Chapter 13

The One Who Became My Family.

"Fany-ah we're going! Come on!" Jessica yelled from the front door and sat down on the floor, when Tiffany has not reached after a few minutes.
Jessica's phone rang and she answered still fuzzy fatigue.
"Jessica! When you come already, I do not want to be with Taeyeon and Sunny!" Yoona yelp from the other side of the phone and Jessica shook her head in disbelief.
"Ya, ya, you do me a headache. Give me to talk to Hyoyeon." Jessica said impatiently.
"Hyoyeon-ah~! Jessica wants you on the phone!" Yoona calls with  her sweet voice, and Jessica wrinkling her nose.
"Hyoyeon is on the phone!" Hyoyeon calls lightly and attaches to phone to her ear.
"Hey, do not let Yoona call to me and drive me crazy." Jessica says, and Hyoyeon grinning.
"You really can't come already? Do you want me to go harassment by Taeyeon?" Hyoyeon asks with a laugh, and Jessica grins.
"Seriously, that girl is frightening in the moment that Sunny is not with her!" Hyoyeon calls and Jessica laughs.
"You will live, you will live," Jessica murmurs amused, Tiffany went down the stairs, rubbing his eyes.
Jessica moved to look at Tiffany amused and Tiffany stood beside her.
"Well, bye Hyo!" Jessica called quickly, before Hyoyeon responded and hung up.
"Recalls that you should come?" Jessica asked amused and Tiffany shrugged inattentive, continues to rub your eyes.
"Why? Are you tired?" Jessica asked gently and hugs her.
"I want to sleep." Tiffany mumbled sleepily and Jessica smiled.
"Come on, we need to save people from Taeyeon." Jessica amused murmurs and leading Tiffany out to the car.

"Taeyeon sit here and see a movie!" Hyoyeon murmurs and sits Taeyeon on the couch.
"Can I choose the movie?" Taeyeon asks eyes wide.
"No you do not." Yoona mumble quickly, and rushes to stop on the most innocent movie.
"Come on! I do not watch only Prono movies!" Taeyeon calls and opens her eyes even more.
"Unnie, let's see keroro, okay?" Hyoyeon offers fast and sits beside her.
"Hey, I do not Seohyun!" Taeyeon calls protest.
"I heard someone say my name?" Seohyun entered the room suspiciously, see the TV and rushes to settle happily.
"Great. Now I'll have to see it!" Taeyeon barks and Yuri enter the room.
"What's the problem TaeTae?" Yuri asked with raised eyebrows and sits next Seohyun.
"Keroro." Taeyeon answers despair and Yuri nodded slowly in understanding.
"You can't escape." Yuri notes and Taeyeon nods.
Taeyeon stared at the TV for a few seconds in silence until she could not stand it.
"Sunny if you leave now the bathroom, I burst there!!!!" She screamed in frustration and within seconds Sonny comes into the living room lightly.
"No need to break out more. Yoona not want to spoil the house after she hosted us so well." Sunny says lightly, and Yoona nods vigorously.
"But she called for the world to come here also because I'm here!" Taeyeon exclaimed eyes widened.
"Oh, no nice Yoona. Taeyeon not that scary." Sunny states and Yoona look at her skeptically.
"Sunny, Taeyeon disturbing people in secret." Hyoyeon notes, and Sunny shrugs.

"Yoona you have food in your home?" Sooyoung entered the room screaming and stopped at the entrance to the room.
Yuri turned pale and moved quickly to look at her hands, trembling.
Sooyoung quietly looked at her and smiled a little.
"Yah, what is it? Did you quarrel with each other or something that pales like that?" Yoona asked surprised.
Sooyoung went Yuri avoiding the question of Yoona and handed her two hands.
Yuri looked at the hands of Sooyoung for a few seconds and then moved slowly to catch them.
"Yuri-ah, let's talk, okay?" Sooyoung question and Yuri stood slowly.
Sooyoung led her out of the room and stopped at the end of the corridor.
"You want me to act like our last conversation never happened?" Sooyoung question and Yuri looked at her, still a little pale.
"Can you?" Yuri asked in a trembling voice and her eyes filled with tears.
In response, she kissed her gently on the streams of the tears.
"Whatever you ask," Sooyoung whispered gently. And Yuri stick to her and buried her head on her shoulder.
"Thank you." Yuri let out quietly and her crying strengthened.

