jessica mentioned amused.
"I know."
"Who is your friend?" Jessica asked and looks at Tiffany.
Tiffany moved her looks to Jessica, Lack of concentration.
She caught the girl from yesterday - Jessica does not remember much. She returned to rest her head on Sooyoung's shoulder powerless.
"Mushroom, Yoong know your back?" Sooyoung asked Tiffany softly.
Tiffany nodded distractedly.
"Good." Sooyoung said gently. She do something on her phone and then hug tiffany once again.
"Seriously what's the problem Tiffany?" Sooyoung asked without free the hug.
"Fsny~~ Fany~~ Tiffany~~" Jessica hummed to herself.
Tiffany moved her looks to the singing girl.
"Fany-ah~ I love that nickname." Jessica said without took her looks from her coffee.
' I love that nickname to.' Tiffany thought Lack of concentration.
"Fany-ah! Do you know English?" Jessica asked and look at her for the first time since last night.
"Ne~" Tiffany answered quietly. 
"You know English? Good. You know, you look pretty bad." Jessica mentioned lightly. "Did you sleep well last night?"
"I thank you for your cooperation." Jessica muttered sarcastically and wrinkled her nose.
"Levee her alone Ice Queen. She's not at her best." Yoona said from behind.
"Whatever you say." Jessica said coldly and shrugged.
"Tiffany let's go home?" Yoona went to her cousin and stand her up.
"Who the hell you two relate to each other?" Jessica asked with raised eyebrows.
"She is my cousin."
"And still you don't know English."
"Shut up."
"Sh me one more time and I'll kick you."
"Arasso.." Yoona murmured, wrinkling her nose. "Let's go Tiffany~"
"Fany-ah bye bye!" Jessica said lightly.
"Go and sleep." Sooyoung said still serious and Yoona takes tiffany out of the coffee shop, Put her into her car and start drive.
"Tiffany are you sick?" Yoona asked her cousin quietly.
"Are you tired?"
Tiffany closed her eyes and Yoona Stopped talking.
ten minutes later Tiffany was in her bed sleeping.


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Thea050713 #1
Chapter 14: Didn't you all notice their friendship are toxic.. all of them don't really care with one another. Most of the friends are selfish... I hope you can put some flashback so that we will know what's the reason y they have that kind of attitude. I hope you can make Tiffany die in this story... Since no1 try to help Tiffany and understand her.. even her cousin and friend sooyoung..only the strange Jessica will to help her.
Chapter 14: Tiffany start to feel jealous, no??
And Jessica??? hhmm, it's time for you to think about your feeling again towards Tiffany..
Please update more about JeTi moment, suki.. ^^
I almost forget about the last thing happen before this update.. ^^
Chapter 14: update soon please
Chapter 14: waw, jealous tiff
dont be jealous tiff, jessie is yours hahahahaha
Chapter 13: please update soon
I really miss this story of your Suki~~ :D
This is really a great update, I LOVE IT..!!!
She always be there every time Tiffany need someone to lean on..
She kept her promises just to take care and be with Tiffany.. *sob*
My JeTI heart <3 <3 <3
Please be strong Tiffany, you should know and start to comeback to yourself again AND see that Jessica is always with you..
Thanks alot for the update, Suki~~
Have a great noon for you in there~~ ^_^
Chapter 13: Jessi the Hero :))

Mode on .
foramorabe #8
Chapter 12: jessie hero!!
Chapter 12: Gosh..!!! That was so close!!
It's pretty sure they way she feel so scared, worry, etc towards Tiffany.. She already blamed herself everytime Tiffany get hurt.. And to think about that,, I can't even imagine what will Jessica do if that guys start to something far than he already done towards Tiffany...

You get what you deserved, you stupid Jerk..!! You should thank Jessica cause of she still let you alive that night.. You didn't know what will happen to you if you goes with your hormone on Tiffany that night..

Everything will be alright Tiffany, that Jung will always be with you.. Especially when she already promised herself to take care of you, and be at your side everytime you need someone to lean on.. :)

Thanks a lot for updating, suki~~
I've fun to read the update.. ^^
FIGHTING..!!! ^^
Chapter 12: Heol~~ daebak!!