Chapter 1

The One Who Became My Family.

"You must be kidding me. It's my first day at work and that the mission that you giving me?!" Tiffany stared at the face of her employer and shake her head a few times Hopes everything disposes itself in her head.
"I am a new employee here.  Seriously. You can't do that." She murmured,  slowly breaks off because the employer's face.
"You are a new employee. Exactly. You said you're good with people? Please, serve. Or do you want me to treat you as a new employee? Go clean the bathroom. work as a cleaner until you will pass through the initiation phase."
"I TOLD YOU TO POUR ME ANOTHER DRINK!" There was a scream of anger, there's no doubt that the angry woman is drunk.
" Ma'am, are you sure you don't want to stop?" The second voice sounded helpless.
" What? Now you become my psychologist?" The woman laughed for a second." You suggest me to stop? Just do your job!"
Tiffany turned her gaze from the drunken girl and looked back to her employer.

" Go take care of it."
"Every time that that girl-" he pointed to the drunken girl, "get drunk, She smuggled my customers."
In the minute that the employer finished talking the girl start shouting- "What are you looking at?! YOU PIG! GO FIND SOME LIFE!!" Tiffany looks at the girl and shake her head once again.

"I hate my job."
She went to the girl, stood behind her and waited a few minutes that she would stop screaming, when it didn't happened she put her hand on her shoulder in an attempt to draw her attention.
"No. I'm not going out. I'm want to keep drinking." The girl talked without looking at Tiffany. "Will You throw me out?"
"I'm definitely considering it as an option." Tiffany said and the girl turned around surprised.
'She must thinks' that a guy is behind her, what?' Tiffany thought and raised her eyebrows.

"Are you going to continue shouting?" Tiffany ask and looked at the girl.
 "Are you going to throw me out?" The girl asked, avoiding the question of Tiffany.
"You can always go out without make trouble." Tiffany replied in a steady voice.
The girl grinned and shook her head in disbelief.
"You're new, right?" She asked with a strange smile on her face.
"Why are you asking?"
"They sent you to get rid of me. Did not?" She asked, raising his eyebrows as well.
"Why do you drink so much?" Tiffany asked disregard her question and sat down in front of her.
"Why are you interfering?"
"What is your name?"
"what Yours?"
"Tiffany. Hwang Tiffany."
The girl was silent for one second, and examined Tiffany for a few seconds.
"You're from America?" Tiffany asked and the girl trends to look at her suspiciously. "I can hear that." Tiffany chill.
"What does it matter?"
"Do not you think that speaking the native language would be much nicer?" Tiffany asked in English and the girl actually smiled for the first time.
"My name is Jessica." She said, reaching her hand to shake.
Tiffany squeezed her hand and smiled as well.
"Nice to meet you." She noted and Jessica grinned.
"Come on. American Girl, get rid of me." Jessica said sarcastically, uses English.
"Yes, if you just get up, It would be much more convenient to push you out that way." Tiffany said, amused.
Jessica stood up, took the coat that was placed on her chair and left the club.
'Well, you succeed Tiffany.'

i'ts short but i'ts my firts


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Thea050713 #1
Chapter 14: Didn't you all notice their friendship are toxic.. all of them don't really care with one another. Most of the friends are selfish... I hope you can put some flashback so that we will know what's the reason y they have that kind of attitude. I hope you can make Tiffany die in this story... Since no1 try to help Tiffany and understand her.. even her cousin and friend sooyoung..only the strange Jessica will to help her.
Chapter 14: Tiffany start to feel jealous, no??
And Jessica??? hhmm, it's time for you to think about your feeling again towards Tiffany..
Please update more about JeTi moment, suki.. ^^
I almost forget about the last thing happen before this update.. ^^
Chapter 14: update soon please
Chapter 14: waw, jealous tiff
dont be jealous tiff, jessie is yours hahahahaha
Chapter 13: please update soon
I really miss this story of your Suki~~ :D
This is really a great update, I LOVE IT..!!!
She always be there every time Tiffany need someone to lean on..
She kept her promises just to take care and be with Tiffany.. *sob*
My JeTI heart <3 <3 <3
Please be strong Tiffany, you should know and start to comeback to yourself again AND see that Jessica is always with you..
Thanks alot for the update, Suki~~
Have a great noon for you in there~~ ^_^
Chapter 13: Jessi the Hero :))

Mode on .
foramorabe #8
Chapter 12: jessie hero!!
Chapter 12: Gosh..!!! That was so close!!
It's pretty sure they way she feel so scared, worry, etc towards Tiffany.. She already blamed herself everytime Tiffany get hurt.. And to think about that,, I can't even imagine what will Jessica do if that guys start to something far than he already done towards Tiffany...

You get what you deserved, you stupid Jerk..!! You should thank Jessica cause of she still let you alive that night.. You didn't know what will happen to you if you goes with your hormone on Tiffany that night..

Everything will be alright Tiffany, that Jung will always be with you.. Especially when she already promised herself to take care of you, and be at your side everytime you need someone to lean on.. :)

Thanks a lot for updating, suki~~
I've fun to read the update.. ^^
FIGHTING..!!! ^^
Chapter 12: Heol~~ daebak!!