"So why Yuri turned pale?" Yoona asked Seohyun with raised eyebrows.
"I think she's really Fight with Sooyoung." Seohyun notes without taking eyes off the television.
"Yes?" Hyoyeon asked and sat down on Yoona.
"I think it had to do with Jessica." Seohyun noted and shrugged.
"Jessica?" Yoona asked, wrinkling her forehead.
"Yuri love Jessica? She loved Jessica's attitude toward her?" Hyoyeon asked and Seohyun shrugged.
"Now I'm curious!" Taeyeon declared and moved to look at Seohyun in expectantly, "don't you have a clear answer?"
"No, I have not." Seohyun replied without interest and continues to look at the TV show.
"So how would we find the answer?" Taeyeon asked Sunny excitedly.
Sunny thought for a second and Hyoyeon leaned back on Yoona.
"What about a game of Truth or Dare?" Sunny offered, and Hyoyeon .
"It's an idea!" Taeyeon exclaimed in surprise, and Yoona pushed Hyoyeon above.
"But I was comfortable!" Hyoyeon calls in protest and Yoona shrugs.

"Yoona, Hyoyeon, are you alive?" The front door opens and Jessica calls.
"No! I have been murdered!" Hyoyeon calls and stood jumping.
"Yoona please accept my condolences, indeed a great loss." Jessica said sarcastically from the entrance.
She went inside and Tiffany behind her quietly.
"Oh, Tiffany is here too?" Yoona asked lightly and hurried to her cousin.
Hyoyeon Contrast to Yoona raised her eyebrows, went to Jessica and pulled her to the corner of the room.
"Didn't I tell you last time don't bring her with you?" Hyoyeon asked with raised eyebrows.
"Didn't I hang up the last time I talked with you?" Jessica asked coldly in response.
Jessica raised her eyebrows and just walked away back to Tiffany who stood at the entrance ignoring Yoona, dealing with wire torn off her shirt.
"Fany-ah," Jessica said softly, and grabs her hand.
Tiffany blinks a few times, looks up, sees the expression of Hyoyeon behind Jessica, and blinks a few times again.
"Tiffany," Jessica says and Tiffany moves to look at her for a second.
Tiffany returns to look at who Hyoyeon looked at her frozen.

"Everything is all right Yuri-ah, everything is fine now." Sooyoung whispers gently her hair at a constant rate.
"Everything is okay now?" Yuri asks distractedly and Sooyoung kiss her forehead.
"Everything is fine now. You don't have to worry anymore." She whispers to her gently and Yuri cracks a tiny smile and nod.
"Now, should we return inside?" Sooyoung asks gently and Yuri nods again.
Sooyoung gently grabs her hand and leads her back to the room.
Sooyoung stops when she sees Jessica and Yuri freezes when she sees Tiffany.

Tiffany blinks a few times and rotating quickly in an attempt to avoid the hostile look, Releases the hand of Jessica.
She freezes when she sees Yuri and moves to chew her lips a little panicky.
"Yes, I knew you had to come alone." Hyoyeon grumbles and Tiffany glances around, losing the direction in which the exit is located.
"Shut your mouth now." Jessica shoots to Hyoyeon and Yoona rushes to face Tiffany and grab her both hands.
"Hyoyeon do not say such things." Yoona hums and tries to catch the eyes of Tiffany who stop moving from place to place.
"Tiffany." Yoona says carefully, Sooyoung rush to Tiffany, and grabs her in both arms. Yoona pushes gently back.
"Tiffany did not get away, okay?" Sooyoung says quickly and Tiffany opens her eyes without saying anything and trying to stay away from Sooyoung.
"Release her hands." Jessica says and just pulls the hands of Sooyoung from Tiffany.
Tiffany mumbled something unintelligible and just rushed out of the room, Jessica followed.
"You will go and apologize." Yoona set and looked reproachfully at Hyoyeon.

