How did you know ?

" YOU ! Sorry .... It's of no use now. "
We managed to land in Singapore without anyome knowing of our appreance. Eunkwang Hyung already knows where she is. Just that... I'm the one that has to face her . Alone. Oh well , better than nothing . ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ Haewon's POV : Why do I have this nagging feeling in my gut today ? Like something big would happen soon ... Let's hope nothing happens .. I visited the old doctor my family used to go to coz I trust her . She told me to do some exercise . But not too vigorous activity. I liked dancing , so I decided to dance F(X) 's NU ABO since I knew it was not that vigorous ( well to me anyway ). Nanananananananananananannanananannanana~ I was dancing halfway when the doorbell rang . I quickly stashed the divorce paper somewhere as I took it out to have a look just now. It's really over for us now , Yook Sungjae , huh ? I gave a bitter smile. I opened the door . I seemed as surprised as the person at the door . " Youngji ? What are you doing here ? " I questioned her. " Actually , I came here to talk to you " I gave her a blank face . " Can I come in ? " I snapped out of it and let her in . " Here , have a cup of water. " I passed a cup of water to her. " Thanks . I really needed it. " I shifes uncomfortably in my seat when she spoke up . " sorry about that day .." She lookes guilty. I quickly accepted it , not wanting her to feel bad. " Actually , I'm here to tell you the truth. " Truth ? What truth ? " We never slept together . And .... I was with him , only for his money... I knew what I did was wrong , but I had no choice. My greed to spend was just too much . I.. had no choice but to use different tatics. " She nervously smiled. At this time , she still ha sthe cheek to smile ! I controlled my urge to slap her . " It wasn't a ' No choice ' situation , Jae Youngji . It was a ' What ever I want , I must have it situation . I'm disappointed buf I'm still happy that you told me the truth. " She opened wanting to say something but I silenced her with my hand . " Just go out. I can forgive you for now . Don't make me regret that you crashed my life and marriage . " She chuckled " You really don't know , do you ? " Know what ? I looked at her questionably . " He actually loves you , but is too blind to see so . " Is she nuts ? She must be crazy ! Yook Sungjae would not like a girl like me , let alone love me . How could that be possible ? " Once , when he was sleeping at my house , he hugged me , but called your name in my sleep. Then I totally gave up love for money. " How could taht be possible ? I answered her , trying to be defiant . " How do you knwo , then? " She smirked ." I know a lot of things. I know taht you're pregnant , and Yook must feel guilty for letting you bear the pain by yourself when he took your ty when he was drunk. Oh ! And afraid to lose you. He doesn't want you near me in case I hurt you because he knows I always have a swiss knife in my back pocket. I'm not gonna kill you or danger you. I've given up on him. I know he signed the divorce paper so there's no use covering. I hope you both live a happy life . " she opened the door just to see someone she didn't want to meet . " Yook Sungjae ? " He seemed surprised to see Youngji at the door instead of Haewon , so he immediately panicked and grabbes Youngji's shoulders . " You beter tell me wherw is ahe before I brrak your neck . " Haewon looked at Sungjae. She never seen thsi side of him before menacing , ferocious , threatening . She finds him scary ... She plucked up her courage . If he was reacting like tjis because of worrying about her , then she may not mind. But that means Youngji's words were correct. She wanted to speak , but she felt frozen. He came all the way from Korea , just for me ? " She's over there. Take care or your woman . " Youngji threw a wink at you and invited herself out. She spluttered when he came closer " H-how ... When-n ? " He then dropped to his knees . " Sungjae , what are you doing ? " He then slapped himself , muttering. God , it hurt her to see him in this state. She gently held his hands , making him stop. " Why are you slapping yourself ? " She questioned him . " Because i am a jerk , but I want you. " You threw him a surprised look . Well , that was kind of unexpected. You kneel down with him and slapped herself the same way as him until he stopped her. Now , he asked her the same question she askes him . , "Why are you slapping yourself ? " She answered . "Because I am not a good wife before , to you . " He held her hand in one of his , the other gebtly caressing the side of Haewon's face . " I should be the one apologising. I left you in pain. You should hate me , even I know yhat you don't . Why didn't you tell me I took your innocence by force when I was drunk ? " . How did he know ? " and you are now pregnant , with my baby . " Snap .Snap .Snap. Sungjae heard noises . " I'm sorry ... " He grabbed her and kissed her.II'm sorry Haewon ... this is what I can do ... I love you , realising only after Youngji told me off the other day to leave you. I couldn't do it , I was a coward , and I didn't realise my feelinhs until you lwft and the Hyungs' knocked some sense into me. Don't leave me, or even , please ddon't kill the baby . It is something we share . Even if I didn't give you good memories , let's make new and happy memories . Tears were streaking down Sungjae's face as he continued kissing Haewon. However , what they didn't know is that , taht very paparazzi heard everything since Youngji went into your house.....
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Wonderful! I love this. c:
AngelGirls #2
Nice story ^^
ilabya6 #3
Buzzypink #4
Chapter 9: How long dose it take to update I am dieing enre
LadyRyumi #5
Chapter 9: Omg, please update as soon as possible
This is getting so interesting that i wanna know what happens next badly~
minnieforeverexo #6
Chapter 7: ok i am waitting but pls amke it longer
mel_0229 #7
Chapter 7: update please !!!!
exobap123123123 #8
Chapter 7: Please Updateeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
minnieforeverexo #9