Tiffany went so quickly that she fell at least three times until she reached the front door, she put both hands on the handle of the door in purposely open it out but Jessica grabbed her before she did it.
Tiffany let out an involuntary scream and Jessica hurried to catch her ​​face gently.
Jessica's cold hands made ​​Tiffany cringe but a few seconds later it helped her think clearly.
"I beg you not to go." Jessica says Tiffany Return to move her gaze everywhere except Jessica's eyes.
"Fany-ah," Jessica said softly and Tiffany went to look at her.
"Everything is all right Tiffany." Jessica said in English and hugged her gently. "Don't be afraid."
"I want to go." Tiffany emitting about to cry and Jessica nods.
"I know, but stay still." She says gently and releases the embrace.
"I'm sorry. Hear me?" Hyoyeon grumbling behind, and Tiffany moves to look at her.
"Just a heartfelt apology." Jessica said sarcastically, trying to kick, Hyoyeon evasive and Jessica have missed.
"Come on," Jessica says softly, and grabs Tiffany hands, leads her back to the room.

"And she managed to get her back!" Taeyeon calls dramatically when Jessica comes with Tiffany. "Now can we play?" She asks, wide-eyed.
"Yes! Games! Ahead! Bottle! Move yourself Yoona! And bring a bottle!" Sunny calls with enthusiasm, and Taeyeon clapping happily.
Yoona muttered something unintelligible, sighed and got up to bring an empty bottle.
"What game?" Jessica muttered surprised and turned the question to Yuri who stubbornly ignored her.
"Truth or Dare." Sunny answers lightly instead of Yuri and Jessica sit on the floor without taking her eyes from Yuri.
"Truth or Dare?" Jessica asked skeptically and Sunny nodded quickly.
Tiffany She glanced around and sat down next to Jessica.
"So what yours wondering?" Sooyoung asked and sighs and Taeyeon laughs.
"We have a lot of them considering the events of the past." Taeyeon explains lightly.
"Never stop wondering." Hyoyeon states and sits next Taeyeon who smiling a big smile.
"Our wondering is important." Sunny states and Taeyeon nods.

Sorry it takes me years to update;; hope you like it and continue to follow! > <

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Thea050713 #1
Chapter 14: Didn't you all notice their friendship are toxic.. all of them don't really care with one another. Most of the friends are selfish... I hope you can put some flashback so that we will know what's the reason y they have that kind of attitude. I hope you can make Tiffany die in this story... Since no1 try to help Tiffany and understand her.. even her cousin and friend sooyoung..only the strange Jessica will to help her.
Chapter 14: Tiffany start to feel jealous, no??
And Jessica??? hhmm, it's time for you to think about your feeling again towards Tiffany..
Please update more about JeTi moment, suki.. ^^
I almost forget about the last thing happen before this update.. ^^
Chapter 14: update soon please
Chapter 14: waw, jealous tiff
dont be jealous tiff, jessie is yours hahahahaha
Chapter 13: please update soon
I really miss this story of your Suki~~ :D
This is really a great update, I LOVE IT..!!!
She always be there every time Tiffany need someone to lean on..
She kept her promises just to take care and be with Tiffany.. *sob*
My JeTI heart <3 <3 <3
Please be strong Tiffany, you should know and start to comeback to yourself again AND see that Jessica is always with you..
Thanks alot for the update, Suki~~
Have a great noon for you in there~~ ^_^
Chapter 13: Jessi the Hero :))

Mode on .
foramorabe #8
Chapter 12: jessie hero!!
Chapter 12: Gosh..!!! That was so close!!
It's pretty sure they way she feel so scared, worry, etc towards Tiffany.. She already blamed herself everytime Tiffany get hurt.. And to think about that,, I can't even imagine what will Jessica do if that guys start to something far than he already done towards Tiffany...

You get what you deserved, you stupid Jerk..!! You should thank Jessica cause of she still let you alive that night.. You didn't know what will happen to you if you goes with your hormone on Tiffany that night..

Everything will be alright Tiffany, that Jung will always be with you.. Especially when she already promised herself to take care of you, and be at your side everytime you need someone to lean on.. :)

Thanks a lot for updating, suki~~
I've fun to read the update.. ^^
FIGHTING..!!! ^^
Chapter 12: Heol~~ daebak!!